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Israel to arm warships with Iron Dome system to protect gas reserves at sea


Oct 25, 2013
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The measure will be temporary, until new warships acquired in a deal with Germany arrive in 2019.
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) will install its successful Iron Dome missile defence system on warships protecting Israel's off-shore gas drilling platforms, a temporary measure until new warships acquired in a deal with Germany arrive.
Israel has huge and mostly untapped gas fields that cover some 23,000 square km (9,000 square miles) of sea, more than Israel's territory on land.
Israel's Ministry of Defense struck a 430-million Euro ($480-million) deal with Germany in May to purchase four warships to protect its natural gas platforms in the Mediterranean sea -- including the already operational Tamar site and the more extensive site which is currently being developed.
The military sees possible sea-borne or rocket threats to gas facilities from Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon and Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, making expanding the naval presence a priority for them.
A senior military official said that the gas platforms are currently protected by the navy's "Sa'ar 5" warships and are equipped with the Barak 1 missile defense system, Haaretzreports.
The new ships, which will be classified as "Sa'ar 6", are expected to arrive by 2019 and will feature the much more advanced Barak 8 missile system, the report said.


"Sa'ar 5 missile vessels of the Israeli Navy"

In the interim, the military will arm its current ships with batteries from its successful land-based Iron Dome missile defense system, which will be better able to protect Israel's off-shore drilling sites from potential attacks.
The Israeli Navy is planning to test launching Iron Dome interceptors from on-board a battleship in the near future, Haaretz reports.
Presently, the navy conducts routine patrols around the drilling sites and deploys a battleships to protect platforms during times of emergency.
The Navy will also bolster its aerial intelligence capabilities in the areas of the gas sites, and according to Haaretz, a senior military official says that the Navy's defence of the drilling sites will be "improved" by the time gas reserves at the new Levaithan site begin to be developed in 2020.


"Tamar gas field, Israel"


"Leviathan gas field in Israel will begin being developed in 2020"

Israel to arm warships with Iron Dome system to protect gas reserves at sea | i24news - See beyond
That report does not add up. As even saar 5 are being equipped with Barak 8 right now!!! So the rationale offered for waiting for saar 6 is not valid.
That report does not add up. As even saar 5 are being equipped with Barak 8 right now!!! So the rationale offered for waiting for saar 6 is not valid.
INS Lahav with MF-Star and Barak 8 forward of the bridge. I suspect the number of Barak-8 on the K130 corvette will be increased.

Anyway, the article states C-Dome is an interim, not a permanent, solution. And for current ships only.

"In the interim, the military will arm its current ships with batteries from its successful land-based Iron Dome missile defense system, which will be better able to protect Israel's off-shore drilling sites from potential attacks.

The Israeli Navy is planning to test launching Iron Dome interceptors from on-board a battleship in the near future, Haaretz reports."
Israel to arm warships with Iron Dome system to protect gas reserves at sea | i24news - See beyond

One Saar 5 is currently equipped with MF-Star and it may be that this ship will be used to test a variety of missile solutions.

The INS Lahav (Saar V class) corvette was upgraded with the MF-STAR ADIR phased array radar, providing the vessel a critical sensor for the defense of Israel’s offshore gas drilling rigs located in the EEZ, at the range of Gaza rockets and Hezbollah Yakhont anti-ship missiles. The Navy has recently successfully practiced air defense against those thraets, using BARAK I missiles. Future weapons, such as Barak 8, C-DOME and David’s Sling will provide more hermetic defense from such threats. Photo: Israel Navy
Intercept test validates Barak 8 air defense system maturity | Defense Update:

Or, there will be differences between the Saar 5 ships as far as modernization is concerned.
As for the radar planned for the service's three-ship Sa'ar-5 fleet, one — the INS Lahav — is already operational with the new Adir radar and Barak-8. However, the remaining two corvettes will either receive the same Adir/Barak-8 configuration as the new German-built Sa'ar-6s or the smaller ALPHA radar.

"There will be a new radar in all of our Sa'ar-5s, but the decision as to which radar has not been taken yet. It's a matter of budget," Shir said.
Israel Navy To Upgrade Combat Surface Fleet

The Saar72 is slated for Barak 8 too.
Sa'ar 72-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Incidentally, if you look up C-dome in wiki, it says "C-Dome will be used on the Israeli Navy's Sa'ar 6-class corvettes"
Iron Dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sa'ar 6-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israeli navy has a tradition of flexible weapons load out on it ships. It could well be that the new and/or upgraded ships will have launcher modularity, with 10 round C-Dome/Tamir interceptor launcher and 8 round Barak 8 launcher being interchageable. Or that the new ships will have BOTH (in seperate launchers) while the upgraded ships will have one or the other.


Not the VLU forward of the bridge (Barak 8?), but also the two white squares near the rear mast (C-Dome?)

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Anyway, the article states C-Dome is an interim, not a permanent, solution. And for current ships only.

Israel to arm warships with Iron Dome system to protect gas reserves at sea | i24news - See beyond

One Saar 5 is currently equipped with MF-Star and it may be that this ship will be used to test a variety of missile solutions.

Intercept test validates Barak 8 air defense system maturity | Defense Update:

Or, there will be differences between the Saar 5 ships as far as modernization is concerned.

Israel Navy To Upgrade Combat Surface Fleet

The Saar72 is slated for Barak 8 too.
Sa'ar 72-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Incidentally, if you look up C-dome in wiki, it says "C-Dome will be used on the Israeli Navy's Sa'ar 6-class corvettes"
Iron Dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sa'ar 6-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israeli navy has a tradition of flexible weapons load out on it ships. It could well be that the new and/or upgraded ships will have launcher modularity, with 10 round C-Dome/Tamir interceptor launcher and 8 round Barak 8 launcher being interchageable. Or that the new ships will have BOTH (in seperate launchers) while the upgraded ships will have one or the other.


Not the VLU forward of the bridge (Barak 8?), but also the two white squares near the rear mast (C-Dome?)

in wikipedia , it says that 3 saar 72 are currently in building but I dont know about any purchase made , any info regarding that
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