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Iranian Experts Develop Second Humanoid Robot


Apr 3, 2010
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TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian inventors made a man-like robot named 'Sorena 2' which walks on two feet, discerns words and does other manly actions.

Sorena 2 -named after the Parthian Iranian warrior Sorena (84 BCE-54 BCE) who defeated the Roman general Crassus at the Battle of Carrhae- is 1.45 meters tall and weighs around 45 kilograms.

The Iranian experts spent more than 10,000 man-hours to design and build the robot which was unveiled on Saturday in a ceremony to commemorate the 'Industry and Mine Day' in Iran.

The ceremony was attended by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other high-ranking officials.

Sorena 2 was born after another robot named 'Sorena 1' was developed in Iran two years ago.

Fars News Agency :: Iranian Experts Develop 2nd Humanoid Robot


This is probably what the robot looks like. I do not have the image of this one but the one below is from a previous exhibition showcasing the Sourena 1.

.... and this is what Faux News and CNN will say that Iran has manufactured yet another provocative act

Evil Iranians... will their evil ever end...
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian inventors made a man-like robot named 'Sorena 2' which walks on two feet, discerns words and does other manly actions.

Sorena 2 -named after the Parthian Iranian warrior Sorena (84 BCE-54 BCE) who defeated the Roman general Crassus at the Battle of Carrhae- is 1.45 meters tall and weighs around 45 kilograms.

The Iranian experts spent more than 10,000 man-hours to design and build the robot which was unveiled on Saturday in a ceremony to commemorate the 'Industry and Mine Day' in Iran.

The ceremony was attended by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other high-ranking officials.

Sorena 2 was born after another robot named 'Sorena 1' was developed in Iran two years ago.

Fars News Agency :: Iranian Experts Develop 2nd Humanoid Robot


This is probably what the robot looks like. I do not have the image of this one but the one below is from a previous exhibition showcasing the Sourena 1.

.... and this is what Faux News and CNN will say that Iran has manufactured yet another provocative act

Evil Iranians... will their evil ever end...
Congrats to Iranian people. I think more into such ventures would create a positive image.

Sir, do you have a problem understanding that most world has a problem with your government and not Persian people? My mother was treated most warmly in Europe 38 years ago when she came here as a student.

So kindly quit this self-pity.
Sir, do you have a problem understanding that most world has a problem with your government and not Persian people? My mother was treated most warmly in Europe 38 years ago when she came here as a student.

So kindly quit this self-pity.


My own qualms with the Iranian government set aside, I believe you fail to understand the fact that a industrious, self-reliant and a fully sovereign Iran would always be beset by "problems" cast on her by other nations/powers regardless of governance or ideology and would at the least be seen as a rival.

Also, it is not "self-pity" if it is sarcasm. As to the sarcasm itself, much of which that does not relate to politics or the government in Tehran is unnecessarily spun by media outlets. Whereas the spice helps the reporting agency with finance, it creates an intentionally-crafted outlook on Iran meant for public consumption at the other end. There is much effort to discredit the achievement of Iranians and their efforts to suit politically-associated concoctions.

Lastly, we are not a "Persian" people, we are an Iranian people. I'm not a ethnic Persian and neither are a significant population of Iran.

My own qualms with the Iranian government set aside, I believe you fail to understand the fact that a industrious, self-reliant and a fully sovereign Iran would always be beset by "problems" cast on her by other nations/powers regardless of governance or ideology and would at the least be seen as a rival.

Also, it is not "self-pity" if it is sarcasm. As to the sarcasm itself, much of which that does not relate to politics or the government in Tehran is unnecessarily spun by media outlets. Whereas the spice helps the reporting agency with finance, it creates an intentionally-crafted outlook on Iran meant for public consumption at the other end. There is much effort to discredit the achievement of Iranians and their efforts to suit politically-associated concoctions.

Lastly, we are not a "Persian" people, we are an Iranian people. I'm not a ethnic Persian and neither are a significant population of Iran.
Of course you are Iranian. But what about pre-Sassanid era? More than half the people of Iran are 'Persian' and you are saying something?

Leaving aside the racial and population details, Iran has technically never been a problem to anyone and no one regards it as a problem. You are living in two contrary worlds my friend. I am not an American sidekick and neither is my country. But either you can hate your clerical regime or you can call West evil.

