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INS Vikrant gets another breather from Supreme Court


Aug 8, 2012
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  • 233627-on-board-ims-vikrant.jpg
India's first aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant, headed for the scrapyard, Monday got another breather from the Supreme Court as it blocked the vessel's ignominy, an activist said.

"We had made a plea to the apex court to stay the scrapping and give a chance to other state governments to 'adopt' it and revive it. Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan has ordered a status quo on the entire matter till the next hearing. The court has also issued notices to the defence ministry and other concerned parties," petitioner-activist Kiran Paigankar told IANS. The ship was due for going to the scrapyard May 17 after it was sold for Rs.60 crore through an e-auction to Mumbai-based IB Commercials Pvt Ltd.

Through the 'Save Vikrant Committee', Paigankar and other activists last month moved the apex court in a last-ditch bid to save the vessel which saw action in the 1971 India-Pakistan war. "Our plea to the Supreme Court was to allow any other state government or port trust in the country to come and take over the ship - since the Maharashtra government was unwilling to save it - and accord her the status of 'Antiquity' under the Antiquity & Art Treasures Act, 1972," Paigankar explained.

The once-imposing vessel, commissioned in the Indian Navy in 1961, was decommissioned in 1997 and has been kept anchored at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai. During the hearing of Paigankar's public interest litigation in January the central government informed the Bombay High Court that the 15,000 tonnes steel ship had completed its operational life. The Maharashtra government expressed its inability to preserve it as a floating museum owing to financial constraints, following which the Bombay High Court dismissed Paigankar's PIL.

The 70-year-old vessel, purchased as HMS Hercules from Britain in 1957 and later rechristened as 'INS Vikrant', helped enforce a naval blockade of East Pakistan - now Bangladesh - during the 1971 war. Paigankar claims that many Indians want it to be converted into a permanent floating national museum for educational, tourism and defence training purposes.

After the state government's refusal to provide finances, the Indian Navy put it up for e-auction and sold it for a paltry Rs.60 crore to the scrap dealer.
INS Vikrant gets another breather from Supreme Court | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
  • 233627-on-board-ims-vikrant.jpg
India's first aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant, headed for the scrapyard, Monday got another breather from the Supreme Court as it blocked the vessel's ignominy, an activist said.

"We had made a plea to the apex court to stay the scrapping and give a chance to other state governments to 'adopt' it and revive it. Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan has ordered a status quo on the entire matter till the next hearing. The court has also issued notices to the defence ministry and other concerned parties," petitioner-activist Kiran Paigankar told IANS. The ship was due for going to the scrapyard May 17 after it was sold for Rs.60 crore through an e-auction to Mumbai-based IB Commercials Pvt Ltd.

Through the 'Save Vikrant Committee', Paigankar and other activists last month moved the apex court in a last-ditch bid to save the vessel which saw action in the 1971 India-Pakistan war. "Our plea to the Supreme Court was to allow any other state government or port trust in the country to come and take over the ship - since the Maharashtra government was unwilling to save it - and accord her the status of 'Antiquity' under the Antiquity & Art Treasures Act, 1972," Paigankar explained.

The once-imposing vessel, commissioned in the Indian Navy in 1961, was decommissioned in 1997 and has been kept anchored at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai. During the hearing of Paigankar's public interest litigation in January the central government informed the Bombay High Court that the 15,000 tonnes steel ship had completed its operational life. The Maharashtra government expressed its inability to preserve it as a floating museum owing to financial constraints, following which the Bombay High Court dismissed Paigankar's PIL.

The 70-year-old vessel, purchased as HMS Hercules from Britain in 1957 and later rechristened as 'INS Vikrant', helped enforce a naval blockade of East Pakistan - now Bangladesh - during the 1971 war. Paigankar claims that many Indians want it to be converted into a permanent floating national museum for educational, tourism and defence training purposes.

After the state government's refusal to provide finances, the Indian Navy put it up for e-auction and sold it for a paltry Rs.60 crore to the scrap dealer.
INS Vikrant gets another breather from Supreme Court | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
WHY indian are to emotional about this aircraft Carrier Scrap it
I think it would be awesome to have the ship as a museum. However, its going to cost a great deal and use a large amount of harbour space.
WHY indian are to emotional about this aircraft Carrier Scrap it

Dude, this is a significant piece of history that we're talking about. Even if the proposed memorial doesn't go through, think about the decades of seafaring and professionalism of the Indian Navy which simply is unmatched to any world power when it comes to aircraft carriers.

