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Indonesia grants parole to Australian drug trafficker


May 14, 2013
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Schapelle Corby granted parole in Bali after nine years in jail - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Schapelle Corby granted parole in Bali after nine years in jail

Convicted Australian drug trafficker Schapelle Corby has been granted parole more than nine years after she was jailed.

Corby, a former Gold Coast beauty student, will be required to stay in Indonesia and report regularly to authorities once she is released from prison.

She is expected to live with her sister Mercedes, who lives in Kuta in southern Bali.

Indonesian justice minister Amir Syamsuddin held a press conference in Jakarta where he spoke about the prisoner applications he had been reviewing, including Corby's.

He said Corby's review has been completed, but when asked if she had been given parole, said he did not want to talk specifically about the Australian.

The minister appeared to distance himself from any suggestion that the decision was a personal response.

VIDEO: Justice minister Amir Syamsuddin speaks to reporters (ABC News)
"I don't want to speak specifically about Schapelle," he told media.

"It is not the compassion of the minister or the government, it is the right which is regulated by the laws, by the act, by the government provisions and all of the regulations that exist.
"We are a dignified nation and we enforce the law and we don't look at who that person is, we look at the legislation and the rights of those people."

Soon after, reporters were handed a press release saying that Corby's parole application had been approved because she has fulfilled all the substantial terms as required under Indonesian law.

Corby could be released next week, governor says

The governor of Kerobokan prison says Corby could be released from jail by as early as Monday afternoon.

Schapelle Corby timeline

Look back over her early years, her experience with drugs, her marriage - and a holiday that sparked one of the most famous sagas in our legal history.
He told media he wanted copies of the original parole document sent to him, and would release her as soon as he received the letter.

It is understood her parole application involved her living at the house of her sister Mercedes.

It is unclear how long she will have to remain in Bali before being allowed to return to Australia.

Tim Lindsey, director of the Asian Law Centre at the University of Melbourne, says under Indonesian law Corby must be of good behaviour, report to authorities and be under supervision while on parole.

"The period of parole lasts the remainder of their prison term plus an additional year, under which they remain under the supervision of authorities," he said.

"The balance of her existing term would expire in September 2016 and under the criminal procedure code there would normally be required to be supervision for a further year, which could make it September 2017."

Former ABC Indonesia correspondent Tim Palmer says the parole decision should not be viewed in terms of the Australia-Indonesia relationship.

"What he's (Indonesian justice minister Amir Syamsuddin) made clear all along is, he barely mentioned Schapelle Corby's name. He wanted this to just be dealt with as another piece of paper that had no significance politically.

"He made it very clear in his statement this was not about any expression of compassion either from his office or from the government more broadly.

"This was simply a matter of strictly meeting the terms of the regulations and being entitled to her rights, so he has distanced himself as far as possible from this as being in any way a decision that required some discretion politically from the government."
Corby was 27 years old when she was arrested at Denpasar airport in 2004 after authorities found 4.1 kilograms of marijuana in her bodyboard bag.

She has always maintained her innocence.

During her trial in 2005, Corby's defence team argued she was a victim of an elaborate drug-smuggling syndicate run by baggage handlers.

She was found guilty in May 2005 and sentenced to 20 years in jail, as well as being fined more than $13,000.

Over the years she exhausted her avenues of appeal with no success in overturning her conviction.

She was granted a five-year sentence cut in 2012 after she applied for clemency from president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Combined with other small reductions in her sentence for good behaviour, Corby applied for parole after satisfying the requirement of serving two-thirds of her sentence.
About time. Indonesian police and officials are heavily involved in drug trafficking. They set foreigners up expecting them to pay huge bribes and then jail them if they don't.
About time. Indonesian police and officials are heavily involved in drug trafficking. They set foreigners up expecting them to pay huge bribes and then jail them if they don't.

set up? ha ha, trust me mister bali is like my 2nd home, i know that there will always be some aussies behind some drug deals in bali.

Foreigners know drug trafficking is punishable by death in Indonesia, we put a big sign in every indonesian airport and it is written in english, why is it always so hard for your people to read what's on the sign. Set up? More like corby was so stupid because she didn't even understand what the billboard says, if she did understand (and was smart) she would refuse to carry drugs to Indonesia.


About time. Indonesian police and officials are heavily involved in drug trafficking. They set foreigners up expecting them to pay huge bribes and then jail them if they don't.

please mister, can you going out from your cave. I think so many Australia bogan likely to misunderstood if the Indonesia as a backward lawless country granted by god with heavenly islands in which they can smoking their bongs or marijuana without fear to get caught by authorities, but unfortunately they are dead wrong.
About time. Indonesian police and officials are heavily involved in drug trafficking. They set foreigners up expecting them to pay huge bribes and then jail them if they don't.

