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"Indian Media" Exporting Hate & Discrimination to Gulf | Stop Indian TV Channels to all Arab States


Nov 1, 2010
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Another serious yet true allegations brought to you by @AsianLion, about Middle eastern / West Asian countries start taking notice of Indian Fake Propaganda Media.

Stop Indian media from exporting hate and discrimination to Gulf Countries | Ban The Indian TV Channels from airing in Arab States

Fakes News spread By Indian Media Channels

Toxic TV channels cannot be allowed to spread Islamophobia and vitiate atmosphere

Published: May 06, 2020 14:29 Gulf News


Hateful content on prime time in India reaches Gulf countries, including the UAE where these channels are widely availableImage Credit: Gulf News

The UAE Federal Public Prosecution last week issued a warning against discrimination and reminded people that offenders face tough fines and jail sentence.

The UAE’s Combating Discrimination and Hatred law says: “Any person, who commits any act of discrimination of any form by any means of expression or by any other means, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not less than five years, and by a fine not less than Dh500,000 and not exceeding Dh1 million or either one of these two penalties”.

Last month, an Emirati journalist was detained for racist comments in a video posted on social media.

These channels must not be allowed to vitiate the social atmosphere of Gulf countries where tens of millions of diverse ethnicities and religious background work and live peacefully
- Gulf News

The warning also comes after scores of Indian expatriates were called out for abusing Islam, the Holy Prophet, Islamic culture, Arab women and Muslims.

Gulf News has been publishing incidents involving expats who were terminated by employers after they posted abusive content on social media. Many Indian expats who were called out for hatred and religious discrimination were long term residents of the UAE.

Prominent Arab personalities based in the UAE and other Gulf countries have also raised concerns about growing Islamophobia among the expats. Indian embassies in the UAE, Oman and Qatar have issued warnings on social media conduct, reminding Indians about tough anti-discrimination laws.

But the bigger question is why long-term residents who are familiar with local laws and sensitivities are posting such abusive content on social media? The culprit is Indian media, specifically some news channels which are exporting the narrative of hate against Muslims from India to the Gulf countries.

It is well known that some popular channels twist news and build fake narratives to target Muslims in India. For example, media watchdogs have pointed out fake news of Muslims spitting on fruits to spread Coronavirus.

This fake news was repeated on some news channels until people actually started believing it. Now, in several parts of India, Muslim vendors are boycotted and banned from entering neighbourhoods. This hateful content on prime time reaches Gulf countries, including the UAE where these channels are widely available.

Hate propagated on live TV has a powerful impact especially when it comes from popular anchors. Authorities in the Gulf must take action against these channels, the preachers of hate, including Republic TV, Zee News, India TV, Aaj Tak, ABP and Times Now.

They must not be allowed to vitiate the social atmosphere of Gulf countries where tens of millions of diverse ethnicities and religious background work and live peacefully.


What should be done to block Indian Media channels in Muslim and Arab world?
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Many countries including Pakistan daily targetted by Fake News in India. Europeans, UK, USA, and China are heavy targets of Indian Media channels fake news, amplified stories, and propaganda warefare to decit public around the world.

265 Indian fake news sites caught pushing anti-Pakistan propaganda

by RAVIE LAKSHMANAN — 5 months ago in SECURITY


Credit: Pixabay / Krzysztof Pluta

Researchers have discovered a network of 265 fake local news sites — named after defunct newspapers and media outlets — across 65 countries that are being used to disseminate anti-Pakistan coverage and serve Indian governmental interests.

Uncovered by the EU DisinfoLab, an EU-based NGO focused on researching sophisticated disinformation campaigns, the operations were traced back to a group of Indian companies, NGOs, and think tanks.

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The sites — such as 4newsagency.com, eptoday.com, and timesofgeneva.com — operated by serving syndicated news from Russia Today and Voice of America. But the researchers said they “unexpectedly” found a large number of articles and op-eds related to minorities in Pakistan as well as other India-related topics.

“Times of Geneva publishes the same type of content as EP Today and produces videos covering events and demonstrations criticising Pakistan’s role in the Kashmir conflict,” the EU DisinfoLab noted.

By piecing together the campaign to an online media company — interchangeably called as International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies (IINS), New Delhi Times, and the Srivastava Group — the EU DisinfoLab believes the goal was to influence public perceptions on Pakistan by multiplying the same negative anti-Pakistan press coverage across hundreds of sites.

More troubling, the network of zombie companies were found lobbying the EU and the UN by repeatedly criticizing Pakistan — a move that culminated in a group of 27 EU parliamentarians, mostly from right-wing political parties, visiting the Kashmir Valley upon an invite from IINS.

“The idea seems to have been an effort to control the conversation around what is happening in the region,” BBC reported on the EU delegate visit.


Credit: EU DisinfoLab

The network of websites operated by New Delhi Times

The EU DisinfoLab’s probe also suggests the intent was to “add several layers of media outlets that quote and republish one another, making it harder for the reader to trace the manipulation, and in turn (sometimes) offer a ‘mirage’ of international support.”

To that effect, the use of dubious news portals across the world marks the first time such a sophisticated online influence network has been leveraged to push the country’s geopolitical interests.

The development comes as diplomatic tensions between India and Pakistan show no signs of rapproachment, with both countries maintaining a fragile cease-fire since 2003 in the aftermath of multiple territorial disputes over the Kashmir region. It also coincides with India’s decision to formally divide the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two new federally-administered territories last month.


Credit: Twitter / EU DisinfoLab
Articles supporting Indian geopolitical interests
The group operates at least six different outlets in India, four of which — Calcutta Gazette, Swatantra Nepali, The Bombay Chronicle, and The Madras Times — are named after an extinct local newspaper. The two others, Ludhiana Times and Times of Ambala, are new publications.

But irrespective of their questionable origins, all six of them republish the same type of content that’s mostly sourced from various news agencies such as Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS), Russia’s Interfax, and the aforementioned EP Today.

With most of these websites having a Twitter presence, the coordinated propaganda campaign is yet another reminder that information operations on social media have weaponized the digital platforms to sow bias and distrust, and to further political agendas
Indian TV media misinformation is rampant. Not just the fake news but a lot of Indian programs have now become close to incitement not only regional-language channels but on national Hindi and English-language channels. Indian Television is particularly guilty of this. The overall majority in Indian print has also given in to the Indian government’s narrative either through pressure or due to pressure coming on their other business interests. So, they actively peddling fake news with great passion and enthusiasm either. But Indian television is directly responsible as generators of this fake news and they amplify the fake news in the ecosystem and they’re a big part of that ecosystem. Amplifying, justifying, and legitimizing fake news. Indians have an alarming tolerance for dishonesty. This deeply rooted cultural behaviour comes from a desire to be polite, but on a daily basis and on a massive scale, this tolerance for dishonesty is giving them Modi and his Control Fake Media. We know them for 72 Years.
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WOW they really felt like home there.

Not anymore, India kept on abusing Arabs on thier homeland, giving bad remarks on Arab women, thinking nothing will happens.

For RSS Hindus, Arabs are muslim extremists must be brought down, insulted and targetted. Hindu terrorists have not think twice about attacking Arab muslims.
If I were ISI/deep state I would capitalize heavily on this new anti-India sentiment in Gulf habibis.

As usual ISI, Foreign Office, PM office all sleeping. This is the time to seize this oppurtunity and further shame India. And once again get IN with the habibis.
**** them. Pakistan and China are enough to handle India. We don't need attention seeking Arab sheikhanis and sheikhs doing twitter drama.
Only a matter of time countdown India fires a nuke missile on these Arab Emirates states and look like someone else did it.
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