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Jagran_II Hydropower Project -- 48 MW


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
Jagran_II Hydropower Project -- 48 MW is run-of-the-river scheme #under_construction on the Jagran Nullah, a tributary of River Neelum. This project will contribute 162.24 GWh energy to National Grid annually. This project falls in the middle of cascade that is in making on Nullah Jagran, i.e. 30.4 MW Jagran – I Hydropower Project falls upstream whereas, 35 MW Jagran – III hydropower project downstream of this project.

The Jagran I & II are under public sector whereas, the Jagran – III hydropower project will be a private sector project.

The project is being financed by Power Development Organization AJ&K. FWO is undertaking civil works of the project which includes Weir structure, De-sander, 5Km tunnels, Surge Tank, Vertical Shafts and a Power house. Presently work is in full swing on all components of the project simultaneously & 1.85 km tunnel works have been completed. The expected completion date is Dec, 2021.

These small hydropower projects can keep our country illuminated in war times because enemy does not possess capability to threat the small production sources of Pakistan. Also the production capacity installed in the depth of Pakistan will make the NTDC able to supply 1-2 hour of electricity per day for people to recharge their water storages etc..
Its Jagran-II Hydro-power Project.
Jagran-I is already Operational.........
Prime Minister AJ&K Raja Farooq Haider visited Jagran Hydropower Project (JHPP-II) on 25 September 2020.
During the visit, on site brief of the project and latest progress was given to him by FWO officials.

Prime Minister AJ&K was impressed with quality and speed of ongoing work and appreciated the work done by FWO & other JV partners (CNTIC, BITC & HMC).

JHPP-II is a 48 MW hydroelectric power project of Government of AJ&K having total cost Rs 6.7 billion. Work on the project commenced in October 2016 and it will be completed in June 2022 Inshallah.



Jagran-II Hydropower Project - 48MW

Under Construction civil works including weir , 5 km long tunnels , Surge Tank , Vertical Shafts and a Power house.

Currently, work is being done simultaneously on different segments of the project which is expected to be completed by 2022


Under construction Jagran-II HPP after snow fall.



Jagran river is a tributary of Neelum River, which confluences with it at Kundal Shahi in AJ&K. A number of hydropower schemes have been identified on Jagran River out of which JHPP-I (30.4 MW) is operational and JHPP-II (48 MW) is under construction by FWO-HMC-CNTIC-BITC JV. The project is being financed by Power Development Organization AJ&K. FWO is undertaking civil works of the project which includes Weir structure, De-sander, 5Km tunnels, Surge Tank, Vertical Shafts and a Power house.

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