You do realise Corby's brother is a drug trafficker, her sister is a drug user, father deals and grows drugs and Corby herself uses coke, weed and other drugs as well since she was a teenager right? Also to add that she knows a whole lot of drug traffickers as 'friends'.

She deserves to serve the full sentence. Australia doesn't need scum like her being treated with respect and dignity and what p1sses me off the most is that she still denies it despite all the evidence and background. Scum.

please mister, can you going out from your cave. I think so many Australia bogan likely to misunderstood if the Indonesia as a backward lawless country granted by god with heavenly islands in which they can smoking their bongs or marijuana without fear to get caught by authorities, but unfortunately they are dead wrong.

No, most of us know that drugs is a death sentence in South East Asia and many Australians have been sent to death e.g. Chinese Australian drug trafficker hanged in Malaysia and the case of Bali Nine etc.
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You do realise Corby's brother is a drug trafficker, her sister is a drug user, father deals and grows drugs and Corby herself uses coke, weed and other drugs as well since she was a teenager right? Also to add that she knows a whole lot of drug traffickers as well as 'friends'.

She deserves to serve the full sentence. Australia doesn't need scum like her being treated with respect and dignity and what p1sses me off the most is that she still denies is despite all the evidence and background. Scum.

No, most of us know that drugs is a death sentence in South East Asia and many Australians have been sent to death e.g. Chinese Australian drug trafficker hanged in Malaysia and the case of Bali Nine etc.

finally i found some realistic Australian member here

The decision to granted her a parole itself i think was in coordination between law agencies in Indonesia, and was not in breach with our law.
You do realise Corby's brother is a drug trafficker, her sister is a drug user, father deals and grows drugs and Corby herself uses coke, weed and other drugs as well since she was a teenager right? Also to add that she knows a whole lot of drug traffickers as 'friends'.

She deserves to serve the full sentence. Australia doesn't need scum like her being treated with respect and dignity and what p1sses me off the most is that she still denies it despite all the evidence and background. Scum.

No, most of us know that drugs is a death sentence in South East Asia and many Australians have been sent to death e.g. Chinese Australian drug trafficker hanged in Malaysia and the case of Bali Nine etc.

This is incorrect, 3 white Australians have been executed in Malaysia and one Vietnamese Australian in Singapore. No Chinese Australian was hanged in Malaysia, where did you get that from? Malaysia seems less reluctant to execute white foreigners than Indonesia.

Australians on Death Row

australians on death row

The following Australians have been executed in recent years:

Van Tuong Nguyen - HANGED ON 2 DECEMBER 2005 in Singapore
Michael McAuliffe - HANGED ON 19 JUNE 1993 in Malaysia
Kevin Barlow - HANGED ON 7 JULY 1986 in Malaysia
Brian Chambers - HANGED ON 7 JULY 1986 in Malaysia

List of Australians imprisoned or executed abroad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Prisoner From Convictions Arrested Release date Notes
Kevin Barlow Perth, Western Australia Drug trafficking (Heroin) 9 November 1983 Executed Executed by hanging on 7 July 1986.[18][19]
Brian Chambers Perth, Western Australia Drug trafficking (Heroin) 9 November 1983 Executed Executed by hanging on 7 July 1986.[18][19]
Michael McAuliffe Sydney, New South Wales Drug trafficking (Heroin) 29 June 1985 Executed Executed by hanging in June 1993.[20]

Prisoner From Convictions Arrested Release date Notes
Van Tuong Nguyen Melbourne, Victoria Drug trafficking (Heroin) 12 December 2002 Executed Executed by hanging on 2 December 2005.

Almost all of the Australians trafficking drugs in Indonesia have had their death sentences commuted. Only two of the Bali 9 are on death row and no other Australian has ever been executed in Indonesia for drug trafficking.

List of Australians imprisoned or executed abroad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I hope she considers herself lucky. The death penalty is routinely dispensed in proper Asian countries for drug trafficking, foreigner or not. The only reason she's been shown so much mercy is because of Australian diplomatic pressure, and the vociferous media PR campaign that her lackeys are waging.
I hope she considers herself lucky. The death penalty is routinely dispensed in proper Asian countries for drug trafficking, foreigner or not. The only reason she's been shown so much mercy is because of Australian diplomatic pressure, and the vociferous media PR campaign that her lackeys are waging.

Malaysia actually has the guts to hang white Australians for drug trafficking, while Indonesia commuted all of the death sentences of white foreigners caught smuggling drugs. So far Indonesia has only executed non-westerners.

Indonesia executes Pakistani drug smuggler

Schapelle Corby granted parole in Bali after nine years in jail - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Malaysia should annex Indonesia, then white Australians will have to find another place to smoke their marijuana and shoot up heroin or they would be hung really fast. These double standards for white foreigners need to go, everyone needs to be treated equally.
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