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Iran Stealth Fighter

Max The Boss

Jan 29, 2009
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Iran Stealth Fighter

Iran has completed the design of its stealth aircraft, the commander of the Iran Air Force announced in January 2009.

Iranian military researchers are now working on building small prototypes of the aircraft, Brigadier General Hassan Shah-Safi told reporters in Tehran.

The preliminary stages will be finished in March 2009 and then production will begin this year he stated.

Iranian engineers have made a major breakthrough in designing stealth aircraft that are difficult to detect by radar.

Shah-Safi said new stealth fighter would significantly enhance the Iran Air Force combat and defensive capabilities.

Source: Tehran Times
Not bad at all considering the amount of economic sanctions on Iran, they seem to be doing pretty well.
. .
Wonder if Iranians get their hand on a few Venezuelan F-16s might copy it as well..would love to see the copied one..
Good for Iran. But, are they taking design from Russia?
The pics are of a Mig Project.
Here's a couple of more pictures of the Iranian stealth fighter 'Shaafgh'

Shaffaq Air to Air


Shaffaq air to ground


Shaffaq trainer


Iran’s shaafgh stealth fighter





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is it my google chrome browser? because i can't seem to see those pictures
. . .
Iran making a stealth fighter... Oh boy.
Has anybody visited Iran recently??? I did.
Iran does not even have enough civilian aircraft to even maintain their domestic flights forget international. They are running low in aircraft which were bought in 70's and 80's.
I saw only one aircraft other than mine from UAE landed in Khomeni airport for the whole day.. just imagine the situation.
first of all the pics are of a russian design and Iran making a stealth model??? i highly doubt it, no offensive to their engineers but considering the state of their airforce i cannot see Iran making even a decent 4th gen aircraft anytime soon let alone one that is of their own design
. .
Here's a couple of more pictures of the Iranian stealth fighter 'Shaafgh'

Shaffaq Air to Air

Shaffaq air to ground

Shaffaq trainer

Iran’s shaafgh stealth fighter

You honestly think they can get anywhere near successful in making a stealth fighter ? When after all these years they've barely managed to copy an f-5C and call it an F-18 ?
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