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Indian team among leaders in Google prize to land a craft on the Moon


Aug 14, 2013
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Indian team among leaders in Google prize to land a craft on the Moon - The Times of India

BANGALORE: This is turning out to be a David vs Goliath story. A poorly funded, rag-tag team in India is now among the top contenders for the Google Lunar XPrize, the grand global competition to land a robotic spacecraft on the Moon by December next year.

Team Indus, co-founded by IITians Rahul Narayan and Indranil Chakraborty, have just been named among the five finalists for what are called milestone prizes, teams that have achieved certain technological landmarks and appear closest to reaching the final objective.

The pioneering reality show in space, announced in 2007 by Google and the XPrize Foundation, an education non-profit, promises the world some Gravity-like edge-of-the seat excitement in the months to come. It had 33 teams participating when registrations closed in 2011. Since then, a number of teams have withdrawn or merged, and currently 18 remain, some of which are led by world-renowned robotics and space researchers and super-rich folk.

The competition carries $40 million in prize money and the organizers' objective is to do something humanity has never accomplished: the safe landing of a private craft on the surface of the Moon, and possibly do so at a fraction of the cost that governmental space bodies incur. Teams have to develop a spacecraft that can do a soft landing on the Moon. They have to develop a rover that will dismount from the landing craft and travel 500 metres on the lunar surface. And they have to develop an imaging system on the rover that will capture high quality images and video of the lunar surface and transmit them to Earth.

On Wednesday, the organizers announced milestone prizes for each of these three categories, and Team Indus is among three named for the landing system and among four named for the imaging system. Only two teams -- Astrobotic and Moon Express -- have been named in all three categories. Astrobotic is led by William Whittaker, a research professor of robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, and Moon Express is led by Bob Richards, who co-founded the International Space University in the US in 1987, Naveen Jain, an Indian-origin entrepreneur, and Barney Pell, a former Nasa manager. Of the 18 remaining teams, six are from the US, and others from countries including the UK, Germany, Japan, Israel, Brazil and Malaysia.

"Considering that the landing system is the most complicated and carries the highest prize money (of $1 million), it is safe to say that we are now No. 3 in the race," said Chakraborty.

Chakraborty and Narayan, both now 40, grew up in Delhi, were classmates in Delhi Public School, RK Puram, from Std 6, and then parted ways briefly for their graduation -- Narayan going to IIT, Delhi, for computer engineering, and Chakraborty to IIT, Kharagpur, for aerospace engineering. Both graduated in 1995, and came together again to do startups, including one in software services in 1999.

In 2009-10, when they came to hear about the Google competition, they decided to chuck everything, and put their entire focus on the space venture. "We knew it would not be easy, we knew it would require extreme `startup style' temperament, be able to take big knocks and still get up," Narayan said.

They rustled up the $50,000 that the registration required from friends and family. Most thought they were attempting the impossible, but every time they explained the entire plan to somebody, they inevitably found support. Among them were Sam Pitroda, chairman of the National Innovation Council, K Kasturirangan, Planning Commission member and former Isro chairman, Kiran Karnik, former Nasscom president and former Isro executive, Arun Seth, former British Telecom India head and Alcatel-Lucent India chairman, and Saurabh Srivastava, chairman of CA Technologies India.

As word about the venture got around on social media, people from around the world offered help. Several, including an Indian in the US banking industry, left lucrative jobs to join Team Indus. But many were extremely sceptical.

"I've been involved with so many startups, but I've never seen anything so audacious. When I first met these guys, I thought they were crazy. But when they took me through all that they had done, I was convinced. Now, with the milestone prize announcement, it's become such a motivating story for the country and especially for the youth. This is magic," said Arun Seth.

Kiran Karnik is equally excited: "It's tremendous that these young people were able to pull in expertise from different places to accomplish this. The design is so good. Whatever the eventual outcome, the spinoffs for the country will be great."

