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Israel refuses Turkish offer to supply Gaza with electricity


Jun 1, 2012
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According to Israeli reports, Turkey has officially asked Israel to issue a permit for a Turkish ship carrying huge electricity generators to be stationed off the Gaza coast

Israel has refused a Turkish offer to send a floating power-generating ship to the Gaza coast to supply the coastal enclave with electricity, Arabs48 reported yesterday.

In the wake of the recent Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, Israel targeted the sole electricity plant in the Strip and massively damaged electricity infrastructure, Turkey offered to cover the electricity shortage.

According to Israeli reports, Turkey has officially asked Israel to issue a permit for a Turkish ship carrying huge electricity generators to be stationed off the Gaza coast.

Arabs48 reported Israeli security sources saying that specialists had found that the infrastructure in the Gaza Strip is not suitable for such a connection and that is why the Turkish offer was refused.

The same sources said that other ideas to solve the electricity crisis in Gaza were proposed, including mobile generators carried by trucks, but all were refused.

[Reminder that Gaza only enjoys electricity for 8h per day. This is part and parcel of the Israeli policy of keeping Gazans dependent on foreign aid. It's for this same reason that Israel has gobbled up Gaza's best lands for the purposes of maintaining that "buffer zone" and that, against international law, it keeps decreasing fishing area in Gaza's waters. - RFS]

Israel refuses Turkish offer to supply Gaza with electricity
You have no shame? Posting a thread where I absolutely demolished your silly conspiracy theories?
You just decided to spam irrelevant nonsense (where u shamelessly compared fire which killed no one to 9/11 attack which killed 3000 people). I asked you a simple question:

How all ur useless bla bla bla changes the fact that "destroyed plant" which needed "at least one year" is now miraculously became operational?

You swallowed ur propagandist tongue.
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What do you mean?

Let me tell what i know.

Karadeniz Enerji Group send two ships to Pakistan. Deal was to to supply Pakistan with 232kw electrical power but ships never supplied more than 50kw.

These ships runs with natural gas and Pakistan was obliqued to supply fuel. But they didn't supply enough fuel so ships couldn't produce the necessary power.

At the start of the project Pakistan gave 80$ million as advance. When ships couldn't produce 232kw (which wasn't our side's fault). Pakistanis wanted their advance-payment money back. The amount they requested was $230 million (with interests).

So issue moved to international court. Court decision was Pakistan was at fault and Karadeniz Enerji complied with the deal. Karedeniz enerji paid back $19 million (unused part of the advancement) and tried to get back to Turkey.

But Pakistan blocked the ships, and didn't let to set sail. Ships detained more than a year then finally let them leave. Because of staying idle in Pakistan, Company sued Pakistan with a hefty amount of money. That case is still in the court.

Zorlu Energy Group also built a Wind Turbine in Pakistan and they faced with similar difficulties. Turkish companies says, "Pakistan is a friendly and brother country but it is very difficult to do business there, because of the corruption"
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How all ur useless bla bla bla changes the fact that "destroyed plant" which needed "at least one year" is now miraculously became operational?

Learn to write English - I can barely make sense of your trash. I will respond to the one thing that I could understand - that my post lacked relevance. A picture of the plant catching fire is very much of relevance. It is, after all, definite material proof that you were bulshitting in your original post. That some official (for political reasons? to attract greater sympathy?) at first estimated that the damage was worse than it turned out to be, does not, in any way, imply that the plant did not come under attack from Israel, especially when one bears in mind the double fact that we have a damn picture of the plant catching fire, and that the Nazi thugs you call an army did not deny shelling it. Considering that the Israeli armed forces have a habit of trying to deny to the Western press having done stuff that they did do (this, for example), we should agree that by not-denying attacking the plant, the IDF is tacitly admitting to shelling it, and is not very troubled about it. In sum, the only one who has ever tried to deny that Israel attacked that plant was you. Both the plant's management and the IDF say and/or do not deny that it was the IDF attacked the plant. Only a nobody on the internet did.

Just one more thing: When I choose to to reply your oligophrenic shit posts, you should know, it's not because I lack arguments. It's because I know that no argument will ever satisfy you. You're a dumb person. As seen just above, you don't know how logic works; you can't even tell evidence from mere statements apart. For the most part I avoid your posts because I know that nothing reasonable ever comes from it. There.
Learn to write English - I can barely make sense of your trash. I will respond to the one thing that I could understand - that my post lacked relevance. A picture of the plant catching fire is very much of relevance. It is, after all, definite material proof that you were bulshitting in your original post. That some official (for political reasons? to attract greater sympathy?) at first estimated that the damage was worse than it turned out to be, does not, in any way, imply that the plant did not come under attack from Israel, especially when one bears in mind the double fact that we have a damn picture of the plant catching fire, and that the Nazi thugs you call an army did not deny shelling it. Considering that the Israeli armed forces have a habit of trying to deny to the Western press having done stuff that they did do (this, for example), we should agree that by not-denying attacking the plant, the IDF is tacitly admitting to shelling it, and is not very troubled about it. In sum, the only one who has ever tried to deny that Israel attacked that plant was you. Both the plant's management and the IDF say and/or do not deny that it was the IDF attacked the plant. Only a nobody on the internet did.

Just one more thing: When I choose to to reply your oligophrenic shit posts, you should know, it's not because I lack arguments. It's because I know that no argument will ever satisfy you. You're a dumb person. As seen just above, you don't know how logic works; you can't even tell evidence from mere statements apart. For the most part I avoid your posts because I know that nothing reasonable ever comes from it. There.
Again senseless babbling. Your picture (where u shamelessly compared fire which killed no one to 9/11 attack) prove nothing, except your disrespect to 3000 innocent people murdered by your terrorist friends. Several gallons of fuel is enough to cause strong smoke and fire. We never saw any pictures of damaged turbines or other equipment.

I asked you a simple question: how is possible that "destroyed" power plant miraculously repaired after about one month? You could not answer, since your beloved Palestinians LIED.

Thats typical example how Palestinian propaganda works: they invent some lie about the Israeli crimes, their lying claims appear in all news headlines. After a month we find out that they lied, but this wont appear in any news. The propaganda job is done.

Anyhow, since power plant is miraculously repaired 3 month ago there is no any need in this power plant.

Modern Warsaw Ghetto, only in reverse. Damnation of history.
Gaza lives better than most of the third world countries.

First one retard compared fire which killed no one to murder of 3000 people.

Now another retard is comparing ghetto where were starved to death and later murdered hundreds of thousands innocent people to Gaza.
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It's funny considering that Turkey was one of Israel's best friends in the past.
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