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Is the stability under chancellor Merkel dangerous?


Nov 23, 2013
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There is an interesting article in the Spiegel magazine today and i would like to hear some opinions from people abroad.

The basic facts are, that germany is richer than ever before and has more influence than ever before in the history. The economy is incredible strong, income and living standards are very high and even still rising. Even Merkels foreign policies seem to be very sucessful. Greece is recovering. Foreign european leaders like the british PM Cameron invite Merkel to speak in their parliament and gain something from her popularity. Polls in France say, that the french trust Merkel more than their own president.


In Germany Merkel is in her 3rd legislation period and her polls are incredible high. No matter what happens, she is untouched from evry scandal. Some say she almost rules like a queen. Her way to rule is very unusual. Absolute cold, calculating and without any passion. You can´t say she is conservative or liberal. She sees and issue and then acts. Sometimes with right conservative solutions, sometimes leftist. She banns nuclear power, installs a minimum wage on one side and on the other pushs the hardest austerity policies.

The article tries to understand what negative results come from this "imperial form of ruling". It looks like she does evrything herself. Her entire cabinet is pale and most don´t even know what Ministers are in her government. The only one who is able to stand out is foreignminister Steinmeier, because he is very renomated worldwide.

Her own party, the CDU is almost dead. It stands for nothing anymore. Its just "Merkels Party" or how some say "Merkels Voter Club". Their goals doesn´t matter. Their only argument is Merkel. You just have to look at their posters...like this gigantic Poster in Berlin:


It says nothing. Just "Chancellor for Germany" CDU.

Since she has no fix agenda and grabs left and right solutions whenever she thinks its useful the other parties die off. Best example for this is the "Green Party". They fought for decades to end nuclear power and for green energy. Merkel did it with one signature. Now the green party is basicly falling, simply because they lose their topics.

It looks like the normal democracy we are used to doesn´t work with Merkel. She rules more like an benevolent 17th century monarch. The position she reached in Germany and also the EU as whole is so titanic, that her competitors look like dwarves. And what makes things worse, there is nobody who could replace her. Some critical people say she thinks about herself as eternal and trust nobody. She could very well rule as chancellor for the next 10 - 20 years. But what then?
Well if she doesn't have term limits and the economy is doing great then "if it ain't broke don't try and fix it".
You mean the numerous anti-austerity protests in Spain, Greece, Italia always ignored by the medias?

The only reason why there is not a civilian war is because contrary to MOSSAD/CIA, Russia & Iran don't arm the protesters
Well if she doesn't have term limits and the economy is doing great then "if it ain't broke don't try and fix it".

There are no term limits in germany. Helmut Kohl was elected 4 times and served 16 years. Merkel could top this. Its no question that she is great and a great leader. But i worry what happenes without her? There is nobody in line.

You mean the numerous anti-austerity protests in Spain, Greece, Italia always ignored by the medias?

The only reason why there is not a civilian war is because contrary to MOSSAD/CIA, Russia & Iran don't arm the protesters

The austerity is important and necessary. You can only spend money that you have earned. Sometimes you must go through hard times to achieve better. Greece already starts to recover. Ireland and Portugal too. The austerity is working and all those countries need to do their homework. Germany had such painful austerity too and there were demonstrations too. In 2005 - 2008. In the end we profited much from it.
There are no term limits in germany. Helmut Kohl was elected 4 times and served 16 years. Merkel could top this. Its no question that she is great and a great leader. But i worry what happenes without her? There is nobody in line.
Reminds me of Turkey, even though i dont like Erdogan...
What influence ? When shit hit the fan in Ukraine the real player came to the rescue of Europe...the US .Germany got sidelined.
What influence ? When shit hit the fan in Ukraine the real player came to the rescue of Europe...the US .Germany got sidelined.

USA played no role in ukraine. Neither in the contracts nor in any of the following negotiations. USA under Obama is impotent, thats the sad truth.
What influence ? When shit hit the fan in Ukraine the real player came to the rescue of Europe...the US .Germany got sidelined.

Only because Germany has good relations with Russia and did not want to get involved or else they do have influence in Europe.
Just wait up, one day this will all backfire. Germany is fine for now but look around at other europe, their economies are stagnating and europe as whole experiences the same what japan experienced during the 90s a stagnation with low or no growth and with deflation, just like japan back then germany feels very arrogant and economically strong, especially since in their worldview europe is all what matters even if europe itself gets vastly outproduced by other regions. If you go and compare germany with japan or the usa right now you can see germany has in fact less growth in the last 3 years, and the rest of europe had almost no growth at all. We dont know how these people will elect once they are fed up with germany. The ecb has to run the printing press and more germany capital has to leave the country in a month than russia loses in a whole year to hold this union together .
She completely failed to have any opposition to america which are spying on german companies and pretty much steal their technology and now she wants beef with russia further moving away access to russian resources to asia. Unlike merkel Schroeder had at least the guts putting americans in their place and making closer relations with russia as an independent foreign policy something you wont see with merkel shes vastly pro america boasting about how she loved her first american jeans as teenager, Coca Cola Wunderbar etc.
In fact Schroeder was also responsible for the good economic situation in germany with his reforms called agenda 2010. So everything merkel earned did she so by his reforms not hers, she didnt made any reforms at all if you look closer.

And the worst of all she completely ignores the demographic crisis which will soon hit germany once these baby boomers go into pension, she doesnt do anything at all to be prepared in fact she does the opposite decreasing the pension age.

All these problems are not short term but long term problems so of course merkel wont be in office at that time but someone else, but they will come and hit germany hard. Just like Merkel earned a good situation thanks to its predecessor reforms and policies the next german chancellor will inherit a country worn out by lack of reforms and lost sense of reality.

Influence which is going down if they don't step up to Russia,especially in EE.The East has not forgotten.

Western betrayal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
why should germany? russias economy is bigger than all other central and eastern european post communist states combined go ahead and count the numbers if you dont believe me.
Its in germans interest to get gas from russia in order to diversify their nuclear dependence which is essential to merkels internal policies as the article points out.
Do you think Merkel cares for the gypsies when it risk getting a blowback internally when germany has to return their nuclear facilities?

Well if she doesn't have term limits and the economy is doing great then "if it ain't broke don't try and fix it".
and putin has to be replaced? American hypocrisy at best
senheiser. did you read yesterday article about how hard russia try to spy in germany? :)
why should germany? russias economy is bigger than all other central and eastern european post communist states combined go ahead and count the numbers if you dont believe me.
Its in germans interest to get gas from russia in order to diversify their nuclear dependence which is essential to merkels internal policies as the article points out.
Do you think Merkel cares for the gypsies when it risk getting a blowback internally when germany has to return their nuclear facilities?

1.Watch your mouth ,you cypriot wannabe.

2.It's not about the market,it's about the EU and Germany won't flush 25 years of its hard work in creating the Union just to please some unruly eastern barbarians.Nobody wants to replace its partners for a medieval country like Russia which can never be trusted.
1.Watch your mouth ,you cypriot wannabe.

2.It's not about the market,it's about the EU and Germany won't flush 25 years of its hard work in creating the Union just to please some unruly eastern barbarians.Nobody wants to replace its partners for a medieval country like Russia which can never be trusted.

Oh no Senheiser again. :D How can he post again? Did Merkel allow Internet on Cyprus again? :D
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