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Featured Japan told U.S. it opposes South Korea joining G7, in move likely to anger Seoul


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Japan told U.S. it opposes South Korea joining G7, in move likely to anger Seoul

JUN 28, 2020

WASHINGTON – Tokyo has told Washington it opposes a suggestion by U.S. President Donald Trump to add Seoul to the Group of Seven summit, diplomatic sources said, in a move likely to further chill already frozen ties with South Korea.

The message, in which Tokyo claimed Seoul is out of lockstep with G7 members on Chinese and North Korean issues, was conveyed by a high-level Japanese government official immediately after Trump on May 30 broached the idea of inviting Australia, India, Russia and South Korea to this year’s summit. The U.S. leader is due to preside over the summit later this year.

The diplomatic sources said the Japanese official was told by the U.S. side that any final decision on the issue would rest with Trump.

The revelation that Japan expressed opposition to South Korea’s participation is likely to upset Seoul, which has welcomed Trump’s offer. It could further sour Tokyo-Seoul ties already overshadowed by disputes over wartime history and other issues.

On a TV program Sunday, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi echoed Tokyo’s opposition to Trump’s suggestion.

“It’s very important to keep the G7 framework itself, and I believe this is an overall consensus,” he said.

For Japan, South Korea’s inclusion would mean losing its status as the sole Asian member of the G7, which also brings together Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and the United States plus the European Union.

Trump has suggested that he wants to expand the G7 because he believes the current membership does not properly represent the global situation and is “very outdated.”

Trump was also quoted as telling South Korean President Moon Jae-in during phone talks earlier in June that he may also invite Brazil, with the expanded group to be called either the “G11” or “G12,” according to the South Korean presidential office.

According to the sources, the high-level Japanese official pointed to the Moon administration’s perceived pro-China policy as problematic, apparently with the Trump administration’s current confrontational approach to China in mind.

The Moon administration has also striven to boost inter-Korean relations. The Trump administration has not budged from its stance of maintaining sanctions on Pyongyang during talks to denuclearize North Korea, which have been stalled for months.

According to the sources, the Japanese government has refrained from publicly expressing its opposition to South Korea’s participation, thinking that Trump’s G7 expansion proposal may be just “a thought” that might fizzle out.

Japan’s top government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said at a news conference on June 1 that the G7 is an “important framework” for coordination in tackling global challenges.

Asked whether the U.S. government had informed Japan of Trump’s G7 expansion plan, Suga said, “I will refrain from speaking about the details, but Japan and the United States are engaged in close communication.”

Members such as Canada, meanwhile, have expressed opposition to Russia’s return to the forum. Russia, which was a member of the Group of Eight, was dropped from the framework following the international outcry over its annexation of Crimea in 2014.

“We thought Japan does not need to lead the opposition (on this issue),” one of the sources said.

Trump has been unclear on exactly when he plans to hold the G7 summit after postponing it from June. He said on May 30 that it could take place in September or even after the November presidential election.

While it is up to the holder of the rotating G7 presidency to decide which countries to invite as guests to the summit, changing the format on a permanent basis would require the consent of all members.

Japan would not object to South Korea merely taking part in an outreach session of the G7 meeting, the sources said.

japan was one of the worst colonial power of their times during 2nd world war,they altered culture of koreans and forced them to embrace Japanese culture and not allowed them even to use non Japanese names,now they seem peaceful but infact they have no other choice left after they got nuked by u.s,korea future rest with having good relation with china who never colonized any country in history and are very friendly and loving nation
What is G7 now?

- World's biggest economies: no
- World's most developed countries: no
- world's most advanced technologically: no
- world's most powerful financially: no
- World's most powerful militarily: no

the G7 in it's current form is indeed absolutely useless, it is not a grouping of the largest economies (for example Canada's GDP is a very small fraction of that of China), and from a political point of view it is useless because all of it's members are already allies/stooges of the US so the US doesn't really need to have any meeting with them.
the US meeting with Australia & Canada is exactly the same as the US meeting with itself!
the only good addition is India, because India isn't a stooge or even a 100% ally of the US, India always remained neutral between Russia & the US having good relations with both of them, most people say the addition of India is aimed at China, I believe it is aimed at both China & Russia, they hope to distance India from Russia, most of the time India's relation with China has been bad so in this regard this is nothing new, the only danger is that India would become an enemy of Russia too, personaly I highly doubt that India would become an enemy of Russia since even now the Russians gladly sell weapons to India but who knows.. there are no permanent enemies or friends only permanent interests.
the G7 in it's current form is indeed absolutely useless, it is not a grouping of the largest economies (for example Canada's GDP is a very small fraction of that of China), and from a political point of view it is useless because all of it's members are already allies/stooges of the US so the US doesn't really need to have any meeting with them.
the US meeting with Australia & Canada is exactly the same as the US meeting with itself!
the only good addition is India, because India isn't a stooge or even a 100% ally of the US, India always remained neutral between Russia & the US having good relations with both of them, most people say the addition of India is aimed at China, I believe it is aimed at both China & Russia, they hope to distance India from Russia, most of the time India's relation with China has been bad so in this regard this is nothing new, the only danger is that India would become an enemy of Russia too, personaly I highly doubt that India would become an enemy of Russia since even now the Russians gladly sell weapons to India but who knows.. there are no permanent enemies or friends only permanent interests.

India won't become part of G7, unless west makes investments that would make its gdp per capita on par with G7. So anything hurting Russia, don't expect india will do it anyway.
The United States destroyed Japan's great East Asia dream and slaughtered 3 million Japanese.
Japan and America are not brothers
Japan wants to keep its exclusive honorary White man status.

They would settle for dog status just as long as their master pets and protect them.

US castrated Japan, Japan may never recover and become a normal country again.

The USA castrated the japs so the japs replaced it with tentacles...
So despite the atrocities they committed against the Koreans, they won't apologize or even recognize their wrong doing but the USA who nuked them and have subsequently enslaved them they have no problem with.
So despite the atrocities they committed against the Koreans, they won't apologize or even recognize their wrong doing but the USA who nuked them and have subsequently enslaved them they have no problem with.

Pretty much all Asians except Chinese and Koreans are like that. For the most egregious examples look no further than Vietnamese baby boomers. US didn't do much to North Vietnam, never had boots there, most of their atrocities were against South Vietnamese civilians, yet South Vietnamese refugees in the US absolutely adore Trump and Republicans.

Meanwhile Republican presidents Nixon and Ford later abandoned South Vietnam to it's fate to add insult to injury.
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