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Is Former Masjid Al Nabwi Imam Ahmed Alamari died in jail ?



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Dec 4, 2018
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انا للّٰہ وانا الیہ راجعون
We see alot of protests on anything from political people who also claim themselves as Deen K Thekaydaars they actually blocked entire social and economical structure of a country if anything happens against their political agenda. I.e TLP recent protests.

Even tweets often fire from very famous and prominent Mufti and scholars some politically motivated like Kaka Khel or even founder of Darul Uloom Mufti Taqi Usmani shb came all the way to point out PM Imran khan single unintentional mistake.

But about Saudis?
when it comes to suppression on Rights of Mufti and Aalim in KSA they all are busy in sleeping.
Imam Ahmad Alamari was jailed tortured and went to hospital due to brain hemorrhage. And died 2 days ago according to his supporters. All because he published an article of 3000 pages based on how current Saudi royals are connected to Israel.

Everyone is really that blind or just greedy for getting free Saudi visits. Where are they? not even a tweet? Isn't Imam Almari is also colleague for them.

Btw I belong to deoband maslak before you start calling me anything. And went to madarsa where we also volunteer every Friday to collect donation money for Kashmir under Fazal ur Rehman banner I still wonder what happened to that money plus Kashmir budget.

Will these people ever stop governing our masses on basis of sects even when they are wrong ? Are we really that scared from asking them to give us ledger of 22 years of kashmir committee.
Why all of Political Scholars are against military? How can anyone expect to govern in a state in which they are against the state's Military ? Why people gets so upset from these questions ?

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انا للّٰہ وانا الیہ راجعون
We see alot of protests on anything from political people who also claim themselves as Deen K Thekaydaars they actually blocked entire social and economical structure of a country if anything happens against their political agenda. I.e TLP recent protests.

Even tweets often fire from very famous and prominent Mufti and scholars some politically motivated like Kaka Khel or even founder of Darul Uloom Mufti Taqi Usmani shb came all the way to point out PM Imran khan single unintentional mistake.
I.e.View attachment 534588
But about Saudis?
when it comes to suppression on Rights of Mufti and Aalim in KSA they all are busy in sleeping.
Imam Ahmad Alamari was jailed tortured and went to hospital due to brain hemorrhage. And died 2 days ago according to his supporters. All because he published an article of 3000 pages based on how current Saudi royals are connected to Israel.

Everyone is really that blind or just greedy for getting free Saudi visits. Where are they? not even a tweet? Isn't Imam Almari is also colleague for them.

Btw I belong to deoband maslak before you start calling me anything. And went to madarsa where we also volunteer every Friday to collect donation money for Kashmir under Fazal ur Rehman banner I still wonder what happened to that money plus Kashmir budget.

Will these people ever stop governing our masses on basis of sects even when they are wrong ? Are we really that scared from asking them to give us ledger of 22 years of kashmir committee.
Why all of Political Scholars are against military? How can anyone expect to govern in a state in which they are against the state's Military ? Why people gets so upset from these questions ?


There is a CLEAR CHANGE in Saudi Monarchy now, bear it well in mind! Most important ally of Saudi Arabia is now Israel and soon there will be flights from Tel Aviv to Jeddah! Furthermore, Palestinians have been completely thrown out of bus, as Saudis have COMPLETELY abandoned Palestinians. The new Crown Prince, Muhammad Bin Bonesaw is a real hell. I am sharing an old article below, just read it!

REVEALED: The Saudi death squad MBS uses to silence dissent
MEE exclusively reveals details about the tiger squad, a team of assassins targeting Saudi critics at home and abroad

22 October 2018

Jamal Khashoggi fell victim to its assassins. He wasn't the first.

In new revelations, a Saudi source with intimate knowledge of his country's intelligence services told Middle East Eye about a death squad that operates under the guidance and supervision of Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince.

The Firqat el-Nemr, or tiger squad, is well-known to the US intelligence services. It was formed more than a year ago and is comprised of 50 of the best-skilled intelligence and military operatives in the kingdom.

The group was recruited from different branches of the Saudi security services, channelling several areas of expertise. Its members are unflinchingly loyal to Riyadh's young crown prince, commonly known as MBS.

MEE can exclusively reveal details about the tiger squad, after speaking to a very well-placed source. The source detailed to MEE the squad's makeup, targets, actions and personnel.

Although MEE was not able to confirm the information disclosed, the source was independently verified.

The tiger squad's mission is to covertly assassinate Saudi dissidents, inside the kingdom and on foreign soil, in a way that goes unnoticed by the media, the international community and politicians, the source said.

"They [the Saudi leadership] have the belief that arresting critics will mount pressure on them, so that's why they started assassinating them quietly," the source said.

