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India’s secret nuclear city


Sep 20, 2014
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PAKISTAN on Thursday drew attention of world community towards India’s nuclear ambitions and the threat they pose to regional security and stability. During his weekly news briefing, Foreign Office spokesman Nafis Zakaria referred to building of a secret nuclear city by India, huge stockpile of nuclear weapons and testing of inter-continental ballistic missiles and warned that these threaten to undermine strategic balance in the region.

It was in December 2015 that a prestigious American magazine published details of the secret nuclear city being developed by India at Challakere and its strategic implications especially for Pakistan and China. Again in September 2015, an investigative report by Al Jazeera television confirmed that India was building a huge nuclear complex to produce highly enriched uranium and allow the country to produce thermonuclear bombs, one thousand times more powerful than those used against two Japanese cities in World War-II. These reports were not taken as seriously by the world media as they should have been but it was strange enough that there was also no worthwhile reaction from Pakistan, which is directly threatened by such dangerous developments across its Eastern borders. Possession of nuclear and thermonuclear devices as well as inter-continental ballistic missiles by a country that has extremist and narrow-minded coterie at the helm of affairs should be a matter of deep concern not only for Pakistan but for the region and beyond. Pakistan has reasons to be alarmed as India has a cold start doctrine, its Army Chief boasts of surgical strikes, its Prime Minister takes pride in being part of the conspiracy to dismember Pakistan and is willing to repeat the episode,

and its Home Minister had the audacity to suggest referendum in Pakistan to determine whether its people want to join India – a country worst than a jail for minorities. In this backdrop it is regrettable that a country, with proven aggressive agenda, is being doled out all sorts of technological, diplomatic and political cooperation by some western countries to become a monster. Pakistan has no other option but to take credible measures to safeguard its security interests.

PAKISTAN on Thursday drew attention of world community towards India’s nuclear ambitions and the threat they pose to regional security and stability. During his weekly news briefing, Foreign Office spokesman Nafis Zakaria referred to building of a secret nuclear city by India, huge stockpile of nuclear weapons and testing of inter-continental ballistic missiles and warned that these threaten to undermine strategic balance in the region.

It was in December 2015 that a prestigious American magazine published details of the secret nuclear city being developed by India at Challakere and its strategic implications especially for Pakistan and China. Again in September 2015, an investigative report by Al Jazeera television confirmed that India was building a huge nuclear complex to produce highly enriched uranium and allow the country to produce thermonuclear bombs, one thousand times more powerful than those used against two Japanese cities in World War-II. These reports were not taken as seriously by the world media as they should have been but it was strange enough that there was also no worthwhile reaction from Pakistan, which is directly threatened by such dangerous developments across its Eastern borders. Possession of nuclear and thermonuclear devices as well as inter-continental ballistic missiles by a country that has extremist and narrow-minded coterie at the helm of affairs should be a matter of deep concern not only for Pakistan but for the region and beyond. Pakistan has reasons to be alarmed as India has a cold start doctrine, its Army Chief boasts of surgical strikes, its Prime Minister takes pride in being part of the conspiracy to dismember Pakistan and is willing to repeat the episode,

and its Home Minister had the audacity to suggest referendum in Pakistan to determine whether its people want to join India – a country worst than a jail for minorities. In this backdrop it is regrettable that a country, with proven aggressive agenda, is being doled out all sorts of technological, diplomatic and political cooperation by some western countries to become a monster. Pakistan has no other option but to take credible measures to safeguard its security interests.

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