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Indonesian Navy to Procure Iver Huitveld Class frigate


Mar 28, 2013
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One of leading magazine online in Indonesia, Tempo magazine had stated in one of their column, about Indonesian Navy interest toward Iver Huitveld class AAW Frigate


The interest had been confirmed with high profile visit by Indonesian Defense Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu and several procurement staff from Indonesian Ministry of Defense toward Niels Juels, one of the Iver Huitveld class frigate of Denmark Navy posted by Denmark ambassador to Indonesia from his twitter account.

Came with the offer is the opportunity to build the ships inhouse along with Absalon Class support combat ships.



One of leading magazine online in Indonesia, Tempo magazine had stated in one of their column, about Indonesian Navy interest toward Iver Huitveld class AAW Frigate


The interest had been confirmed with high profile visit by Indonesian Defense Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu and several procurement staff from Indonesian Ministry of Defense toward Niels Juels, one of the Iver Huitveld class frigate of Denmark Navy posted by Denmark ambassador to Indonesia from his twitter account.

Came with the offer is the opportunity to build the ships inhouse along with Absalon Class support combat ships.




The only thing that link says is:
"Twitter account Danish Ambassador to Indonesia Casper Klynge (@DubesDenmark), March 7, 2016, wrote Defence Minister visits Indonesia, Ryamizard Ryacudu to warship Frigate Peter Willemoes, second-class warship built Iver Huitfeldt Denmark. This visit led to speculation that Indonesia the purchase of this sophisticated multipurpose frigate."

In other words, there is no formal statement of interest.
Let alone that 'Indonesian navy is to procure Iver Huitfeld class frigate'!

Also, it totally does not make sense:

Huitfeldt is a 6,645 tonnes (full load) ship, measuring 138.7 m (455 ft) by 19.75 m (64.8 ft) by 5.3 m (17 ft).

"In April 2011, PT PAL, in co-operation with Netherlands' Naval Shipbuilding, started designing a new light frigate for ASW purposes. It will be the largest warship built by PT PAL. The first steel cutting ceremony was held on January 2014 and order for two PKR ships is confirmed. Equipped with VL Mica missiles and Oerlikon Millennium CIWS, these ships are also usable for air defence purposes."

The largest new combat ship of Indonesia is a Damen Sigma 10514 design displacing 2,365 tons and measuring 105.11 meters by 14.02 meters by 3.75 meters. Only the Ahmad Yani class (ex-Dutch Van Speijk class frigate, a variation on the UK's Leander) is slightly larger with , 2,850 tons fld, and measuring 113.4 m by 12.5 m by 5.8 m.
The only thing that link says is:
"Twitter account Danish Ambassador to Indonesia Casper Klynge (@DubesDenmark), March 7, 2016, wrote Defence Minister visits Indonesia, Ryamizard Ryacudu to warship Frigate Peter Willemoes, second-class warship built Iver Huitfeldt Denmark. This visit led to speculation that Indonesia the purchase of this sophisticated multipurpose frigate."

In other words, there is no formal statement of interest.
Let alone that 'Indonesian navy is to procure Iver Huitfeld class frigate'!

Also, it totally does not make sense:

Huitfeldt is a 6,645 tonnes (full load) ship, measuring 138.7 m (455 ft) by 19.75 m (64.8 ft) by 5.3 m (17 ft).

"In April 2011, PT PAL, in co-operation with Netherlands' Naval Shipbuilding, started designing a new light frigate for ASW purposes. It will be the largest warship built by PT PAL. The first steel cutting ceremony was held on January 2014 and order for two PKR ships is confirmed. Equipped with VL Mica missiles and Oerlikon Millennium CIWS, these ships are also usable for air defence purposes."

The largest new combat ship of Indonesia is a Damen Sigma 10514 design displacing 2,365 tons and measuring 105.11 meters by 14.02 meters by 3.75 meters. Only the Ahmad Yani class (ex-Dutch Van Speijk class frigate, a variation on the UK's Leander) is slightly larger with , 2,850 tons fld, and measuring 113.4 m by 12.5 m by 5.8 m.

visit the tempo site altough in bahasa
visit the tempo site altough in bahasa
I visited and translated this:

Indonesia Akan Beli Kapal Perang Serbaguna Ini?
rabu, 03 agustus 2016 | 11:07 WIB

Akun twitter Duta Besar Denmark untuk Indonesia Casper Klynge (@DubesDenmark), 7 Maret 2016, menulis kunjungan Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia, Ryamizard Ryacudu ke kapal perang Frigate Peter Willemoes, kapal perang kedua dari kelas Iver Huitfeldt dibangun Denmark. Kunjungan ini menimbulkan spekulasi bahwa Indonesia kan membeli frigate serba guna canggih ini."

Is what is says.

It translates to:
"Twitter account Danish Ambassador to Indonesia Casper Klynge (@DubesDenmark), March 7, 2016, wrote Defence Minister visits Indonesia, Ryamizard Ryacudu to warship Frigate Peter Willemoes, second-class warship built Iver Huitfeldt Denmark. This visit led to speculation that Indonesia the purchase of this sophisticated multipurpose frigate."
I visited and translated this:

Indonesia Akan Beli Kapal Perang Serbaguna Ini?
rabu, 03 agustus 2016 | 11:07 WIB

Akun twitter Duta Besar Denmark untuk Indonesia Casper Klynge (@DubesDenmark), 7 Maret 2016, menulis kunjungan Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia, Ryamizard Ryacudu ke kapal perang Frigate Peter Willemoes, kapal perang kedua dari kelas Iver Huitfeldt dibangun Denmark. Kunjungan ini menimbulkan spekulasi bahwa Indonesia kan membeli frigate serba guna canggih ini."

Is what is says.

