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Indonesia ranks among most religious countries in Pew study


Jul 25, 2013
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Indonesia ranks among most religious countries in Pew study
  • Made Anthony Iswara
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Fri, July 31, 2020 / 09:04 am


Muslims observe physical distancing during the congregational Friday prayer on June 5, 2020 at Al Azhar Mosque in South Jakarta, the first to be held at the mosque since the COVID-19 restrictions were eased in the capital city. (JP/Dhoni Setiawan)

Indonesians are among the most religious people in the world, a recently released survey from the Pew Research Center says.

Nearly all Indonesian respondents (96 percent) surveyed stated that belief in God was necessary to be moral and have good values, revealed the Pew Research Center's “The Global God Divide” report, published on July 20.

The results of the survey, which covered 34 countries, places Indonesia alongside the Philippines as the two countries with the highest percentage of citizens (96 percent) who equate belief in God with having good values.

Most Indonesians also deemed religion, God and prayer to be an important part of their lives, at respectively 98 percent, 91 percent and 95 percent of respondents.


“Over time, the importance of religion in Indonesia has not changed, making it one of the most religiously devout public that we surveyed,” Jacob Poushter, Pew associate director of global attitudes research, told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday.


The survey confirmed that it was important for Indonesians to define themselves along religious lines, with "religiously unaffiliated people" like agnostics and atheists rarely found in the country.

Indonesian laws guarantee freedom of religion, although in its implementation, citizens must subscribe to one of the six approved official religions: Buddhism, Catholicism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam or Protestantism.

Experts have said that Muslim-majority Indonesia is neither an Islamic state nor an entirely secular one, with religion largely recontextualized as a sociopolitical issue through the country's democratic and nationalist principles.

Meanwhile, Poushter noted that Indonesia bore similarities with other highly religious societies in emerging and developing economies, where people generally tended to be more religious than people in more advanced economies.

Wahid Foundation researcher Alamsyah M. Djafar suggested that the government’s move to formalize religion may have bolstered Indonesians' high level of religiosity as shown in the Pew survey. The government’s policy on religion includes permitting specific regions to adopt sharia, such as Aceh where it is obligatory for Muslim women to wear hijab.

Other factors like economic inequality, the politicization of religion and wide-ranging uncertainties across various sectors may have also contributed to high religiosity in Indonesia, as religious institutions offered their congregations a sense of certainty and safety.

But Alamsyah also pointed out that intolerance remained prevalent in the country.

He criticized a 2006 decree that made it difficult for minority religions to build places of worship.

The joint ministerial decree on houses of worship requires a congregation to collect 90 signatures from its members and another 60 signatures from other residents in the community before a building permit can be issued. Many minority religions have been unable to fulfill the requirement and so have been unable to build a house of worship.

Alamsyah also said that local administrations had been inconsistent in supporting minority religions that could not meet the decree's requirements.

His view echoes that of many activists who have long criticized the decree and its misuse by local communities across the country as a means of obstructing the construction of places of worship for minority religions.

Read also: Supreme Court asked to review provision on places of worship

Experts have also previously condemned the draconian 1965 Blasphemy Law that privileged the Muslim majority over religious minorities, as well as discriminative regional bylaws that provide justification for religious intolerance.

In addition to fixing the regulatory loopholes, Alamysah called on the public to employ critical thinking in their religious belief.

“Critical thinking is shown in how people understand religion from more than one source or opinion. If they deem one [religion] is wrong and another is right, then he or she is likely following a conservative view,” he said.

Meanwhile, Religious Affairs Ministry spokesman Oman Fathurahman said on Monday that the Indonesian results of the Pew survey were “unsurprising”.

“Spirituality has been an inseparable part of Indonesia for hundreds of years,” he said.

Oman was quick to add that Indonesia's high religiosity must be balanced with moderate, inclusive understanding that did not claim “a [particular] religious interpretation as absolute truth”, considering the diverse religious beliefs and practices of Indonesia.

Read also: Religious harmony index up but intolerance remains

He said the ministry was currently strengthening and expanding its “religious moderation” programs and was including the programs in the ministry’s five-year development plan to guide future policies on religion.

Oman stressed that the purpose of religious moderation was to prevent acts of intolerance and conservative extremism, as well as to educate people to avoid freely “ignoring or degrading [other] religious values”.

“In principle, they must be fair and balanced in practicing religious teachings and not be excessive [in leaning toward] either the extreme right and left, because they will both be counterproductive for the very religious people of Indonesia,” he said.

