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Islamic Empire of Faith


Sep 10, 2008
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Though the title leads to the perception that this doc will entirely be of religious notion but no this documentary besides giving a touch to Islamic basics is mostly concerned with the technology breakthroughs of the Islamic empire. The biggest learning centers in Baghdad & Spain
led to the revolutionary change in creating the most advance civilization on the planet when the Europeans led a dark life dictated by the priests & the then talibans preaching the most narrowest & extremist ideals only the Muslims did acknowledged & admired the works of Aristotle & Plato.
In short every Muslim/nonMuslim ruler of vast empire was responsible for a better future of its governed people including their health, hygiene & economic status & for all this science was a pre-requisite

Islam Empire of Faith - part 1.rmvb
Islam Empire of Faith - part 2.rmvb

The islamic basis are covered throughly here:
Muhammad Legacy of a Prophet (PBS)-01.rmvb
Muhammad Legacy of a Prophet (PBS).rmvb

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