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Japan Launches Newer Cheaper Rocket


Aug 14, 2013
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Japan Launches New, Cheaper Rocket - ABC News

Japan Launches New, Cheaper Rocket

TOKYO September 14, 2013 (AP)

Japan launched a new rocket Saturday that it hopes will be a cheaper and more efficient way of sending satellites into space.

The three-stage Epsilon lifted off from a space center on Japan's southern main island of Kyushu, following a two-week postponement. An earlier launch last month was aborted 19 seconds before a planned liftoff due to a computer glitch.

The liftoff was broadcast live on television networks, with footage showing a white, pencil-shaped rocket shot into the sky from the launch pad after spurting gray smoke and orange flash.

The Epsilon is the first new rocket design for Japan since the H2A was introduced in 2001. The H2A remains Japan's primary rocket but officials hope the Epsilon will lead to improvements in the more costly H2A program. Japan hopes to be more competitive in the international rocket-launching business.

The rocket was to carry the SPRINT-A, the first space telescope designed to observe other planets.

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, said the Epsilon costs about 3.8 billion yen ($40 million), one-third the cost of the H2A. The rocket is about 24 meters (80 feet) tall, half the size of the H2A, and can be assembled and readied for launch in just one week, one-sixth of the time required for the H2A.

The Epsilon rocket, which uses a solid-fuel propellant, is meant to expand the scope of space missions Japan hopes to perform. It also streamlines the launch process.

JAXA says the rocket's extensive use of computer technology means monitoring work that once required a full-staff control room can be done essentially on a single laptop.

Lowering the hurdles to space

As part of our research on the next-generation solid propellant rocket, we plan to reduce the cost by a third of that for the former M-V Launch Vehicle. However, we are not only thinking about cost reductions. Our ultimate goal is to lower hurdles to space by developing a space transportation system suitable for a new age and by making rocket launches much simpler. Additionally, we will be able to meet the wide range of demands for rocket launches by operating the H-IIA and H-IIB Launch Vehicles as well.

Innovation of the launch system

For the next-generation solid fuel rocket, we plan to reform the launch system and improve the operation performance to the highest global standard by utilizing innovative ideas far beyond a simple combination of existing technologies. For example, we will reduce the time needed for the operation of ground facilities and launches to about one fourth of the time required for the M-V Launch Vehicle. To do this, we will make the vehicle perform checks onboard and autonomously and reduce the time required for operations on the ground. Ultimately, through internet, we will be able to check and control rockets anywhere in the world simply by using a laptop computer. We are planning to realize the world, where the launch control system is not necessarily at the launch site anymore. Such an innovative concept for a new solid propellant rocket will become a good model for future launch systems involving a liquid fuel rocket.

Making rocket launches as simple as daily events

Currently, onboard equipment is custom made to suit each rocket. Assuming that the rocket was a personal computer, onboard equipment for the rocket would correspond to the computer peripherals and are unique to that specific rocket. For our new rocket, we are aiming as much as possible to develop onboard equipment that can be shared with a family of rockets. For example, we are thinking of connecting onboard equipment through a high-speed network. Hence, if we use common interfaces on them, we can freely add or change equipment, or even put them on a different rocket just like computer peripherals. In other words, launching the rocket is just like using a computer. The launch of the rocket will become much easier, just like daily events. This dream era, where we can become much closer to space, is only a few steps away.

JAXA | Epsilon Launch Vehicle
So they dont want to waste money on CHEAP NEIGHBOR COUNTRY :rofl::rofl:

Please don't derail thread with such immense technological advancement with cheap remarks .

Your valuable comments towards significance of this launch are welcome ....but not trolling !

You can go somewhere else if you are looking for China -bashing ....

Dont troll....... a comment which was not required.. Do not derail threads.

Thanks ....we must stop these trollers . They ruin all good threads by spewing their venom of hatred around !

This launch marks new chapter in Space science ! I was surprised to size of launch vehicle ....

It is much smaller and compact . As per Japanese ....it has potential to make Rocket launch as easy as driving car .....

That's just great .....rocket launches are getting dehyphenated .....easier .....cheaper ...!!!
Give me a break. It's a puny little rocket with a payload of 1,000 kg LEO.
Take a break and find out how much it costs to place a payload of 1000 kg in orbit .
What is the cost per 1kg? Based on Epsilon rocket $40mil per 1,000kg of . It costs $40,000 per 1kg. Am I right?

Nobody would beat China when it come to launching rocket into space, period.


And this is our old launcher. The new Long March 6 would be much lower cost than Long March 3
Officially it a cheap space launch vehicle. In reality its a Ballistic Missile.
Officially it a cheap space launch vehicle. In reality its a Ballistic Missile.

Japan doesn't need a ballistic missile (atleast a long range one) ... why should they bother about hitting Xinjiang, when Beijing needs only an SRBM and Shanghai atmost an MRBM.
Japan doesn't need a ballistic missile (atleast a long range one) ... why should they bother about hitting Xinjiang, when Beijing needs only an SRBM and Shanghai atmost an MRBM.

Gansu/Xijiang are where some chinese nukes and ICBMs are housed. As an island nation, Japan is utterly screwed in a ballistic missile exchange.
Officially it a cheap space launch vehicle. In reality its a Ballistic Missile.

In the video it clearly shows the satellite being placed in the payload section of the rocket .

But imo , with some modifications they can easily transform it into a BM .
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