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Iran Offers ‘Dialogue With Respect’ With U.S.


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Iran Offers ‘Dialogue With Respect’ With U.S. :tup::agree:

Published: February 10, 2009

TEHRAN — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran took up President Obama’s oft-repeated invitation for direct talks between the United States and Iran on Tuesday. The move signaled the start of a long-delayed war-or-peace drama that may help define the Obama administration’s plans to remake America’s approach to diplomacy.

Mr. Ahmadinejad promised that if the United States was truly serious about changing the countries’ relations, then Iran was ready to respond in kind. “It is clear that change should be fundamental, not tactical, and our people welcome real changes,” he said. “Our nation is ready to hold talks based on mutual respect and in a fair atmosphere.”:tup::agree:

Mr. Ahmadinejad’s remarks were made in a televised address to a rally celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, which deposed Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. That ended the close relationship between Washington and Tehran and ushered in decades of confrontation that culminated in President Bush’s description of Iran in 2002 as part of an “axis of evil.”:tsk:
Three weeks ago, however, Mr. Obama promised in his inaugural address a new relationship with nations willing to “unclench” their fists, an offer he repeated at his news conference on Monday evening.

It is too early to know quite how to read Mr. Ahmadinejad’s response. He coupled his offer of talks with an attack on former President Bush, calling for him to be “tried and punished” for his policies and actions in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf region.

It is also never exactly clear who is running foreign policy in Iran, and there is good reason to question whether its fiery president will overcome his mismanagement of the economy to survive the elections there on June 12.:disagree:

Yet analysts note that, for all his harsh words, Mr. Ahmadinejad has sent a surprising number of positive signals to the United States in recent years. He sent a letter to President Bush in 2006 and a letter to Mr. Obama congratulating him on his election victory, and he has traveled four times to New York since he took office to take part in United Nations meetings.

“Generally speaking, Iran favors ties with the United States because falling oil prices have hurt its economy dramatically,” said Saeed Leylaz, an economist and political analyst in Tehran. “The United States needs to take the first major step. Otherwise Iran cannot go any farther.” But he cautioned that the United States hold direct talks only with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme religious leader.

There is no question that a new dynamic is afoot, one that seems likely to become even more complicated after Tuesday’s election in Israel is settled. If the government that emerges is even more determined to end the Iranian nuclear program by any means necessary, Mr. Obama may find himself trying to negotiate with one of America’s most determined adversaries while restraining one of its closest allies.

“I could draw you a scenario in which this new combination of players leads to the first real talks with Iran in three decades,” one of the key players on the issue for President Obama said last week, speaking on condition of anonymity because the new administration had not even named its team, much less its strategy. “And I could draw you one in which the first big foreign crisis of the Obama presidency is a really nasty confrontation, either because the Israelis strike or because we won’t let them.”

In public, Mr. Obama is talking only about the first possibility. On Monday evening, he talked about “looking at areas where we can have constructive dialogue, where we can engage directly with them,” and said he was looking for “diplomatic overtures.” But he cautioned that “there’s been a lot of mistrust built up over the years,” and that after 30 years of a deep freeze, openings are “not going to happen overnight.”

To protect his right flank, Mr. Obama quickly added the caveat that Iran should know that “we find the funding of terrorist organizations unacceptable” and that “a nuclear Iran could set off a nuclear arms race in the region that would be profoundly destabilizing.”

But curiously, he did not repeat the warning he made repeatedly during the campaign that he would never allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, or even the nuclear fuel and ability to build one.
Whether this comes to anything, or founders on the question of Iran’s race to enrich more uranium even while the two presidents circle each other, is anyone’s guess. But it is bound to make the new government in Israel nervous, and the clock in Jerusalem is ticking a lot faster on the Iranian nuclear problem than it is in Washington.

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On Washington: Iranian Overture Might Complicate Relations With Israel (February 11, 2009) As The New York Times reported last month, a little less than a year ago the Israeli government went to President Bush seeking bunker-busting bombs, refueling ability and overflight rights over Iraq to strike Iran’s main nuclear enrichment plant, at Natanz. President Bush — who elevated pre-emption to a doctrine and declared he would never allow Iran to develop the ability to build a nuclear weapon — turned the Israelis down.

Mr. Bush told the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, now in his last days in office, to wait and to give a new American covert effort to disable the Natanz plant time to work. Reluctantly, the Israelis agreed, and when the Bush administration disbanded last month, it was still unclear whether Mr. Olmert had really intended to go ahead with the attack or was just bluffing in an effort to force the United States to deal with the problem.

Now comes the replay, this time with some new players.

Over the weekend, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. offered up the warning that Mr. Obama sidestepped on Monday night: If Iran stays on its current course, sanctions will intensify. The subtext of the Israeli election has been even clearer. To various degrees, all the candidates have made clear they plan to take on not only Hamas, but its Iranian sponsors.

And in Iran itself, the race for the presidency has been energized by the announcement over the weekend by former President Mohammad Khatami, the reformist who never mustered the power or the will to carry out much reform, that he wants his old job back. Presumably, that is a relief to Washington, which desperately wants to see President Ahmadinejad sent to an early and permanent retirement, and with him Iran’s proclamations about Israel’s eventual destruction and America’s inevitable decline.

But it was under Mr. Khatami that Iran’s nuclear ambitions first expanded. If the latest National Intelligence Estimate on Iran’s nuclear ambitions is correct, the push to develop a weapons design, and the suspension of that effort in 2003, all happened on his watch.

Iran contends that its nuclear program is solely for energy production, but Israel and many Western countries, including the United States, say it is just a cover for attempts to build a bomb.

Mr. Obama’s task over the next few months will be to demonstrate that he can simultaneously make progress with the Iranians and buy a little time from the Israelis. That will require some hard decisions, first among them whether the United States will stick to its insistence that the entire nuclear infrastructure in Iran, down to the last centrifuge, be dismantled.

It is almost inconceivable, some of Mr. Obama’s aides acknowledge, that the Iranians will be willing to give up everything needed to produce a weapon. And it is hard to imagine that the Israelis will settle for anything less.
February 11, 2009 Wednesday Safar 15, 1430
Iran for talks with US in ‘climate of equality’ pakistani perspective!

TEHRAN, Feb 10: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that Iran was prepared to talk to the United States in an atmosphere of equality and mutual respect after three decades of severed ties.

“The Iranian nation will welcome true changes and is ready for dialogue in a climate of equality and mutual respect,” he told a rally held to mark 30 years since the Islamic revolution.

“It is clear that the change must be fundamental and not tactical... the era of bullying is over and the era of dialogue has started.”

However, tens of thousands of Iranians chanting anti-US slogans took to the streets. Demonstrators bore placards reading “30 years of freedom, 30 years of pride,” “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”

Rallies were also held across Iran and the intelligence ministry said a bomb was defused, the ISNA news agency reported. “Security forces were alert and foiled the enemy’s plot on the anniversary of revolution,” it quoted Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie as saying in Hamedan.

Meanwhile, former president Mohammad Khatami, who has announced his candidacy in June’s presidential election, was reportedly confronted by a hostile crowd.

A stick-wielding mob shouting “Death to Khatami” tried to attack him but his supporters blocked them, the Baran Foundation website said.

“I officially announce that Iran today is a real and true superpower,” Mr Ahmadinejad said, touting Iran’s “scientific achievements” — most notably the launch of its first home-built satellite.

Mr Ahmadinejad advised US President Barack Obama to shun the policies of former president George W. Bush, who rejected talks unless Iran suspended its nuclear work and never ruled out a military option to thwart it.—AFP
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