The road ahead remains extremely challenging. The teams will receive the milestone prize money only if they demonstrate by September this year that their designs actually work. So now, they have to translate their software designs into hardware (prototypes). One year ago, Team Indus moved from Delhi to Bangalore because Isro, headquartered in Bangalore, is crucial to their future plans -- including to provide the launch vehicle, a PSLV, by December 2015 -- and the city has excellent aerospace companies that can help with building the lander and rover.

Team Indus also needs $34 million (about Rs 200 crore) to build and launch the spacecraft. Isro itself will charge about Rs 100 crore for the launch, and Team Indus cannot ask Isro to reduce its fees because a condition of the competition is that the project must be at least 90% privately funded, and any Isro waiver will be counted as government contribution.

L&T is helping by reviewing designs, Sasken has given space in its Bangalore facility for the team to operate out of, several former Isro scientists are providing advice. Now, the entire team is hoping that their latest accomplishment would generate a national fervour that would get them the $34 million they need. "We believe the US teams are spending some $80-90 million. Isro would spend $70-80 million to do a similar project, and Nasa many, many times more," said Narayan.

Added Chakraborty: "There were at least three points in the last two years when we almost gave up. But each time, new doors opened up. We are hoping this time the entire country will chip in and take pride in having a bit of their effort landing on the Moon next year."

@levina , @thesolar65 , @proud_indian , @Kloitra , @Skull and Bones , @janon ,
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@jarves , @Lil Mathew ,@kurup , @INDIC , @Screambowl ,@pursuit of happiness , @gslv mk3

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@VeeraBahadur , @HariPrasad , @KRAIT , @Hermione , @DRAY
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team Indus needs 34 million $ ....to realize their dream !

this is their website ....

Team Indus | Official Team – GLXP

they could be contacted at info@teamindus.in

Team Indus

Q. Who is Team Indus?
Team Indus, by design is a registered team with Google Lunar X Prize, incidentally we are the only team from India and by definition we represent the aspirations of “the New Age India”.
Q. What is Team Indus?
Team Indus, is a “Platform” to get the top minds of the country together, working on a “problem statement” against the clock, with limited resources and global competition – we believe the process used to “solve this problem” could eventually be the guiding spirit for solving all our problems at a people level, rather than waiting, petitioning, blaming the Government for everything.
Q. For whom is Team Indus?
Team Indus comprises of people from India, it will continue to be for, of and by the people of India.
Q. Why Team Indus?
The first privately driven yet inclusive, collaborative, single agenda, globally recognizable & validating event of the millennium which can position our people and generation as ones who have arrived.
Q. What is the Google Lunar X Prize?
Visit our About Google Lunar X Prize page.
Q. Why did you choose to participate in Google Lunar X Prize?
Headquartered in New Delhi, India we are a team of professionals from Technology, Science, Finance and Media background all of whom have made a habit of pushing boundaries. At a personal level we are individuals driven towards disruptive technologies, looking beyond the “box”, yearning to break new ground at all times – as space enthusiasts, sci-fi addicts GLXP was the obvious “next challenge” to take up, so we went ahead and got ourselves the ticket!
Q. What makes you think you can do this?
Simply put, “this” has been done before – “this” requires innovation the brains, resources the moneys, commitment the desire to win, inspiration the people of India – all of which appear to be at our disposal, so “Yes, we are doing this!”
Q. What was your inspiration?
In our country its not difficult to find inspiration, we have had generations of Great Thought Leaders in spirituality, technology, public movement and more – it will be unfair to name just a few, we will quote some of our inspiration sources on our website and welcome you to use the same mantra to go beyond the conventional and strive to do more with your time, energy & resources.
Q. How can children participate, contribute?
We are doing this for the next generation, and we will be happy to include them in everything we do, soon to be announced are a series of fun things you can do in your summer vacations – be sure to join us then!
Q. How can educational institutes participate, contribute?
We have received enquiries from students who would like to be involved, who would like to contribute – your institutes can help us along by making Space the subject for projects, as a subject of active interest and discussion. Please contact our Education & Public OutReach desk for suggestions and ideas on how you would like to collaborate with us.
Q. Are you associated with any Government Agency?
Team Indus is a privately held organization and is responsible for developing the Moonshot strategy, we will seek funding, staffing and support from all sources – so when you buy one of our Ts you are helping make this happen, when an investor commits funds they help us move forward, when our team members leave real jobs to take up a dream assignment – all of them are helping us work towards success. We are in the process of contacting relevant Government agencies to apprise them of our endeavor and fulfill any, all compliances they may set for us. ISRO is a potential launch vehicle provider, although we will approach them only after we are further along the Mission planning.
Q. How do you intend to fund this mission?
Team Indus is a for-Profit organization, one of the primary reasons being we truly believe there is lasting value tangible & otherwise for anyone and everyone associated with the mission. We are looking for visionaries, leaders from the investment industry to work with us in creating and managing this value. The overall community of users, contributors, followers are expected to gain through the knowledge, innovation, prestige that this movement generates.
Q. Who can contribute? How can I contribute?
Team Indus has an inclusive mandate, we are looking to involve people with varied background, experience and skills – depending on where we are with our “Mission” you can choose to collaborate with us. Visit our Collaborate section to learn more.
An interview with Google Lunar X PRIZE team, Team Indus, lead by Rahul Narayan at the 2012 Team Summit. Rahul describes some of the difficulties of being a late start in the $30 million Google Lunar X PRIZE as well as some of the milestones they have accomplished on their journey to the moon.