Tell me what exactly bothers you about the West apart from sometimes-nonsensical Fox News reports? Is there any denying the Clerical regime of Iran's issues? Do you approve of the style of government in Iran? Do you endorse nuclear weapons?

I am fully supportive of idea that Iran needs nuclear power and am fully supportive of civilian nuclear energy for developmental sake. BUT if that is the case, then why isn't your government opening up to IAEA? Every country whether Western or eastern wanting nuclear power has agreed to do so. Why does the clerical regime have a problem with it?
Of course you are Iranian. But what about pre-Sassanid era? More than half the people of Iran are 'Persian' and you are saying something?

Sir, unless we are in the pre-Sassanid era-- which we clearly aren't-- your proposition is irrelevant. Moreover, the Sassanid population wasn't entirely Persian. Furthermore, even then one would say Sassanid or Sassanian and not Persian. Also, I don't see where I have denied the ethnic make-up of Iran, which you have willingly concluded, whereas I only asserted it's multi-ethnic attributes. Yourself hailing from multi-ethnic and multi-tongued Switzerland, I would have hoped that you would have realized this. Ethnic German/Germanic people make up a majority but to call Switzerland, Germanic, would be improper, especially towards ethnic-Italian and French Swiss people. Hence, the preferred terminology is always Swiss. Similarly, in Iran's case, the term is Iranian people, and not Persian people. Lastly, we did alter the naming used for our country internationally. ...and you are saying something?

Leaving aside the racial and population details, Iran has technically never been a problem to anyone and no one regards it as a problem. You are living in two contrary worlds my friend. I am not an American sidekick and neither is my country. But either you can hate your clerical regime or you can call West evil.

As for technically never being a problem, it technically depends on one's own viewpoints and perception. I do not wish to delve into Iran's historical foreign ties and relations in trying to be brief. I'll summarize by saying that Iran has always been problematic for those vying for gains in Iran and Iran has always found itself as an island looking for shores in foreign seas. As for no one regarding Iran as a problem, this is untrue and should be well within your knowledge. As for your reference to your country, which is Switzerland by the stated flags, and it's relationship with the US or being a "sidekick", that is a matter you should debate with other Swiss people. As for your last proposition, it is ludicrous at best on your part in all honesty. Please point out where I have referred to the "West" as evil. It rather seems that you are living in a "contrary world", where there are only two versions of Iranians.

Tell me what exactly bothers you about the West apart from sometimes-nonsensical Fox News reports? Is there any denying the Clerical regime of Iran's issues? Do you approve of the style of government in Iran? Do you endorse nuclear weapons?

I am not bothered by the West. I don't understand your reasons for being so stereotypical or for your branding. I live in France, a country I admire for different reasons, and am appreciative of many aspects of European culture, thought and progress. As for Fox news, yes I am put off by some of the reporting. I would have thought my sarcasm would have made that apparent already. As to the present government of Iran, I do have numerous qualms with it as I have aforementioned. I generally disapprove with the internal governance on several grounds. No, I do not endorse nuclear weapons.

I am fully supportive of idea that Iran needs nuclear power and am fully supportive of civilian nuclear energy for developmental sake. BUT if that is the case, then why isn't your government opening up to IAEA? Every country whether Western or eastern wanting nuclear power has agreed to do so. Why does the clerical regime have a problem with it?

I think you fail to see that there are further tribulations with the IAEA and that on the onset Iran has been cooperative. The early IAEA reports and findings were indicative of this. The difference in attitude arrived with the enhanced political highlight and game-play regarding the Iranian program. Of the issues at hand with Iran, the Iranian program is but a chapter in the book, which authors much larger and more important regional paradigms. Cooperating and negotiating with Iran on an equal footing is one thing, pushing Iran is another. If the present government collapsed and a new nationalistic government settled down, it too would not be keen to be subservient or be tossed about concerning what it deems its needs are. Anyhow, this is a subject matter of a very different thread. If you chose to make one regarding it, I'd readily reply in detail for it would require a more comprehensive answer.
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The first Iranian Human like robot named 'Surena', is seen at a conference ...

Iran has developed a new human-like walking robot to be used in "sensitive jobs," government newspaper Iran reported on Sunday.
Soorena-2, named after an ancient Persian warrior, was unveiled by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday. It is 1.45 metres (4.7 feet) tall and weighs 45 kilograms (99 pounds), the report said.

"Walking slowly like human beings with regular arm and leg movements are among its characteristics," it said. "Such robots are designed and developed to be used in sensitive and difficult jobs on behalf of a person or as help."

