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Indian temples, Ashrams, religious foundations its wealth and Income

Surya 1

Aug 6, 2016
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Hi guys,

Let us discuss something else.

I will discuss the wealth and Income of Indian temple here. I hope that trolls will stay away and let the Thread function smoothly.

Saty Sai trust had 1.4 Lakh crore way back in 2011 i.e a decade ago. It would have doubles at simple interest rate of 7% even if no additional donation is received.
Sai trust estimated at ₹ 1.4 lakh crore
IndiaMid-Day.comUpdated: April 26, 2011 3:10 pm IST
by Taboola
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Sai trust estimated at Rs 1.4 lakh crore

Bangalore: Even before the mortal remains of Sathya Sai Baba can be laid to rest, a quest is on for control over the trust. While the assets with trust are officially assumed to be ₹ 40,000 crore, an unofficial estimation runs to over ₹ 1.4 lakh crore.

Sathya Sai Central Trust is the administrative body running health and educational institutions, and the Baba was supreme as authorised signatory of bank accounts. With no heir apparent, many are vying to become the trust's president.

Though devotees are deep in mourning at the passing of their guru, they are still concerned about the future of the trust and its assets.

"Baba taught us not to give importance to worldly wealth, but the trust and its assets must be in safe hands in order to take forward his message and continue his social works," said Shiva Sai Baba, an ardent disciple, who runs an ashram near Chikkaballapur in his name.

"We wish the government will take the proper decision on this," he added.

The Andhra Pradesh government set rumour mills churning, when it dispatched a team of officials led by L V Subramanyam, principle secretary (finance), earlier this month, to Puttaparthi when the Baba was hospitalised. It was speculated that the government was mulling over taking over the trust.

However, Y Kirankumar Reddy clarified that his government was not considering taking over the trust. "The trust is running well and I think there should be no alteration at this point of time. It will continue as it was," he said.

However, an official source said a meeting would be held tomorrow after the last rites are performed where it would be decided what the future format of the trust would be. Even as the meeting has created much curiosity, it has kicked up hectic activities behind the scenes.

While some are arguing Chakravarthi, currently general secretary of the trust, should take over as the president, many are supporting R J Ratnakar, Baba's nephew.


The trust was shaped just a year ago and members include P N Bhagavathi, a retired judge of the Supreme Court, Indulal Jain, a Mumbai-based industrialist, V Srinivasan, a Chennai-based industrialist, S V Giri, former vice-chancellor of Sathya Sai University, and R J Ratnakar.

Even outsiders are apparently eying the coveted position of president. Satyajit, who was Baba's caretaker and Adikeshavalu Naidu, an MP and former president of Tirupati Tirumala Devasthanam Trust are among the main contenders.

Adikeshavalu even went to the extent of alleging that the Baba's caretakers had been restricting his movements while he was ill.

He has made accusations that Baba was overdosed with drugs resulting in his health deteriorating. He claimed that trust members at Puttaparthi turned him away last week, for demanding to see his spiritual guru.

"Some politicians outside the trust are trying to hijack the trust. Need of the hour is to keep them at bay," said a trust member.

Though he did not name Adikeshavalu, he dropped enough hints that he was referring him. Meanwhile, Adikeshavalu said, "I am not interested in the trust matter. However, I am concerned about the future of the institutions established by the Baba. He has shown us the path and we have to proceed in that way. Right now I don't want to talk about anything related to the trust or other things because we are yet to perform the last rites."

@Imran Khan , @Irfan Baloch
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What is the net worth of a Tirupati temple?
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1 Answer

Profile photo for Arjun Kishore

Arjun Kishore

, lives in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Answered 3 years ago

Tirupati is one of the richest pilgrim center in India,it is famous for Lord balaji/Venkateswara swamy there are many pilgrim are visited in tirupati around the world it's about a 2Lakhs per day at holidays times and 1lakh+ at normal days so many devotes their Offerings in Hundi. At the end of the day the TTD management counts the Offerings it's is estimated that the average amount of money TTD gets through offerings by the devotees is about Rs. 2.35 crores($380,000) per day. When the income from other sources is considered as well, then it is about Rs. 6.34 crores($1.036 mn) per day…
All these babas are either religious fanatics or money-earning charlatans or both.

Take this Satya Sai Baba for instance. He used to perform sleight of hand like "magically" producing ash from his palms and impress his irrational and unscientific audience. Quite a few rationalists have demonstrated how he did his "magic" yet is sad that people like him still find an audience in 2021.