Even China, a soon-to-be superpower, can't live up to our naval history.
I think it would be awesome to have the ship as a museum. However, its going to cost a great deal and use a large amount of harbour space.
Precisely, I'm all for this as long as the upkeep and conversion costs are NOT paid by the IN/MoD out of India's annual defence budget. This would be an utter misuse of such resources. And secondly this ship should be towed to somewhere where space is not at such a premium as in Mumbai, I don't know where just not Mumbai.
Precisely, I'm all for this as long as the upkeep and conversion costs are NOT paid by the IN/MoD out of India's annual defence budget. This would be an utter misuse of such resources. And secondly this ship should be towed to somewhere where space is not at such a premium as in Mumbai, I don't know where just not Mumbai.

Oh please. Since when has this ever been a precedence for this?
For what?

For the government to exact payment from the armed forces(their budgets, to be specific) for the upkeep of any memorials.

This has never happened before so yeah.... you're pretty much painting a bullshit scenario.
For the government to exact payment from the armed forces(their budgets, to be specific) for the upkeep of any memorials.
You are right but AFAIK this is EXACTLY what was proposed and why the IN took this decision. the Govt isn't exacting a payment out of the IN BUT no one is willing to cover the costs of converting this into a museum and paying for its upkeep so the IN had looked into this themselves and found it unviable finically which is why it was initially sold. Give it to some other Govt entity just not the Military to cover.
You are right but AFAIK this is EXACTLY what was proposed and why the IN took this decision. the Govt isn't exacting a payment out of the IN BUT no one is willing to cover the costs of converting this into a museum and paying for its upkeep so the IN had looked into this themselves and found it unviable finically which is why it was initially sold. Give it to some other Govt entity just not the Military to cover.

Nonsense. What specific liabilities were the Indian Navy held accountable to? And since when was INS Vikrant out of state care? You do realize the political backdrop of all this, don't you?

How Bal Thackeray threw the INS Vikrant a lifeline
Sandeep Unnithan | Mail Today | Mumbai, November 18, 2012 | UPDATED 15:33 IST

I met Bal Thackeray only once. It was in July 1999. I was a city reporter with the Indian Express, Mumbai. Our city section, Express Newsline had launched a 'Save Vikrant' campaign. The warship had served the navy for nearly 35 years and had played a stellar role in the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971 where its aircraft had strafed shore targets and prevented a seaborne escape of the trapped Pakistani army.

The Vikrant had been retired from the navy two years earlier. The navy wanted the state government to convert it into a museum but it would take the project at least five years to materialise. The warship could not wait this out without a refurbishment because its aging hull would be constantly exposed to the corrosive seawater. The navy had estimated it cost at least Rs.6 crore to dry-dock the carrier and refurbish its hull so it could wait out the project period.

The navy already had a hard time explaining to the auditors why they clung on to a retired ship. "Besides," one naval officer in the western naval command told me, "if the state government is serious about the project, let them pay," he said.

Our campaign had been on for over a year and it seemed things were moving forward. Then chief minister Manohar Joshi indicated he was in favor of converting the warship into a museum. But in February 1999, the ambitious Narayan Rane took over as CM.

Rane made his disdain for the project known. The navy got the message. They green-lighted the auction. On June 7, the the state-owned Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation, put newspaper advertisements calling bids for the historic ship. It seemed the campaign had been lost. The auction had gone through despite intervention at the highest levels: Bal Thackeray had asked his old friend George Fernandes, to stall the auction.

But the Kargil conflict that was then underway had Fernandes' complete attention. On July 8, the Vikrant was auctioned. The highest bid, for Rs.5.8 crore came from Haryana Shipbreakers. The mood in office was downcast particularly because we had invested so much effort in the campaign.

That day, we had to solve the mystery of how the auction had gone through. We decided to go and meet Bal Thackeray. I remember dashing down to our photo department and looking for Mohan Bane. A quiet unassuming photographer with a graying beard and a wealth of contacts.

A few minutes later, I was on the pillion of his motorcycle barreling towards Matoshree, in Kalanagar, Bandra (East). We were soon ushered past an endless series of rooms studded with Maratha iconography, Shivaji calendars, busts, crowds of followers, scattered slippers on the marble floor and even a silver throne with lions on its armrests. The Sena supremo sat on a sofa deep inside Matoshree. He was wearing his trademark silk kurta and lungi, his clean-shaved face framed with thick large 70s style eyeglasses. A large portrait of his wife Meenatai hung on the wall behind him.

