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Israeli missile defense system fires it's own missiles unto Israeli city


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
IDF investigating Jordanian judge's death | The Times of Israel

Loud explosions echoed across Eilat early Tuesday morning, after two projectiles were mistakenly fired from an Iron Dome anti-missile battery stationed there.

The loud booms raised fears of rocket fire on the southern city and sent security forces scrambling to find the source of the fire.

However, an army spokesperson said that the explosions were from two Iron Dome anti-missile projectiles being accidentally fired at about 7:40 a.m.

Initial reports indicated that up to three Grad rockets were shot at the city, but the Israel Defense Forces said Eilat was not targeted.

An army spokesperson said that the Iron Dome battery, which only fires on command, was being checked.

Soldiers manning the batteries are instructed to err on the side of caution and fire if they think there may be a threat, Channel 10 reported.


Woops....Israel's own missiles even stand against the Israeli occupation ....:lol:
Holy cow on a cracker!! :woot: And what if they were nuke tipped????
If you guys read about the use of S-200 air defense system by USSR ,you'll see that your assumption was not always true

You idiot I didn't think that Indian was so pro Israeli occupation and didn't notice his sarcasm.

Trolololololo :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Go join the Israeli Likud Party you Al Qaeda exporting cowards ruining our Prophet's mosque and antiques while destroying Iraq, Syria, and now threatening Iran using all your resources against a fellow Muslim country rather than to prevent the Israeli occupation. All you sick cowards are good for is supporting military regimes with billions of dollars. I today condemn Khaled Mashasl for ruining our relations with Arab Syria over pressure from you devils, the Hamas military leadership stands with the resistance and Syria will defend itself from barbaric terrorists being sent by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is next it's time to get this Jewish tribe out of power.
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Could you provide information?

As the accuracy of early days SAMs were not upto the mark, so they had kiloton nuclear warhead fused with proximity sensors, which would detonate on being near to the target.
My fault @JEskandari and you, YZD confused me I thought that guy was trolling us.

Brother Please Correct two mistakes in Your Signature ( ولعزتو لله) is written like this ( والعزة لله)
and (الموت لي أعداء الله) is written like this (الموت لأعداء الله)
I am a Pakistani But still very good with the Formal Arabic Language which you call (اللغة العربية الفصحة) ;)
Hope u like it
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