Latest update 19/02/2014

We are happy to post that Team Indus has inched closer to success today after getting shortlisted as one of the top contenders for the terrestrial milestone prize in multiple categories, as been announced by Google Lunar X Prize. This marks a great achievement for a young and dedicated team after putting in three years of agonizing hard work, reaffirming the team’s spirit and its quest for success.
Froma total of 11 proposals, teams competed for the milestone prize to judge teams that have demonstrated the technological achievements and associated financial hurdles faced in a pursuit to win $40 million Google Lunar X Prize. Teams vied in three categories (landing, imaging and locomotion) and Team Indus successfully bagged recognition in two of these categories - Landing System and Imaging Subsystem Milestone Prize.
This achievement marks the zenith for the team till now, which we aim to take even higher as we race our way to the moon. The milestone prize dictates that teams must demonstrate their readiness through a development and verification plan before late Q3 2014, under the critical eye of qualified GLXP judging panel.To sign off, we remember Carl Sagan again. "The Cosmos was all that is or ever was or ever will be."
Google Lunar XPRIZE Selects Five Teams to Compete for $6 Million in Milestone Prizes | Google Lunar XPRIZE

Los Angeles, CA (February 19, 2014) — The Google Lunar XPRIZE announced today the five international teams selected as finalists for Milestone Prizes, with a total purse of $6 million to be awarded this year. After reviewing 33 total submissions, the nine member independent judging panel selected 11 submissions from the following teams: Astrobotic (US), Moon Express (US), Hakuto (Japan), Part-Time-Scientists (Germany), and Team Indus (India).
The Milestone Prizes were added to recognize the technological achievements and the associated financial hurdles faced by the teams as they vie for the $30 million Google Lunar XPRIZE, a global competition to land a robotic spacecraft on the moon.
The three categories of Milestone Prizes are as follows, along with which teams are competing:
  • Landing System Milestone Prize: $1,000,000 per team - based on the hardware and software that enables a soft-landing on the moon (Astrobotic, Moon Express, Team Indus)
  • Mobility Subsystem Milestone Prize: $500,000 per team – based on the mobility system that allows the craft to move 500 meters after landing (Astrobotic, Moon Express, Hakuto, Part-Time-Scientists)
  • Imaging Subsystem Milestone Prize: $250,000 per team – based on producing “Mooncasts” consisting of high-quality images and video on the lunar surface (Astrobotic, Moon Express, Part-Time-Scientists, Team Indus)
In order to compete for the Milestone Prizes, teams had to submit documentation to the judging panel, defining the key technical risks they face and how they intend to retire them. Selected teams must now accomplish the milestones outlined in their submissions through testing and mission simulations under the scrutiny of the judges, in order to win the prizes. Teams have until September 2014 to complete the prize requirements and the winners will be announced on an ongoing basis throughout 2014.
“Every strategy presented to us was imaginative, forward-thinking and ambitious, which made it difficult to choose only a handful to proceed to the Accomplishment Round,” said David Swanson, chair of the Google Lunar XPRIZE judging panel. “As there are increasing fiscal constraints threatening the ability of governments to fund exploration, the need to recognize the bold technical achievements of these privately-funded teams is greater than ever.”
