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Is there any project in Works that is focused on Armored Anti Aircraft Gun Mobile Platform


Sep 8, 2009
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How come our Industries do not produce , standard Anti Aircraft Guns mounted on Armored platform?


Or lets put some Chinese BVR missiles on a HUMVEE platform


Would be nice if we had some serial production of these units together with the Anza shoulder fired weapons

Turkey seem to have some nice ideas on that front
such a system into Pakistan Army would certainly be a great addition

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We did produce APCs armed with Aznas...also bought LY-80 with some chinese 150 km ranged radars...(see the JF-17 threads for more info)... there are also speculations n rumours that we have Chinese S-300 variants in service (as if we ever announce that we have bought such stuff in the past)..

P.S: We also produce automatic target acquiring AAGs..
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Its not technologically difficult to put a anti aircraft gun on armored vehicle , even ISIS has these on Trucks and vans surprised our defence sector can't put a decent anti aircraft gun on armored vehicles

If we are not going to get SAMs the next best thing is Anti Aircraft guns in huge quantities

SD-10 would easily fit mounted on a Armored vehicle 70-100 km

I would imagine this vehicle Talha could be modified to house 5 SD-10 Missiles
I would imagine the only thing that would remain is a radar / and targeting system but we already have JF17 thunder radar in possession we just need to convert it to land based application ... rest of the targeting and firing system is same


This is what china already has
Chinese Lie Shou LS-II (Hunter II) Surface To Air Missile System


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Pakistan recently start negotiating and evaluating Russian S400, Tor and Buk system.
Well those are high end , solutions but , domestically we should be able to induct

Anti Aircraft Guns , mounted on Trucks , Armored trucks etc or Jeeps , this is such basic engineering

SD-10 conversion on Jeeps or Armored vehicles is also not that difficult if you have engineers that understand the JF17 Thunder radar modules and , you have enough Electrical engineers in your team to wire up the system on a truck or Armored vehicle (Instant 100 km range coverage)

Ideal evolution of ANZA platform as well
Which MANPADS Pakistan have inducted and produced locally? FN-6? If it is mounted on Jeeps, then it becomes FB-6A
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Something like this should be standard


This stuff is low tech units no reason why these are not mass produced locally
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The high altitude goodies are great for special "kill" and yes we need them

The HQ-16
and others

However , what is stopping the HIT from producing the conventional Anti Aircraft guns which could be mass produced
still Pakistan don't have a proper air defense system
our think tanks need to think about that
We really have the capabilities if we think about it

a) We can build APC , units Talha etc and others all they need is modification for Anti Aircraft guns, these should be mass
produced for City and Parameter defences

b) For Jeep /Truck based SD-10 launches (100-150km range) we manufacture trucks and also have SD-10 supplies
only missing piece is integrating a version of targeting radar into Truck unit to attain target for the SD-10 weapon
All the components are in our possession we just need to integrate the systems into Truck instead of JF17 thudner

c) We have the ANZA 1 , ANZA 2 , ANZA 3 level shoulder fired weapons that added extra level of defense. No reason what so ever that a Jeep cannot carry 8 ANZA missiles !!
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