Take the famously rich Tirupati temple as another example. For a VIP pilgrim's darshan ( personal audience with the god ) each pilgrim has to pay from 300 rupees to 12,000 rupees depending on the range of the rituals the pilgrim wishes to perform. So socio-economic classification right there. Not surprising they hate Communism which aims to abolish socio-economic classification ( rich, middle, poor ) and also one day abolish the money system from humanity.

@Surya 1 @Protest_again
A One Trillion Dollar Hidden Treasure Chamber is Discovered at India's Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple

Jim Dobson

Senior Contributor
Searching the world for the most amazing People, Places and Things

Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple

Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple
I was recently traveling extensively throughout India and was excited to visit Thiruvananthapuram on the southwest coast, filled with British colonial architecture and lined by popular beaches. What intrigued me about the area was the excitement in the Indian press and throughout the region of the mass treasures that were unearthed at the famed Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple. Visiting the temple, I was awestruck at its decadence and gold-plated glory. This was after all the richest temple in the world. After my visit, it was announced that a hidden treasure vault had been discovered beyond the already well-documented Vault B inside. Adding to recent treasure findings in several other vaults, the researchers are estimating could total over $1 trillion. But that is where the problem starts, nobody wants to dare open the hidden inner sanctum.

Like all hidden treasure stories, Kerala’s Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple has been a fascination in India for many years, and one shrouded in mystery and fear. Two enormous Cobras are rumored to be protecting the innermost hidden chamber. To make matters worse, legend has it that anyone who opens the vault will be met with disastrous results.

The mysterious Vault B has kept everyone at bay for many years, although five other vaults were opened in 2011 by a team approved by the Supreme Court. The inventory unveiled a major priceless treasure. Massive piles of jewels, idols, and coins were uncovered. The myth of Vault B and its dangers were recently discounted when the Auditor General Vinod Rai informed the Supreme Court that Vault B had been opened at least seven times to his knowledge since 1990 and nothing horrific happened.

(UPDATED 8/22/16) According to the India Times, an audit conducted into the assets of the famed Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram has shown that a massive amount of gold from its repositories has mysteriously disappeared. Up to 769 Gold Pots and Silver bars have been reported missing. Some skeptics are also suggesting that there is a hidden tunnel beneath the chamber that allowed the architects to lock the chamber doors from within, making it impossible to breach. This secret tunnel could invariably have led to many years of plundering the treasure trove without anyone noticing.

An expert panel inventorying assets at the Temple has approached the apex court for permission to open the vault, as per a report in Hindustan Times. The report also added that the Travancore royal family along with a section of devotees and the shrine’s administration opposed the opening of the B-vault but may lose their fight to an expected Supreme Court ruling.
The mysterious Vault B has kept everyone at bay for many years, although five other vaults were opened in 2011 by a team approved by the Supreme Court. The inventory unveiled a major priceless treasure. Massive piles of jewels, idols, and coins were uncovered. The myth of Vault B and its dangers were recently discounted when the Auditor General Vinod Rai informed the Supreme Court that Vault B had been opened at least seven times to his knowledge since 1990 and nothing horrific happened.

(UPDATED 8/22/16) According to the India Times, an audit conducted into the assets of the famed Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram has shown that a massive amount of gold from its repositories has mysteriously disappeared. Up to 769 Gold Pots and Silver bars have been reported missing. Some skeptics are also suggesting that there is a hidden tunnel beneath the chamber that allowed the architects to lock the chamber doors from within, making it impossible to breach. This secret tunnel could invariably have led to many years of plundering the treasure trove without anyone noticing.

An expert panel inventorying assets at the Temple has approached the apex court for permission to open the vault, as per a report in Hindustan Times. The report also added that the Travancore royal family along with a section of devotees and the shrine’s administration opposed the opening of the B-vault but may lose their fight to an expected Supreme Court ruling.

The mysterious Vault B has kept everyone at bay for many years, although five other vaults were opened in 2011 by a team approved by the Supreme Court. The inventory unveiled a major priceless treasure. Massive piles of jewels, idols, and coins were uncovered. The myth of Vault B and its dangers were recently discounted when the Auditor General Vinod Rai informed the Supreme Court that Vault B had been opened at least seven times to his knowledge since 1990 and nothing horrific happened.

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(UPDATED 8/22/16) According to the India Times, an audit conducted into the assets of the famed Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram has shown that a massive amount of gold from its repositories has mysteriously disappeared. Up to 769 Gold Pots and Silver bars have been reported missing. Some skeptics are also suggesting that there is a hidden tunnel beneath the chamber that allowed the architects to lock the chamber doors from within, making it impossible to breach. This secret tunnel could invariably have led to many years of plundering the treasure trove without anyone noticing.