Competing for the Milestone Prizes is an optional part of the Google Lunar XPRIZE. Teams that chose not to participate in the Milestone Prizes are still eligible to win the Grand or Second Place Prizes. The prize money for the Milestone Prizes will be deducted from any future Grand or Second Place Prize winnings of that team. To accommodate the possibility of teams winning Milestone Prizes and not subsequently going on to win the Grand or Second Place Prize, Google has increased the maximum prize purse to $40 million.
XPRIZE is also considering additional Milestone Prizes for technical achievements after lift-off on the way to the moon, to be announced at a later date. For more details on the Milestone Prizes, please visit http://www.googlelunarxprize.org/prize-details/milestone-prizes.
About the Google Lunar XPRIZE:
The $30 million Google Lunar XPRIZE is an unprecedented competition to challenge and inspire engineers and entrepreneurs from around the world to develop low-cost methods of robotic space exploration. To win the Google Lunar XPRIZE, a privately funded team must successfully place a robot on the moon’s surface that explores at least 500 meters and transmits high-definition video and images back to Earth. For more information, go to http://www.googlelunarxprize.org.
For more information:
Eric Desatnik, eric@xprize.org / (310) 741-4892
Media Inquires:
Heather Gordon, heather@finnpartners.com / (310) 552-4123
This is the shit that warms my heart. A poorly funded, rag tag team taking on some of the giants in the business.

I hope the IITs are providing full consultative support.
So the prize is about 30 million and the PSLV will cost them around 34 million.can someone explain me??
So the prize is about 30 million and the PSLV will cost them around 34 million.can someone explain me??

Some clarifications ...

Team Indus needs 34 million dollars ( approx. 200 cores ) to realize their project .which takes care of building lander , rover , camera and other subsystems ....

this includes cost of the launch by PSLV ....as price tag for PSLV alone stands around 100 crore rupees .

although the total prize money is 30 million US dollars ....this will be divided in 3 prizes as follows ...

Competition summary[edit]
The Google Lunar X Prize offers a total of US$30 million in prizes to the first privately funded teams to land a robot on the Moon that successfully travels more than 500 meters (1,640 ft) and transmits back high definition images and video. The first team to do so will claim the US$20 million Grand Prize; while the second team to accomplish the same tasks will earn a US$5 million Second Place Prize. Teams can also earn additional money by completing additional tasks beyond the baseline requirements required to win the Grand or Second Place Prize, such as traveling ten times the baseline requirements (greater than 5,000 meters (3 mi)), capturing images of the remains of Apollo program hardware or other man-made objects on the Moon, verifying from the lunar surface the recent detection of water ice on the Moon, or surviving a lunar night. Additionally, a US$1 million Diversity Award may be given to to teams that make significant strides in promoting ethnic diversity in STEM fields. Finally, Space Florida, one of the "Preferred Partners" for the competition has offered an additional US$2 million bonus to teams who launch their mission from the state of Florida.

This was way back in 2007 when prize was announced ....
Failure by any of the teams to meet deadline lead to reduction in 1'st prize money to 15 million dollars ...

as the deadline was extended from December 2012 to December 2015 ...

