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Japan PM visits War Criminals Shrine


Dec 12, 2010
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Japan PM Shinzo Abe visited Japanese War Criminals Shrines, honoring the Japanese War Criminals who had gratuitously killed, raped and massacred millions of innocent Chinese Women and Children including thousands of babies during the brutal occupation of Mandchuria and China in the 30's and 40's. What would happene if there was a similar shrine in Germany honoring the War cobntribution of Hitler, Rommel, Klaus Barbie etc? What woudl happen if Merkel visitedshcu shrine and paid tribute to Hitler. There would have been a world condemnation and outraged from France, Israel, Poland, the US etc. But Japanese PM honring similar even worst War Criminals does not revolt the West. The West even encourage Japan to do so, as if all these Chinese and Koreans killed, tortured and raped by the Japanese Imperial War Crimnals were not human beings, just dogs and slaves. This mean that the racist whites still consider Chinese as Coolies and maids, not human beings who deserve respect. Shame on you Obama, the Nobel Peace Winner who is ordering US drones to kill innocent women and children in Pakistan and Yemen.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits Yasukuni shrine honouring war dead | Mail Online
Shinzo Abe visit does not help Japan one bit. His action only provides China the opportunity to remind Japan to learn from history, push S Korea closer to China make US pivot to Asia more difficult.

I do not think anyone even for a moment will believe Japan will ever sincerely apologize sincerely for WW2 atrocities.

If Abenomics fails, Japan will only decline further in future. China will become even more important to United States.
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