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Israel bars AESA radar export to India

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Israel bars AESA radar export to India

The Israeli defence ministry has blocked the potential export sale of Israel Aerospace Industries' EL/M-2052 active electronically scanned array radar to a number of countries, with its action having an immediate impact on the Indian market.

The restrictions were imposed following pressure from the US administration, which has outlined its concerns to Israel several times in the past two years.

Washington's position is driven by an assumption that exporting IAI's advanced radar would undermine the sale of US-made systems on the international stage, sources say.

At one stage, Saab had considered offering the EL/M-2052 as part of its Gripen NG proposal for the Indian air force's medium multi-role combat aircraft requirement, but instead opted for Selex Galileo's ES05 Raven AESA.

IAI had also viewed the Indian Aeronautical Development Agency's Tejas light combat aircraft as a potential candidate for the AESA radar. The modular design weighs 130-180kg (286-397lb) and consumes 4-10kVA, depending on the design configuration, and has built-in growth potential, the company says.

Developed by IAI's Elta Systems subsidiary, the EL/M-2052 uses an array of solid-state transmit/receive modules designed to dynamically shape the radiation pattern using an ultra-low side-lobe antenna.

It can perform simultaneous multi-mode operations, detecting airborne threats and supporting navigation and mapping, by producing high-resolution synthetic aperture radar imagery.

The sensor can detect and track up to 64 airborne targets from long range, and enable a pilot to engage several simultaneously using air-to-air missiles, IAI says. The sensor can also provide long-range target detection, classification and tracking in the anti-ship role.

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When did India wanted El/M-2052? According to initial reports we thought it will be 2052 for LCA and Mirage upgrades but later it was found that it has 2032 antenna only with also DRDO developing AESA for LCA mk II.
God damn yanks at it again hope MRCA goes the Euro way
When did India wanted El/M-2052? According to initial reports we thought it will be 2052 for LCA and Mirage upgrades but later it was found that it has 2032 antenna only with also DRDO developing AESA for LCA mk II.

2032 for MK1, but MK2 was to get at least a co-developed AESA possibly based on 2052, but I expected that something like this will happen (although the article does not say that it is restricted for India too). There were several hints that the radar had US parts and that's why they could pressure Israel not to provide it for Gripen NG.
That might also be a reason why we didn't go for a AESA co-development with IAI right away, but opened a competition instead.

Am praying since mmrca starts that for heaven sake amerikan planes should be Bar from enterning final stages,btw if euro/rafale contains any US equipments??
i doubt thats the case. israel has a history of deny things in the media and fooling the world. We saw this before the six day war, when israel posted its soldiers enjoying the sun. next thing you know, YOM KIPPUR. besides if they can give india their phalcon awacs, i see no point in placing a bar on a decent radar. i mean, india provides them with a very big market
We should give ELTA stern warning...

"Do not play American Football with us..You will only loose"

I see this a clear golden opportunity for France..they can chip in..

---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

i doubt thats the case. israel has a history of deny things in the media and fooling the world. We saw this before the six day war, when israel posted its soldiers enjoying the sun. next thing you know, YOM KIPPUR. besides if they can give india their phalcon awacs, i see no point in placing a bar on a decent radar. i mean, india provides them with a very big market

No if big daddy says no, then its a no, like arrow deal..
When did India wanted El/M-2052? According to initial reports we thought it will be 2052 for LCA and Mirage upgrades but later it was found that it has 2032 antenna only with also DRDO developing AESA for LCA mk II.

Exactly.. ADA never considered 2052 for Tejas even ELTA pitched heavily from 2005 onwards..If they do, we have been witnessed a LSP-5 with AESA.
oh yes you guys are rite lrde was scouting for a partner to develop aesa .and 2052 was never fixed as aesa for mk2
It is not a a zero sum game with the US. They the US are providing plenty of arms that were never available to India. It's a bit of a stretch to get all riled up over a single piece of technology . Besides India has alternative technologies, advanced AWACS too...

India refused NPT agreement and yet the US came with civilian nuclear deal in hand. all I'm saying, is that there no need to go overboard with this...
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