Thackeray regarded Bane with affection and welcomed him. I sat down beside him, opened a file and explained the story. Thackeray listened patiently and nodded his head. His personal physician, Dr Nitu Mandke had told him of the enormous tourist potential it had for the city.

When Thackeray heard of the state government's recalcitrance, something seemed to snap inside him. "They are destroying their mothers," he growled. "Such people are not fit to rule the country." I didn't know who 'they' was. I didn't ask. But his ire was directed at his state government. Thackeray called for his telephone and the chief minister to meet him. There was no question of the auction going through, Thackeray later told us. The state government would pay the Rs.6.5 crores for refitting the warship, he said.

Bane then requested Thackeray to come on board the warship the following day for a photo-op. It was no ordinary photo op. Bane later told me this was to ensure the state government wouldn't back out.

Thackeray thought for a minute and then called for Champa Singh Thapa, his Marathi-speaking Nepali Man Friday. He asked Thapa to cancel his appointments for the next day. He was going on board the Vikrant, he said.

The Kargil war had triggered off patriotic fervor across the country. It would look good if the Sena supremo was seen on a powerful national symbol in his backyard.

Thackeray then lit a cigar and blew a few smoke rings of contentment. He asked me about my unusual surname, "South Indian?" He told me how much he admired former US President Isenhower, whose biography he had just put down. He was then lost in thought. It was time to go. We sought his leave, but Thackeray wasn't finished.

"I have a joke for you," he said. He narrated it poker-faced: Pramod Navalkar (a veteran Sena leader) was once travelling in an aircraft and introduced himself to his co-passenger as the culture minister of Maharashtra. "I'm the chief of the Nepal navy," his co passenger told him. "That's impossible," Navalkar said, 'Nepal doesn't have a navy.' 'If Maharashtra can have a culture minister, why can't Nepal have a navy?' the passenger asked. I remember laughing nervously. The Sena chief had a sense of humor after all. I later realized Thackeray, who had only a faint understanding of the navy, had wracked his brains to come up with a nautical-themed joke. It was a cartoonist's repartee.

(Epilogue- Bal Thackeray toured the INS Vikrant the following day. He was accompanied by the Chief Minister Rane and several state government officials. Rane announced the Rs.6.5 crore grant to repair the Vikrant. The ship is still in the naval dockyard Mumbai, as a museum thanks largely to the efforts of Thackeray and, subsequently, Vice Admiral Vinod Pasricha, the western naval commander in 2000. Successive state governments have yet to fulfill the promise of converting it into a permanent museum).

Read more at: How Bal Thackeray threw the INS Vikrant a lifeline : Bal Thackeray, News - India Today

Nonsense. What specific liabilities were the Indian Navy held accountable to? And since when was INS Vikrant out of state care? You do realize the political backdrop of all this, don't you?

How Bal Thackeray threw the INS Vikrant a lifeline
Sandeep Unnithan | Mail Today | Mumbai, November 18, 2012 | UPDATED 15:33 IST

I met Bal Thackeray only once. It was in July 1999. I was a city reporter with the Indian Express, Mumbai. Our city section, Express Newsline had launched a 'Save Vikrant' campaign. The warship had served the navy for nearly 35 years and had played a stellar role in the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971 where its aircraft had strafed shore targets and prevented a seaborne escape of the trapped Pakistani army.

The Vikrant had been retired from the navy two years earlier. The navy wanted the state government to convert it into a museum but it would take the project at least five years to materialise. The warship could not wait this out without a refurbishment because its aging hull would be constantly exposed to the corrosive seawater. The navy had estimated it cost at least Rs.6 crore to dry-dock the carrier and refurbish its hull so it could wait out the project period.

The navy already had a hard time explaining to the auditors why they clung on to a retired ship. "Besides," one naval officer in the western naval command told me, "if the state government is serious about the project, let them pay," he said.

Our campaign had been on for over a year and it seemed things were moving forward. Then chief minister Manohar Joshi indicated he was in favor of converting the warship into a museum. But in February 1999, the ambitious Narayan Rane took over as CM.

Rane made his disdain for the project known. The navy got the message. They green-lighted the auction. On June 7, the the state-owned Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation, put newspaper advertisements calling bids for the historic ship. It seemed the campaign had been lost. The auction had gone through despite intervention at the highest levels: Bal Thackeray had asked his old friend George Fernandes, to stall the auction.

But the Kargil conflict that was then underway had Fernandes' complete attention. On July 8, the Vikrant was auctioned. The highest bid, for Rs.5.8 crore came from Haryana Shipbreakers. The mood in office was downcast particularly because we had invested so much effort in the campaign.

