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Israel arrests 4-year-old


Jun 1, 2012
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Israeli forces raid home to arrest 4-year-old, dad says | The Electronic Intifada


Does the child pictured above look like a danger to you?

He does to Israeli occupation forces in Jerusalem who woke him up in the middle of the night intending to arrest him, his dad says.

Milk and diapers
The Wadi Hilweh Information Center reports today in Arabic:

Amid their frenzied campaign of arresting children in Jerusalem, Israeli forces raided the home of Zine al-Majid in the Saadia area of the Old City last week in order to arrest his son Muhammad, who is four years old.

The boy’s father told Wadi Hilweh Information Center:

“A big force raided our house at dawn on Thursday, and demanded to know the names of my children. So I told them and they said, ‘we have an arrest order for Muhammad.’ I was shocked and asked one of them if he was sure. Muhammad is only four years old! But the officer was not convinced and asked me to wake him up, and after he saw him he backed down from carrying out the arrest.

The father added: “I told the officer, ‘you want to arrest him; should I send milk and diapers with him?’”

He said that the officer questioned him about his son and his son’s friends and if he was in the neighborhood, under the pretext that an Israeli settler had been injured. He threatened to summon and interrogate the child if the accusations were established.

Targeting children
While Israeli detention of children so young is infrequent, it is not unprecendented.

Last year, in the village of Kufr Qaddoum Israeli occupation forces attempted to arrest Mo’men Shtayeh who was two-and-a-half years old.

More often, occupation forces target children who are just a little bit older. A harrowing video of Israeli occupation forces arresting several boys in Hebron earlier this year gave a glimpse into the everyday violence faced by Palestinian children living under Israeli military rule.

And Muslim Odeh, profiled by The Electronic Intifada last year, had been arrested 10 times and physically abused by Israeli occupation forces.

His age? Twelve.

Human rights organizations, including B’Tselem, report that Palestinian children are routinely tortured and habitually threatened with rape by their Israeli captors, among other horrifying abuses.

Settler invasion
Odeh, like little Muhammad al-Majid, lives in the eastern occupied Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, whose inhabitants are being systematically pushed out by government-backed settlers in order to build more Jewish-only colonies.

Israeli occupation forces frequently accuse Palestinian children of throwing stones at the settlers or occupation forces.

In February 2012, occupation forces destroyed a newly completed community center, described as “the only place for children in Silwan.”

As Israel continues its effort to drive Jerusalemites out of their city, even the children who bear the brunt of its violence are determined to stay.

Tayma Fteiheh, 13, a Silwan schoolgirl who writes rap songs, described what life was like for children in the area in a recent video from Defense for Children International – Palestine Section (DCI).

All the houses here are under threat of demolition [by Israel] so that the settlers can build a park for their children,” Tayma said. “They want to throw Palestinian families on the streets so that they can build parks for their own children.”

“My dream is like the dream of any Palestinian kid,” she added. “It is to live in safety and not in the shadow of colonization, and not to feel crushed every time I leave the house.”

For children like four-year-old Muhammad al-Majid, there is no safety even inside their houses, as Israeli occupation forces can invade any time of day or night.

As of 30 September, 179 Palestinian children were imprisoned and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system, according to DCI.
So we have UNCONFIRMED ridicolous claim that Israelis TRIED to arrest that boy. For some mysterious reason they did not arrest him although tried :lol:

But RFS_clown claims he was arrested.
If the news is true then i hope no force has to ever stoop so low that they've to knock somebody's door at midnight with an arrest warrant for a 4yr old.
Its hilarious actually.How could they get such a warrant in the first place.???:lol:
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Maybe they arrested the parents and no relatives to leave him with?
Maybe they arrested the parents and no relatives to leave him with?

No the force had gone there with a warrant to arrest Muhammad,the 4yr old.
see this part of the report...

"“A big force raided our house at dawn on Thursday, and demanded to know the names of my children. So I told them and they said, ‘we have an arrest order for Muhammad.’ I was shocked and asked one of them if he was sure. Muhammad is only four years old! But the officer was not convinced and asked me to wake him up, and after he saw him he backed down from carrying out the arrest."
No the force had gone there with a warrant to arrest Muhammad,the 4yr old.
see this part of the report...

"“A big force raided our house at dawn on Thursday, and demanded to know the names of my children. So I told them and they said, ‘we have an arrest order for Muhammad.’ I was shocked and asked one of them if he was sure. Muhammad is only four years old! But the officer was not convinced and asked me to wake him up, and after he saw him he backed down from carrying out the arrest."
Maybe someone used his name?
But he wasnt arrested,so bs tittle.
If the news is true then i hope no force has to ever stoop so low that they've to knock somebody's door at midnight with an arrest warrant for a 4yr old.
Its hilarious actually.How could they get such a warrant in the first place.???:lol:

Of course it's true, Al Qaeda ease the JEW colonization by attacking everybody
Maybe someone used his name?
But he wasnt arrested,so bs tittle.

Yaa possible possibility.

Of course it's true, Al Qaeda ease the JEW colonization by attacking everybody

I would not have believed the atrocity till i saw the video.Why would they arrest school going children??Those kids were under 12.
This is ridiculous.
Its a heart wrenching video.It hurt to see those kids cry for help.I hope they are safe now.
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Yaa possible possibility.

I would not have believed the atrocity till i saw the video.Why would they arrest school going children??Those kids were under 12.
This is ridiculous.
Its a heart wrenching video.It hurt to see those kids cry for help.I hope they are safe now.
It's not the most hard things that they have done even it's hard
It's not the most hard things that they have done even it's hard
Yes i have heard of some of the atrocities they carry out on palestinians.But children should've been spared.
No the force had gone there with a warrant to arrest Muhammad,the 4yr old.
see this part of the report...

"“A big force raided our house at dawn on Thursday, and demanded to know the names of my children. So I told them and they said, ‘we have an arrest order for Muhammad.’ I was shocked and asked one of them if he was sure. Muhammad is only four years old! But the officer was not convinced and asked me to wake him up, and after he saw him he backed down from carrying out the arrest."
So basically there are two options:

1) Soldiers had a warrant for someone else with same name (its very possible since in Arab village everyone has same last name and half of kids are Muhammads) so it was simple mistake.
2) Its pure invention.

In any case non story and OP is a liar.

Of course it's true, Al Qaeda ease the JEW colonization by attacking everybody
Typical modus operandi. Foreign provocateurs send kids to throw stones at people. Those kids are detained for short period of time. And then its filmed how cruel Israel arrests little kids.
True that the names are similar n they ended up at the wrong Muhammad's place.

Typical modus operandi. Foreign provocateurs send kids to throw stones at people. Those kids are detained for short period of time. And then its filmed how cruel Israel arrests little kids.

Detaining small kids is just not done.
And the short time for which they would be detained is how long???
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