The tiger squad's assassination methods vary.

Sometimes it gets its hands dirty, such as with Khashoggi, who was tortured, murdered and dismembered by the tiger squad in Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul on 2 October.

But the unit also plans assassinations that keep the victim at arm's length, and are intended to appear as accidents, such as a car crash or housefire. The tiger squad has even had a dissident injected with deadly viruses as he visited hospital for a routine checkup, the source said.

The squad was named after Major General Ahmed al-Assiri, the deputy chief of Saudi intelligence, who was sacked by Riyadh last week after heavy international pressure on Saudi Arabia to take action over Khashoggi's killing.

"Assiri is well-known among his colleagues as 'the Tiger of the South'. Since the coalition's war [on Yemen] the Saudi media also started calling Assiri 'the Beast', and he liked this nickname," the source said.

Ties to the crown prince
The source denied knowledge of who issues commands to the tiger squad, but said that Assiri and Saoud al-Qahtani, one of MBS's closest aides who was also dismissed last week, is part of the command structure.

The young crown prince selected five of his most loyal and trustworthy members of his personal security detail to serve in the tiger squad, the source said.

All of them are among the 15 men sent to kill Khashoggi, including Maher Abdulaziz Mutrib, Mohammed al-Zahrani and Dhaar al-Harbi, the source said.

Mutrib is a diplomat and major general who has been seen travelling with MBS earlier this year on tours of Boston, Houston and the United Nations in New York.

He was described by the source as "the spinal cord of the tiger squad". "He was chosen by MBS himself, who depends on him and is close to him," the source said.

"The crown prince selected his close details in the squad in order for him to stay in direct contact with it and supervise the assassinations."

The source told MEE that Turkey intercepted 14 of Mutrib's phone calls on 2 October, the day of Khashoggi's death. Seven of them were to the office of the crown prince.

The source did not make it clear if Mutrib's calls were related to Khashoggi's killing but said that, if leaked, these calls would be "explosive".

According to the source, Mutrib and three others injected Khashoggi with a deadly drug, before dismembering his body on a table inside the consulate.

MEE understands that morphine is the drug the source mentioned. Turkish invesitgators have told MEE that Khashoggi was dismembered on a desk in the Saudi consul-general's study.

Mutrib's alleged calls to MBS's office were also reported on Monday by the newspaper Yeni Safak, which like other Turkish media outlets close to the government has been leaked details of the Khashoggi investigation day by day.

According to Yeni Safak, Mutrib spoke to Badr al-Asaker, head of the crown prince's private office, four times after Khashoggi was killed.

'Kill them with HIV'
One of the first covert operations the tiger squad carried out within Saudi borders was the killing of Prince Mansour bin Moqren, deputy governor of Asir province and son of a former crown prince, in November last year.

Prince Mansour, a known opponent of MBS, died when his helicopter crashed near the Saudi border with Yemen. MEE reported at the time that the prince was trying to flee the country, and died a few hours after a sweeping purge of the kingdom's upper ranks was launched on 4 November.

Dozens of princes, ministers and a billionaire tycoon were swept up by authorities and detained in the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton, and authorities placed a travel ban on all private aircraft.

According to the source, Meshal Saad al-Bostani, a tiger squad operative and one of the 15 Saudis suspected of Khashoggi's murder, was behind Prince Mansour's death.

"Bostani is a lieutenant in the Saudi Royal Air Force, and he shot down Mansour's helicopter with a missile from another helicopter," the source said. "But they made it seems like a natural death."

Bostani, 31, was reportedly killed on 18 October in a car accident in Riyadh.

"It's a lie. He was locked in a prison and his food was poisoned," the source said. "Bostani holds the secret of the deputy governor of Asir's killing, as well as Khashoggi's."

Another internal covert operation run by the tiger squad was the murder of the Mecca public court's president, judge and sheikh Suliman Abdul Rahman al Thuniyan, in a hospital in Riyadh on 1 October.

"I believe he was killed by deadly viruses being injected into his body during a normal medical checkup. The squad knew he had an appointment in the hospital, and made it appear a natural death," the source said.

"The judge [Thuniyan] had sent a letter to MBS opposing his 2030 economic vision."

He added that one of the techniques the tiger squad uses to silence dissidents or opponents of the government is to "kill them with HIV, or other sorts of deadly viruses".

MEE could not confirm what sort of illness was the cause of Thuniyan's death. As far as the source was aware, Khashoggi's murder was the first assassination the tiger squad had carried out in a foreign country. However, it was not the death squad's first attempt, the source said.