That day, we had to solve the mystery of how the auction had gone through. We decided to go and meet Bal Thackeray. I remember dashing down to our photo department and looking for Mohan Bane. A quiet unassuming photographer with a graying beard and a wealth of contacts.

A few minutes later, I was on the pillion of his motorcycle barreling towards Matoshree, in Kalanagar, Bandra (East). We were soon ushered past an endless series of rooms studded with Maratha iconography, Shivaji calendars, busts, crowds of followers, scattered slippers on the marble floor and even a silver throne with lions on its armrests. The Sena supremo sat on a sofa deep inside Matoshree. He was wearing his trademark silk kurta and lungi, his clean-shaved face framed with thick large 70s style eyeglasses. A large portrait of his wife Meenatai hung on the wall behind him.

Thackeray regarded Bane with affection and welcomed him. I sat down beside him, opened a file and explained the story. Thackeray listened patiently and nodded his head. His personal physician, Dr Nitu Mandke had told him of the enormous tourist potential it had for the city.

When Thackeray heard of the state government's recalcitrance, something seemed to snap inside him. "They are destroying their mothers," he growled. "Such people are not fit to rule the country." I didn't know who 'they' was. I didn't ask. But his ire was directed at his state government. Thackeray called for his telephone and the chief minister to meet him. There was no question of the auction going through, Thackeray later told us. The state government would pay the Rs.6.5 crores for refitting the warship, he said.

Bane then requested Thackeray to come on board the warship the following day for a photo-op. It was no ordinary photo op. Bane later told me this was to ensure the state government wouldn't back out.

Thackeray thought for a minute and then called for Champa Singh Thapa, his Marathi-speaking Nepali Man Friday. He asked Thapa to cancel his appointments for the next day. He was going on board the Vikrant, he said.

The Kargil war had triggered off patriotic fervor across the country. It would look good if the Sena supremo was seen on a powerful national symbol in his backyard.

Thackeray then lit a cigar and blew a few smoke rings of contentment. He asked me about my unusual surname, "South Indian?" He told me how much he admired former US President Isenhower, whose biography he had just put down. He was then lost in thought. It was time to go. We sought his leave, but Thackeray wasn't finished.

"I have a joke for you," he said. He narrated it poker-faced: Pramod Navalkar (a veteran Sena leader) was once travelling in an aircraft and introduced himself to his co-passenger as the culture minister of Maharashtra. "I'm the chief of the Nepal navy," his co passenger told him. "That's impossible," Navalkar said, 'Nepal doesn't have a navy.' 'If Maharashtra can have a culture minister, why can't Nepal have a navy?' the passenger asked. I remember laughing nervously. The Sena chief had a sense of humor after all. I later realized Thackeray, who had only a faint understanding of the navy, had wracked his brains to come up with a nautical-themed joke. It was a cartoonist's repartee.

(Epilogue- Bal Thackeray toured the INS Vikrant the following day. He was accompanied by the Chief Minister Rane and several state government officials. Rane announced the Rs.6.5 crore grant to repair the Vikrant. The ship is still in the naval dockyard Mumbai, as a museum thanks largely to the efforts of Thackeray and, subsequently, Vice Admiral Vinod Pasricha, the western naval commander in 2000. Successive state governments have yet to fulfill the promise of converting it into a permanent museum).

Read more at: How Bal Thackeray threw the INS Vikrant a lifeline : Bal Thackeray, News - India Today

AFAIK It would have been the MoD's responsibility to pay for the overhaul, conversion and subsequent upkeep i mean the Mahrastra govt showed precisely 0 interest in it. All the figures out there for how much it would cost to convert it into a museum are from the MoD's own reports so why would they be the ones compiling the reports if it was nothing to do with them? Also you can't deny the space in Mumbai harbour could be better put to use.
AFAIK It would have been the MoD's responsibility to pay for the overhaul, conversion and subsequent upkeep i mean the Mahrastra govt showed precisely 0 interest in it. All the figures out there for how much it would cost to convert it into a museum are from the MoD's own reports so why would they be the ones compiling the reports if it was nothing to do with them? Also you can't deny the space in Mumbai harbour could be better put to use.

What figures? What report? And to conclude, it was the state government that chipped in with zero military budget!!!

And so the question arises on when how and why should be the Indian Navy would be stiffed with bill like you assume it to be.

Keying in @Capt.Popeye for some insight.
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