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Nov 22, 2017
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Oct 26, 2018


The Lander Actuator Performance Test (LAPT) is one of the crucial tests required to be demonstrated for a successful soft and safe landing of Vikram (Chandrayaan-2 Lander). To carry out this test, an LAPT module which is a scaled down version of Vikram with all the required hardware was realised for testing in Earth environment. The reason for the scaling down is to compensate the effect of Earth’s gravity as compared to Moon’s gravity and to match the thrust generation of sea level Liquid Engines as compared to flight engines which will operate in vacuum environment. The module was tethered to a crane hook for conducting the test. To carry out this test, a special test facility was erected at ISRO Propulsion Complex, Mahendragiri.

The objective of the test was to assess the closed loop integrated performance of Sensors, Actuators and Navigation, Guidance & Control (NGC) and guidance algorithms below 100 m height. Three tests have been conceived as part of LAPT Phase-2 activities to demonstrate these objectives. First test was conducted to demonstrate Vertical Descent while second Test was conducted to demonstrate Hovering.

The third and final test was successfully conducted to demonstrate re-targeting in a Parabolic Trajectory, on 25th Oct 2018 at ISRO Propulsion Complex, Mahendragiri. This test demonstrated the capability of the NGC system of Vikram to meet the mission requirement of safe, soft and precise landing on the lunar surface by steering the module horizontally as well as vertically down to a pre-defined target. With this, all the tests have been completed successfully. This is a major milestone accomplished in Chandrayaan-2 Lander.


LAPT Module tethered to tower crane
It took ISRO 15 yeard to develop this. Students in my University would have done it in 2 and I am not even joking.
Which university? The last time I checked Canada doesnt even have a active ongoing space programme.
I went to UofT. Look it up. I am not trying to show off my Uni. All I am saying it took ISRO 10 Years since 2008 to work this lander + Rover project. This is basically a Uni level project. ISRO can do much better/faster than this.
I went to UofT. Look it up. I am not trying to show off my Uni. All I am saying it took ISRO 10 Years since 2008 to work this lander + Rover project. This is basically a Uni level project. ISRO can do much better/faster than this.
Lol.. bragging at best. University project? We are talking about soft landing which even ESA failed and crashed landed their rovers at Mars This is not micro satellite. Stop talking nonsense.
It took ISRO 15 yeard to develop this. Students in my University would have done it in 2 and I am not even joking.
Dude even Russia failed in this tech. They were supposed to provide the lander but they couldn't, then India decided to make its own in 2014.
I went to UofT. Look it up. I am not trying to show off my Uni. All I am saying it took ISRO 10 Years since 2008 to work this lander + Rover project. This is basically a Uni level project. ISRO can do much better/faster than this.

Is it some kind of a joke or a prank dude?
I went to UofT. Look it up. I am not trying to show off my Uni. All I am saying it took ISRO 10 Years since 2008 to work this lander + Rover project. This is basically a Uni level project. ISRO can do much better/faster than this.

U of T is a better university, no doubt, but you are over estimating the capability of a university research. Take this from a guy who is doing his grad studies in a similar university in US.
I went to UofT. Look it up. I am not trying to show off my Uni. All I am saying it took ISRO 10 Years since 2008 to work this lander + Rover project. This is basically a Uni level project. ISRO can do much better/faster than this.

My ex-mentor is professor from Carlton University and a visiting professor for uOttawa. He has worked on Canadian satellite missions before. He has worked on SCISAT and MOST satellite projects. He simply claimed CSA is nothing in-front of ISRO. He is Indian, of course. But the funding is poor and erratic. University students can at best send an experimental satellites with few kg for some applications. Its not easy but isnt tough either. UfT is good. But does it has the capacity to send a 2000kg lander and a rover? Nope.
My ex-mentor is professor from Carlton University and a visiting professor for uOttawa. He has worked on Canadian satellite missions before. He has worked on SCISAT and MOST satellite projects. He simply claimed CSA is nothing in-front of ISRO. He is Indian, of course. But the funding is poor and erratic. University students can at best send an experimental satellites with few kg for some applications. Its not easy but isnt tough either. UfT is good. But does it has the capacity to send a 2000kg lander and a rover? Nope.
Dude you are missing he point. Its not about UofT or Carlton. All I was trying to say is that it took ISRO 10 years to come up with a lander + rover project. Given the right funding and resources, a group of talented University students could have done it in lesser time.

It shouldn't take ISRO 10 years to build something that has been done since 1960s in US and Russia. The speed at which Spacex and other private companies are going, Government organizations like ISRO, NASA will be out of business soon.
Dude you are missing he point. Its not about UofT or Carlton. All I was trying to say is that it took ISRO 10 years to come up with a lander + rover project. Given the right funding and resources, a group of talented University students could have done it in lesser time.

It shouldn't take ISRO 10 years to build something that has been done since 1960s in US and Russia. The speed at which Spacex and other private companies are going, Government organizations like ISRO, NASA will be out of business soon.

Could have done it if ISRO's budget per year is around 4-5B dollars. But right now its only 2B.
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