In November 2013 the X-Prize organization announced that several milestone prizes will be awarded to teams for demonstrating key technologies prior to the actual mission. A total of US$6 million could be awarded throughout 2014 for achieving the following milestones:[72]
  • $1 million (for up to 3 teams) for the Lander System Milestone Prize to demonstrate hardware and software that enables a soft-landing on the moon.
  • $500,000 (for up to 4 teams) for the Mobility Subsystem Milestone Prize to demonstrate a mobility system that allows the craft to move 500 meters after landing.
  • $250,000 (for up to 4 teams) for the Imaging Subsystem Milestone Prize for producing “Mooncasts” consisting of high-quality images and video on the lunar surface.

In February 2014, a judging panel selected five teams which can compete for these prizes based on their proposals on how to achieve the respective goals. The nominated teams are:[73]

Team Landing($1 million) Mobility($500,000) Imaging($250,000)
Astrobotic competing competing competing
Moon Express competing competing competing
Team Indus competing not selected competing
Part-TimeScientists not selected competing competing
Hakuto not selected competing not selected

Now the part of the prize money will be awarded when participating teams are ready for the mission ...
the rest prize money will be paid when mission is accomplished successfully ....

So you are right participating teams are actually spending way more than the prize money they may or may not get ...

For example as per news reports American teams are spending 70-90 million dollars ....

Team indus has budget of 34 million dollars ...

Team Indus is the underdog in this competition.....look at their dogged perseveration ....

so many teams have dropped out since launch of competition ....

Team Indus is the only Asian team competing for Landing ....
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@Indo-guy,so they have managed to collect 34 million by now??

Nopes . They are new start up company .they managed to raise 50,000 $ entry fee from friends , relatives , donors .

Money is their Achilles heel .

They are For Profit corporation so they are looking for investments ...than donations ...

raising 34 million dollar for competition like this is no easy task....

as per conditions of competition 90 % or more funds have to be privately raised .
Nopes . They are new start up company .they managed to raise 50,000 $ entry fee from friends , relatives , donors .

Money is their Achilles heel .

They are For Profit corporation so they are looking for investments ...than donations ...

raising 34 million dollar for competition like this is no easy task....

as per conditions of competition 90 % or more funds have to be privately raised .
So they are pretty much doomed.
And the rover and all that camera stuff will alone cost them 34 million dollars??
So they are pretty much doomed.
And the rover and all that camera stuff will alone cost them 34 million dollars??

I am not completely sure if 34 million $ includes launch fee or not ...

They are the only Third world country team ...selected ....
and they have come this far ...
I personally feel money should not have been constrain ....

If only corporates can join their efforts and fund them ..it would be great .

This is the shit that warms my heart. A poorly funded, rag tag team taking on some of the giants in the business.

I hope the IITs are providing full consultative support.

ISRO is providing them consultative support besides eventual ride with PSLV if they reach that stage...

I just hope that money did not become constrain in their endeavor which seems to be the case .

Yes it's pretty soul lifting story of grit and perseverance ....The fact that they are the only Non western entity in competition pretty speaks for their achievement .

They can beat their western counter parts if money is not a constrain ....
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So they are pretty much doomed.
And the rover and all that camera stuff will alone cost them 34 million dollars??

If 1 million Indians contribute 100 Rupees each ...it will be 100 million rupees ...

or If 100 million Indians contribute 1 rupee each ...it will be windfall of 100 million rupees

I am sure there are enough Indians who can shell out such amount .

Reaching out those few million Indians and appealing them is what will take to fund Team Indus ...

It can be done ...
Lunar Rover Competition

Have been following these guys from 2011. Waiting for their merchandize to come out.

If 1 million Indians contribute 100 Rupees each ...it will be 100 million rupees ...

or If 100 million Indians contribute 1 rupee each ...it will be windfall of 100 million rupees

I am sure there are enough Indians who can shell out such amount .

Reaching out those few million Indians and appealing them is what will take to fund Team Indus ...

It can be done ...
You can chip in by buying some of their merchandises when they roll out.
Lunar Rover Competition

Have been following these guys from 2011. Waiting for their merchandize to come out.

You can chip in by buying some of their merchandises when they roll out.

I have written to them ..and will be donating shortly .
I am not interested in merchandize although ....

Thanks ....we all need to chip in and contribute .
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