Thanks Gogo .
This joker who seems to be a wannabe Zion Hameed is quite right uptil he tells about gold,copper,coal&gas reservs of pakistan but where he strys(Pakistanies obsession with INDIA)when he says we are diverting water without telling the real story that more than 56% of water pakistan is getting from rivers is wasted becuse of mismangement of water distribution &unchecked & uncuntroled cutting of forest which is leading to erosion of precius agricultural soil that intern leads to natural dissasters like flash floods & epidamics but then pakistanies being pakistanies & there favourate sport of denial & conspiracy theories ignore to pull up there socks & work colectively to uplift there society and so as chankya said "when a fool is making a mistake dont stop him other wise he will make you responsible for his faliure"