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Is new wave of drone attacks is revenge?



New Recruit

May 28, 2011
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It has been noticed from past few weeks that drone attacks are decreased in Pakistani tribal areas and things are getting better. But new series of drone attacks and bomb blasts is horrifying the hearts of Pakistanis once again.

On Tuesday US drone attacked in Miranshah town in North Waziristan killed 3 people and same happened yesterday when US drone fired two missiles, destroyed a vehicle and a compound near Miranshah which killed 25 people. Some sources said that dead includes Arabs, Uzbek and local Taliban. Only a day has past when the city of Peshawar endure two bomb blasts which killed 7 people including 4 police personnel and a child.

Apparently this new series of terrorism is straightforward but it has more dimensions than ever. Pakistanis are experiencing it right after the series of events i.e.

1. Pakistani Government imposed restrictions on the movement of US diplomats in the country. Now onward all US diplomats have to take NOC (No-objection certificate) while travelling to the other cities.

2. Chinook, US helicopter shot down in Afghanistan killed 38 people, includes numbers of Afghan soldiers, interpolators and 22 of Navy Seals who took part in raid against Osama Bin Laden in Abbotabad this May.

Things were getting better between US and Pakistan after mentioned raid in Abbotabad. But it looks like that CIA is now adopted the policy of revenge against Pakistanis and tribal areas. US Drone assaulted in North Waziristan right after the release of Raymond Davis a CIA contractor which killed about 40 people at that time. Not only this CIA and US Government foreign spokes persons respond strictly and forcefully in any case happens in Pakistan and any stand takes by Pakistani Government against US officials in Pakistan.

The scenario build up in these few days appears that drone attacks are revenge and part of permanent policy of CIA and US Government against Pakistan.

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