The survey doesnt include many Muslim countries, only Indonesia, Turkey, Tunisia, Lebanon. Nigeria (50:50) is not considered as Muslim countries.

In essence Muslim countries have higher scores in term of believing to God.

The question posed in the poll is not "Do you believe in God?" but "Is belief in God necessary to have a moral framework?" Obviously these are different questions. Someone like me, who believes in God, would answer the poll question "No" because I believe that many people who are atheists or agnostics, or who believe in non-Abrahamic faiths, are nonetheless moral people. The poll measures tolerance for non-Abrahamic moral values systems, not the religiosity of the polled person's nation.
The question posed in the poll is not "Do you believe in God?" but "Is belief in God necessary to have a moral framework?" Obviously these are different questions. Someone like me, who believes in God, would answer the poll question "No" because I believe that many people who are atheists or agnostics, or who believe in non-Abrahamic faiths, are nonetheless moral people. The poll measures tolerance for non-Abrahamic moral values systems, not the religiosity of the polled person's nation.

If some one give you a live and support your living like what God does to human, but in return some people disregard His present instead of appreciating Him, so not believing in Him did show immoral behavior IMO. So it does have a strong connection between believing to God and morality. You cannot see morality as merely a relationship of human with another human or another living creature, how about the relationship between God and human ???

What is this? If Israel is for the Jews then how come half of them don't believe in God? better yet is someone even Jew if they don't believe in God?
If some one give you a live and support your living like what God does to human, but in return some people disregard His present instead of appreciating Him, so not believing in Him show immoral behavior IMO. So it does have a strong connection between believing to God and morality. You cannot see morality as merely a relationship of human with another human or another living creature, how about the relationship between God and human ???

What you are saying above is simply your opinion, not truth or fact. Most people, when asked in English about moral values, would respond while thinking about inter-human interactions, like lying, cheating, rape, murder, etc. Relationship to "God" as a necessary value in order to be "moral" would occur to very few, if any, people answering the poll. (And what I say here, just now, is my opinion, not fact or truth, either. But I believe I am 98% more correct than you are.)
View attachment 657351
What is this? If Israel is for the Jews then how come half of them don't believe in God? better yet is someone even Jew if they don't believe in God?
Mr. Sabretooth, the poll didn't ask Israelis, or anyone else, whether or not they believed in God. That is a misrepresentation conveyed by the OP.
View attachment 657351

What is this? If Israel is for the Jews then how come half of them don't believe in God? better yet is someone even Jew if they don't believe in God?

The figure some how can explain of why Israel election get death lock for the last several years, between the conservative and liberals
All the top tier nation in terms of development are dominated by nonbelievers.
What you are saying above is simply your opinion, not truth or fact. Most people, when asked in English about moral values, would respond while thinking about inter-human interactions, like lying, cheating, rape, murder, etc. Relationship to "God" as a necessary value in order to be "moral" would occur to very few, if any, people answering the poll. (And what I say here, just now, is my opinion, not fact or truth, either. But I believe I am 98% more correct than you are.)

Maybe you want to know the importance of morality in Islam.

Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr:

The Prophet (ﷺ) never used bad language neither a "Fahish nor a Mutafahish. He used to say "The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character." (See Hadith No. 56 (B) Vol. 8)

حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدَانُ، عَنْ أَبِي حَمْزَةَ، عَنِ الأَعْمَشِ، عَنْ أَبِي وَائِلٍ، عَنْ مَسْرُوقٍ، عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَمْرٍو ـ رضى الله عنهما ـ قَالَ لَمْ يَكُنِ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَاحِشًا وَلاَ مُتَفَحِّشًا وَكَانَ يَقُولُ ‏ "‏ إِنَّ مِنْ خِيَارِكُمْ أَحْسَنَكُمْ أَخْلاَقًا ‏"‏‏.‏
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3559
In-book reference : Book 61, Hadith 68
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 4, Book 56, Hadith 759

(deprecated numbering scheme)
I am a Jew and I don't believe in God. Whats the problem?

So being Jew means belonging to a certain race/ethnicity/nation etc. It has nothing to do with following a religion? or can you follow Judaism without believing in God? I'm asking because I want to know how this works.
To understand my point I will give you an example. From the POV of Islam if someone says they do not believe in God they are not Muslim. They can be Arab, Bengali, Turk, Afghan etc. but not Muslim.
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