The report did not elaborate on the robot's capabilities.

Iran has pursued a number of scientific projects in recent years such as cloning, stem cell research and satellite technology while it has come under increasing international pressure over its controversial nuclear programme.

Iran unveils human-like robot: report
Very cool. Would be nice to see some videos if there are any. Perhaps our Iranian friends might know where to find a few?
How come Iran (a sanctioned country) is able to invent such things but Pakistan isn't?

Are we lacking something?
^^ The Iranis paid great attention to science education. Generally, their graduates are excellent when it comes to math, physics and engineering disciplines. Despite the fact that they are sanctioned, students from Iran regularly do exceedingly well at institutes such as ICTP in Trieste and many other European and American universities. They don't have the numbers Pakistan has in terms of overall population, but they certainly have a much higher literacy rate and a superior *quality* of education. They have done very well for themselves in the area of education...
As for technically never being a problem, it technically depends on one's own viewpoints and perception. I do not wish to delve into Iran's historical foreign ties and relations in trying to be brief. I'll summarize by saying that Iran has always been problematic for those vying for gains in Iran and Iran has always found itself as an island looking for shores in foreign seas. As for no one regarding Iran as a problem, this is untrue and should be well within your knowledge. As for your reference to your country, which is Switzerland by the stated flags, and it's relationship with the US or being a "sidekick", that is a matter you should debate with other Swiss people. As for your last proposition, it is ludicrous at best on your part in all honesty. Please point out where I have referred to the "West" as evil. It rather seems that you are living in a "contrary world", where there are only two versions of Iranians.

It is all your thinking, dear friend. Iran has been a source of attraction to powers ranging from Russian empire to British and rest of Europeans as well as the Americans in new generation.

Also the American absolute alignment caused some problems about Washington pulling the political strings instead of your countrymen. Maintaining a business relationship is always best in the end.

We don't take sides with anyone and any problem that is between two countries is strictly kept between them as neither we have the military capacity to react nor we want to get involved in something that has an adverse affect on our nationals.

I think you fail to see that there are further tribulations with the IAEA and that on the onset Iran has been cooperative. The early IAEA reports and findings were indicative of this. The difference in attitude arrived with the enhanced political highlight and game-play regarding the Iranian program. Of the issues at hand with Iran, the Iranian program is but a chapter in the book, which authors much larger and more important regional paradigms. Cooperating and negotiating with Iran on an equal footing is one thing, pushing Iran is another. If the present government collapsed and a new nationalistic government settled down, it too would not be keen to be subservient or be tossed about concerning what it deems its needs are. Anyhow, this is a subject matter of a very different thread. If you chose to make one regarding it, I'd readily reply in detail for it would require a more comprehensive answer.

You say that your country is being pushed around. Basically the IAEA is demanding transparecy in your programme and has no problems, if it was not for your president who's created needless worries right from Riyadh to Abu Dhabi to Tel Aviv. There's been another thread where discussion regarding king Abdullah's apprehension over Iranian clerical regime is being discussed.

Iran won't have been even bothered by anyone if it was not this aggressive attitude of the clerical government threatening everyone around and in return take threats of strikes from other countries. While your cultural pride is really appreciable and IMO no country should be bullied needlessly, your president hasn't been speaking sugar tones either for others to sit calm.

The collapse of clerical regime would first signal a much better relationship between Tehran and rest of the world. When I say this, it is because of a few reasons:

1. Fundamentalism would be replaced with nationalism that would lead to improvement in your own countrymen's lifestyle.

2. Nationalism would further cool down the tensions between Arabs, Jews and Tehran. If no one is feeling threatened all this talk of striking your nuclear plants would automatically die down.

3. Much more liberal mentality and freedom will allow Iranians to better integrate with international community.

I'd be really interested in discussing this with you in detail.

Thank you for your time.
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Congrats to our friend from Iran on this achivement we look forward to the Pakistan - Iran peace pipe line and similar projects
How come Iran (a sanctioned country) is able to invent such things but Pakistan isn't?

Are we lacking something?

They have a BUDGET for science and research and development

We build a shopping mall , and build a condominium and call that innovation ....

CAN'T MATCH IRAN'S research & development Highest PHD and research being done in Iran in WORLD not just muslim world

Our graduates are memorizing the pages from scientific books, their students are writing new books and researching new techniques.
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