It translates to:
"Twitter account Danish Ambassador to Indonesia Casper Klynge (@DubesDenmark), March 7, 2016, wrote Defence Minister visits Indonesia, Ryamizard Ryacudu to warship Frigate Peter Willemoes, second-class warship built Iver Huitfeldt Denmark. This visit led to speculation that Indonesia the purchase of this sophisticated multipurpose frigate."

the news in other sites
It is interesting to read what the Danes have on offer, but having something on offer still does not mean the Indonesian navy has expressed (a serious rather than polite) interest or that such an acquisition would be within the means of the Indonesian defence establishment (which is a political decision). In any case, it remains premature to conclude "Indonesian Navy to Procure Iver Huitveld Class frigate".

Besides, I read "Denmark even offers a boatbuilding light of this destroyer in Indonesia." suggests that while Denmark might offer shipbuilding tech transfer, an Indonesian facility would not necessarily build the Huitfeld frigate.

In your link, I see this "co-author of Casper Klynge, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Indonesia, noted that Denmark is very serious to offer these frigates to Indonesia." So it is not the Danish Ambassador that is offering anything but his ... "co-author"? Wtf !?

As far as I'm concerned, the above link is still speculative as is this one

Google "Caspar Klynge" + huitfeldt and you get 0 (zero) hits.
Likewise for "Caspar Klynge" + frigate, and for "Caspar Klynge" + shipbuilding.
Or for "Caspar Klynge" + destroyer or + Willemoes.
Doesn't that strike you as odd?


The first link above says

"Forum Indonesian military participated to discuss the issue and begin to appear the rumors Indonesia will strengthen the fleet of warships, with the addition of a missile destroyer escorts (light frigate sigma 10514), plus the Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) and heavy frigate. Forum Indonesian military in Defence.PK mention, to class heavy frigate, prospective contractors from Denmark and India."

  • Rumors. Forum discussion.
  • Sigma 10514, OPV and heavy frigate
  • Prospective contractors Denmark and India (for heavy frigate, assume Huitfeldt or Shivalik classes)
Besides Absalon flexible support ship and Huitfeldt frigate, the Danes also build Stanflex OPVs i.e. Knud Rasmussen class
It is interesting to read what the Danes have on offer, but having something on offer still does not mean the Indonesian navy has expressed (a serious rather than polite) interest or that such an acquisition would be within the means of the Indonesian defence establishment (which is a political decision). In any case, it remains premature to conclude "Indonesian Navy to Procure Iver Huitveld Class frigate".

Besides, I read "Denmark even offers a boatbuilding light of this destroyer in Indonesia." suggests that while Denmark might offer shipbuilding tech transfer, an Indonesian facility would not necessarily build the Huitfeld frigate.

In your link, I see this "co-author of Casper Klynge, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Indonesia, noted that Denmark is very serious to offer these frigates to Indonesia." So it is not the Danish Ambassador that is offering anything but his ... "co-author"? Wtf !?

As far as I'm concerned, the above link is still speculative as is this one

Google "Caspar Klynge" + huitfeldt and you get 0 (zero) hits.
Likewise for "Caspar Klynge" + frigate, and for "Caspar Klynge" + shipbuilding.
Or for "Caspar Klynge" + destroyer or + Willemoes.
Doesn't that strike you as odd?

err rather so many missed part from me too

well because right now i had time to spare, i will tell what i know from my first hand account. I working as sales person for defence equipment corp. in Indonesia so i had some connection with the people involved in the matter, Indonesian Navy is currently searching for true size modern frigates in which one of their requirements is have a decent AAW capabilities and had some albeit limited commandship/adm entourage facilities. The need arise from several factors in which i cant elaborated further, several symposium had been held to find the solutions and requirements. At first they looking for the advanced derivative of Talwar class, and then came the other candidates from China, even they had sents delegation and inspection teams to the manufacturer company. Then came the disputes with China recently, and to gain the advantage the Danish come and give their proposal since last year, so far what i know is, their proposal had been accepted by Bappenas through the Navy (strategic body who runs development and planning programs in Indonesia) as the recent articles had giving details about Bapenas had allocated budget planning for one AAW frigate and one PKR class for Indonesian 2nd MEF. The budget itself around 1,2 Billion USD.

Well the miss from me is it must not Iver thought it can be Talwar or something else from SK.along With the aging of our Van Speijk class is rapidly deteriorating the Navy readiness , the replacement program must be started sooner. And the interest of our Navy to Iver is resiprocal with their offer too
Well the miss from me is it must not Iver thought it can be Talwar or something else from SK.along With the aging of our Van Speijk class is rapidly deteriorating the Navy readiness , the replacement program must be started sooner. And the interest of our Navy to Iver is resiprocal with their offer too
KDX-II Apar variant or KDX-IIA?



this pic came from ihs jane taken during indo defence 2014,i recall the person on the booth call it DSME 8000

DSME 8000 for KDDX program to fill the gap between the KDX-2 destroyers and the larger KDX-III Aegis ships

Displacement 8,000 tons
Length 155 meters
Beam 18.8 meters
Draft 9.5 meters
Propulsion: Twin screw CODAG (Combined Diesel and Gas)
Crew around 180 sailors

16x SSM-700K Haeseong (C-Star) Anti-ship Missile launchers
48x Mk41 or South Korean equivalent vertical launch systems at the bow for surface to air missiles, K-Asroc
16x larger K-VLS back aft (for LIG Nex1's Hyunmoo-3C long range land attack anti-ship cruise missiles
lightweight ASW torpedo launchers
1x 20mm Phalanx CIWS

Bow sonar
Towed array sonar

Integrated Main mast.
Main radar: Lockheed Martin's AEGIS SPY-1 radar or equivalent, e.g. Samsung-Thales AESA phased array radar











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