An expert panel inventorying assets at the Temple has approached the apex court for permission to open the vault, as per a report in Hindustan Times. The report also added that the Travancore royal family along with a section of devotees and the shrine’s administration opposed the opening of the B-vault but may lose their fight to an expected Supreme Court ruling.

The mysterious Vault B has kept everyone at bay for many years, although five other vaults were opened in 2011 by a team approved by the Supreme Court. The inventory unveiled a major priceless treasure. Massive piles of jewels, idols, and coins were uncovered. The myth of Vault B and its dangers were recently discounted when the Auditor General Vinod Rai informed the Supreme Court that Vault B had been opened at least seven times to his knowledge since 1990 and nothing horrific happened.

UPDATED 8/22/16) According to the India Times, an audit conducted into the assets of the famed Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram has shown that a massive amount of gold from its repositories has mysteriously disappeared. Up to 769 Gold Pots and Silver bars have been reported missing. Some skeptics are also suggesting that there is a hidden tunnel beneath the chamber that allowed the architects to lock the chamber doors from within, making it impossible to breach. This secret tunnel could invariably have led to many years of plundering the treasure trove without anyone noticing.

An expert panel inventorying assets at the Temple has approached the apex court for permission to open the vault, as per a report in Hindustan Times. The report also added that the Travancore royal family along with a section of devotees and the shrine’s administration opposed the opening of the B-vault but may lose their fight to an expected Supreme Court ruling

Vault B door with Cobra guardians

Vault B door with Cobra guardians

What has not been acknowledged by the Indian Court is the existence of a hidden inner chamber beyond Vault B. This chamber is historical told to have thick walls made of solid gold and it is where the mystery really exists and could contain the largest undiscovered treasure find in the history of the world.

Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The shrine is currently run by a trust headed by the royal family of Travancore. The temple and its assets belong to Lord Padmanabhaswamy and were for a long time controlled by a trust headed by the Travancore Royal family. However, now the Supreme Court of India has removed the Travancore Royal Family from leading the management of the temple.

The temple is one of 108 centers of worship in Vaishnavism. The temple is renown from the early medieval Tamil literature (6th–9th centuries), with structural additions to it made throughout the 16th century, when its ornate Gopuram was constructed.


Madhya Pradesh: Mahakal temple receives Rs 23 crore in three months​

TNN | Oct 18, 2021, 07:28 IST

Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain.
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Mahakaleshwar temple
has recorded income of Rs 23 crore in just over three months after reopening on June 28. The temple trust received this income from sale of prasad, darshan through tickets and donation vaults. The temple has also received donations in foreign currency.

Shree Mahakaleshwar temple management committee assistant administrator Moolchand Junwal said, “The temple received a collection of Rs 23.03 crore in 110 days since June 28 from sale of ladoos and donations from devotees. We are working on adding more facilities for devotees in the temple and an expansion plan is underway.” According to the temple trust, maximum collection of over Rs 8 crore has come from sale of ladoos, followed by quick darshan arrangements that earned over Rs 7 crore and Rs 5 crore from vaults.

When I visited temple 10 years ago, one local guy was telling me that Temple had collection of Rs 17000 crore 10 years back.
One anonymous devotee donated 60 kg gold to Kashi vishwanath temple.

Don't know how much wealth the trmple has but surely it will be in multi billion USD.
Don't know how much wealth the trmple has but surely it will be in multi billion USD.

Why is it a good thing?
People are dying of hunger and poverty everywhere in India (except a few rich elites). Your GDP/capita is almost the same as the average GDP/capita of sub-saharan Africa (~ $2000).

We need a few modern day Ghaznavis to destroy these temples and redistribute the wealth among poor Indians.
Why is it a good thing?
People are dying of hunger and poverty everywhere in India (except a few rich elites). Your GDP/capita is almost the same as the average GDP/capita of sub-saharan Africa (~ $2000).

We need a few modern day Ghaznavis to destroy these temples and redistribute the wealth among poor Indians.

Millions of hungry people are fed everyday by temples. The people from the country of Gazanavi are dying of hunger. We just send wheat to save them from starvation.
One guy donated 40 kg gold to Somnath Temple.

Temple is fully covered with gold plates now and looks gorgeous.

Somnath temple is now fully gold plated. Tdmple looks awesome in gold plating.


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Only one of its kind fully gold plated somnath temple on the shore of sea.

Somnath temple is now fully gold plated. Tdmple looks awesome in gold plating. Before and after gold plating.

Indian temples are master pieces of architecture, beauty and engineering. No architecture comes even closure.


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Not a supporter of donating extravagant amount to temples or gurus, to chuck it off your balance sheet to claim tax benefits.
This is the first time in my life where I am seeing wealth of religious institutions as something positive

Definitely a completely different mindset
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