"I know of another attempt, which was to lure Saudi dissident Omar Abdulaziz in Canada to the consulate and kill him," the source said. "But Abdulaziz refused to go and the mission failed. Khashoggi was the first [successful] operation." Separate reports have described how Abdulaziz was targeted by the Saudis using Israeli spyware software.

As proof of the Khashoggi mission's success, the source said, members of the tiger squad brought the Washington Post columnist's fingers back to Riyadh. They were presented to the young heir to the Saudi throne.

"MBS always said that he will cut off the fingers of every writer who criticises him," the source said.

yes there are news that he is either dead or in detention.what can i say about this.cruelty.i believe that mbs time is coming.saudi royal family should be thrown into dust bin.they are evil people with no religion.
کیا مفتی تقی عثمانی کو معلوم نہیں ھے کے قران شریف تاریخ کی کتاب نہیں هے ؟ یہ کیسے ھو سکتا ھے ؟ اصلی ٹویٹ کا لنک پوسٹ کرو ورنہ

جھوٹے ھو تم

یہ لیجیے بھائی

یہ ٹوئیٹ قدیم ہوچکا ہے
آپ لوگ اپنے زہنی سدمے سے پہلے تحقیقات کرلیاکریں۔
مفتی بے شک حق پر ہیں کہا یہ گیا ہے کہ اپنے قریبی
ساتھی امام احمد العماری کے لیئے کچھ نہ کر سکے کیا یہ شاہی ڈر اتنا زیادہ ہے یا مفت عمرہ کے ٹکٹ کے لیے ضروری ہے؟
اپنے ملک کے وزیراعظم گھر کی مرغی دال برابر ہیں اور سعودی حکومت کے خلاف ایک ٹوئیٹ تک نہیں؟
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یہ حلات ہیں ابھی علماء دیوبند کے نام سے بنایا جانے والا پیج پی ٹی ایم کے ایجنڈے پر کام کر رہا ہے حقیقت سے دور پوسٹ کی جاتی ہیں جواب مانگو کہ کہا کی خبر ہیں تو دو تین آدمی آکر گالیاں دیتے ہیں۔

میں جن مفتی عثمانی کی بات کر رہا ہوں وه ایک تعلیم یافتہ بی اے پاس عالم اور یونیورسٹی کے مالک ھیں. یہ ٹوٹر والا تو کوئی جاہل پاکستان اور عرب دشمن دکھائی دیتا ھے
نہیں بھائی افسوس کے وہی ہیں آپ اور ٹویٹس دیکھیں انہی کے ہینڈل پر

Yes Saudi Arab is investing in Pakistan.

Bigots can hug a cactus
Nothing against Saudi investment my point is raised on our local Scholars and their attitude towards our public offices
My Urdu is not very good hence I think that I misunderstood you.
So are we both in opposition to deobandi terrorists or just me? please confirm!

Has Mufti Usmani changed sides and become pro PTM and anti-Prime Minister?

I should have read this before reading the tweets and the doctored photos, my apologies!

oopsie again! so you are anti-Arab after all,and you want the mufti to hate them too :(
Why anti anything. I am pointing out a loyalty they have for Arabs. Not single tweet or condemned the arrests.
But criticize the local first time ever functioning government. I will vote for Mufti taqi Usmani if he wants to get into politics from pti or as independent.
I am deoband. My ancestors were deoband. The pages on name of deoband are either run by PTM supporters or Fazal ur Rehman compromised. It's dangerous game if they play it with firqa and it can hurt the peace finally happened in Waziristan and adjacent areas. We need people to monitor these pages. And message should be given to Seniors about this possible threat. DG ISPR have done a tremendous job and need these scholars on our side.
This 5th gen war tactic from deoband page will cause severe damages.
Why anti anything. I am pointing out a loyalty they have for Arabs. Not single tweet or condemned the arrests.
But criticize the local first time ever functioning government. I will vote for Mufti taqi Usmani if he wants to get into politics from pti or as independent.
I am deoband. My ancestors were deoband. The pages on name of deoband are either run by PTM supporters or Fazal ur Rehman compromised. It's dangerous game if they play it with firqa and it can hurt the peace finally happened in Waziristan and adjacent areas. We need people to monitor these pages. And message should be given to Seniors about this possible threat. DG ISPR have done a tremendous job and need these scholars on our side.
This 5th gen war tactic from deoband page will cause severe damages.

you should self immolate in protest
do you not know that it is easier to remove anti-Pakistan material from Facebook than it is from places like PDF? did you know that once you bring it here in form of a screenshot, it becomes permanent?

I don't think PDF have verified idiots like on fb who cross fingers and hope the threat won't advance. This isn't a screenshot it was a direct link to the post.

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