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Iraq war cost US more than $2 Trillion

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
The US war in Iraq has cost $1.7 trillion with $490 billion more owed in benefits to combat veterans, a recent study revealed. The report found that total expenses in the unavailing conflict could balloon to $6 trillion over the next 40 years.

The study, conducted by the Costs of War Project by the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University, concluded that the accrued interest on the nearly $2.2 trillion in expenses would amount to some $4 trillion dollars during the coming decades, Reuters reports.

At the time of the 2003 invasion, the Bush administration estimated the war would cost between $50-60 billion.

Published in advance of the 10th anniversary of the March 19 US-led invasion of Iraq, the study also estimated the great human cost inflicted by the nearly decade long conflict.

At least 134,000 Iraqi civilians died as a result of the Iraq War, though the Watson Institute says the death toll could be up to four times higher. The report stated that with the inclusion of slain journalists, aid workers and insurgents, the base level death toll reached an estimated 176,000- 189,000.

A 2006 peer-reviewed Lancet study had found that 650,000 Iraqis – both combatants and civilians – had died up to that point. Other estimates had previously put total war deaths as high as 1 million.

An estimated 36,000 American military personnel were also killed or injured during the war.

The Watson Institute study further found that US gains from the invasion were negligible, while Iraq was still reeling from the war.

“Despite the US military withdrawal,” the report says,

“Iraq’s health, infrastructure, and education systems remain war-devastated.” The war further galvanized radical Islamist militants in the region and set back women’s rights, while

“the $212 billion reconstruction effort was largely a failure with most of that money spent on security or lost to waste and fraud.” The study was an update of a 2011 report which estimated the costs of the US military engagements in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq at $3.7 trillion. The latest report puts that cost at some $4 trillion dollars

In the run up to the war, the US and the UK claimed that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction which posed a threat to regional security.

The U.S.‑led Iraq Survey Group would later conclude that Iraq had ended its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs in 1991 and had no active programs at the time of the invasion.

Iraq war cost US more than $2 trillion ? study ? RT News
Actually it is not going to cost the Americans anything but the Iraqis and the Arabs will have to bear this. The Americans will take this amount out of these people. For much the same reason USA will never invade N Korea. They don't have oil or diamond which could be used to reimburse USA's expenses.
Saddam was wrong in attacking Kuwait and bring war to the gulf.............

i remember the good relations the Persians and Arabs enjoyed b4 the gulf war.

There are many theories why Saddam did this but it was a bad choice.

Peace in Iraq would be the key to bring back peace in the region.
Actually it is going to cost the Americans but the Iraqis and the Arabs. The Americans will take this amount out of these people. For much the same reason USA will never invade N Korea. They don't have oil or diamond which could be used to reimburse USA's expenses.

Kim Jong dynasty have done more damage to North Korea than US carpet bombing could have done.
Doesnt Matter?


After WW2 the entire surviving Nazi gang had to stand a trial at Nuremberg.
Shouldn't it be the same for American top political and military leadership? Especially as victor of WW2, USA was responsible for drafting the rules of Nuremberg Trial!
Saddam was wrong in attacking Kuwait and bring war to the gulf.............

i remember the good relations the Persians and Arabs enjoyed b4 the gulf war.

There are many theories why Saddam did this but it was a bad choice.

Peace in Iraq would be the key to bring back peace in the region.

Saddam often saw himself as the "Arabian Fuhrer" and Kuwait was his France was Saudi Arabia proved to be his Soviet Union.

And never forget the two biggest financiers of Saddam against Iran were Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
and also many lives,some guilty but majority innocent.
Please click the following link to see a video of Brown University's research.

This is a typical yet another example how democracy fails its people, even for the most matured democracy in the world.



1) You are a typical Indian troller. We are discussing Iraq war not Korean Kim.

2) Wrong-doings of Kim (if any) doesn't justify wrong-doings of American democracy. Do you get the primitive logic right?
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