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Indian arms imports almost triple China, Pakistan: study

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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PARIS: India remains the biggest buyer of arms in the world, importing nearly three times as many weapons as its nearest competitors China and Pakistan over the last five years, a Swedish think tank said on Monday.

The total volume of arms sales was up 14 percent in 2009-13 compared to the previous five years, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Indian imports of major weapons rose by 111 percent in the last five years compared to 2004-08. Its share of total global arms imports increased from 7 to 14 percent, SIPRI said.

India replaced China as the world´s biggest arms buyer in 2010. With its domestic defence industry struggling to manufacture high-tech arms, India is in the midst of a defence spending binge as it struggles to keep up with better-equipped Chinese forces and a range of military challenges in its volatile neighbourhood.

The main supplier of arms to India in 2009-13 was Russia, accounting for 75 percent of all imports -- reflecting India´s need to upgrade and modernise weapons systems dating back to their close relationship during the Cold War.

India has lately sought to diversify its sources, looking particularly to the United States. Figures from IHS Jane´s released in February showed that India became the biggest buyer of US weapons last year -- with total imports worth $1.9 billion, and a string of large-scale purchases including Boeing´s C-17A transport aircraft and P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft.

In 2009-13, however, the US still accounted for only 7 percent of India´s purchases according to SIPRI.

Pakistan increased its weapons acquisitions, growing from 2 percent of the global total to 5 percent during that period.

The five largest arms suppliers worldwide between 2009 and 2013 were the United States (29 percent of global exports), Russia (27 percent), Germany (7 percent), China (6 percent) and France (5 percent).

They collectively accounted for 74 percent of total arms exports, SIPRI said.

The world´s top five arms importers were now India, China, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

"Chinese, Russian and US arms supplies to South Asia are driven by both economic and political considerations," said Siemon Wezeman, senior researcher with the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme.

"In particular, China and the USA appear to be using arms deliveries to Asia to strengthen their influence in the region," Wezeman said.

Arms exports to Africa between 2004-08 and 2009-13 jumped 53 percent. The three largest importers in the region were Algeria, Morocco and Sudan.

Imports by European nations decreased by 25 percent between 2004-2008 and 2009-13.

Britain was the largest importer of major weapons in Europe (receiving 12 percent of deliveries), followed by Azerbaijan (12 percent) and Greece (11 percent). (AFP)

Indian arms imports almost triple China, Pakistan: study - thenews.com.pk
This needs to change and change quickly. There is nothing wrong in being an importer or arms. All major Asian economies have been big arms importers before they were able to develop their own industries. India is trying the same, results will be seen overtime. Private industry needs to be boosted.
This needs to change and change quickly. There is nothing wrong in being an importer or arms. All major Asian economies have been big arms importers before they were able to develop their own industries. India is trying the same, results will be seen overtime. Private industry needs to be boosted.

I got a perfect solution, get into a few things with the US, and you'll be surprised at the speed a country can modernize. lol
What an embarrassment india is becoming LOL!!! :lol:

Pakistan and China makes their own top-class weapons, tanks, artillery guns, and even fighter jets now.

india tries to make a tank..and then end up ordering hundreds of tank from Russia to cover up the failure of arjun...

And then india spends three decades to build a jet....about which the lesser said the better :cry:
What an embarrassment india is becoming LOL!!! :lol:

Pakistan and China makes their own top-class weapons, tanks, artillery guns, and even fighter jets now.

india tries to make a tank..and then end up ordering hundreds of tank from Russia to cover up the failure of arjun...

And then india spends three decades to build a jet....about which the lesser said the better :cry:

You guys dont even have your own rifle.

This is a given. I dont think India spent a lot of money on it's military in the 80s, 90s and with the recent overhauling and additions of new capabilities, and with the higher capital, it's going to be a huge importer.
peaceful rise of india
What an embarrassment india is becoming LOL!!! :lol:

Pakistan and China makes their own top-class weapons, tanks, artillery guns, and even fighter jets now.

india tries to make a tank..and then end up ordering hundreds of tank from Russia to cover up the failure of arjun...

And then india spends three decades to build a jet....about which the lesser said the better :cry:

I think India is begging in front of Pakistan for blue print of JF17...

@ topic... Indian armed forces are going in heavy modernization fase & industries of India are not yet capable to provide them top notch stuff, hence Import of leathal arms & weapon is in progress ..
whatever any looney user of an internet site think is not a matter of concern for Indian authorities.... period.
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PARIS: India remains the biggest buyer of arms in the world, importing nearly three times as many weapons as its nearest competitors China and Pakistan over the last five years, a Swedish thinktank said on Monday.

The total volume of arms sales was up 14 per cent in 2009-13 compared to the previous five years, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Indian imports of major weapons rose by 111 per cent in the last five years compared to 2004-08. Its share of total global arms imports increased from 7 to 14 per cent, SIPRI said.

India replaced China as the world's biggest arms buyer in 2010. With its domestic defence industry struggling to manufacture high-tech arms, India is in the midst of a defence spending binge as it struggles to keep up with better-equipped Chinese forces and a range of military challenges in its volatile neighbourhood.

The main supplier of arms to India in 2009-13 was Russia, accounting for 75 per cent of all imports- reflecting India's need to upgrade and modernise weapons systems dating back to their close relationship during the Cold War.

India has lately sought to diversify its sources, looking particularly to the United States.

Figures from IHS Jane's released in February showed that India became the biggest buyer of US weapons last year — with total imports worth USD 1.9 billion, and a string of large-scale purchases including Boeing's C-17A transport aircraft and P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft.

In 2009-13, however, the US still accounted for only 7 per cent of India's purchases according to SIPRI.

India's traditional rival Pakistan increased its weapons acquisitions by 119 per cent, growing from 2 per cent of the global total to 5 per cent during that period.

The five largest arms suppliers worldwide between 2009 and 2013 were the United States (29 per cent of global exports), Russia (27 per cent), Germany (7 per cent), China (6 per cent) and France (5 per cent).

They collectively accounted for 74 per cent of total arms exports, SIPRI said.

The world's top five arms importers were now India, China, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

"Chinese, Russian and US arms supplies to South Asia are driven by both economic and political considerations," said Siemon Wezeman, senior researcher with the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme.

"In particular, China and the USA appear to be using arms deliveries to Asia to strengthen their influence in the region," Wezeman said.

Arms exports to Africa between 2004-08 and 2009-13 jumped 53 per cent. The three largest importers in the region were Algeria, Morocco and Sudan.

Imports by European nations decreased by 25 per cent between 2004-2008 and 2009-13.

Britain was the largest importer of major weapons in Europe (receiving 12 per cent of deliveries), followed by Azerbaijan (12 per cent) and Greece (11 per cent).

Indian arms imports almost triple China, Pakistan: Study - The Times of India
What an embarrassment india is becoming LOL!!! :lol:

Pakistan and China makes their own top-class weapons, tanks, artillery guns, and even fighter jets now.

india tries to make a tank..and then end up ordering hundreds of tank from Russia to cover up the failure of arjun...

And then india spends three decades to build a jet....about which the lesser said the better :cry:
you are shutting your eyes before truth.. condition is worst for pakistan.. pakistan accounts 5 per and india 14 percent.. compare india' s buying potential and yours... then think which country is in real danger?? indian case is bad but pakistan casecis worst..
you are shutting your eyes before truth.. condition is worst for pakistan.. pakistan accounts 5 per and india 14 percent.. compare india' s buying potential and yours... then think which country is in real danger?? indian case is bad but pakistan casecis worst..

They have big task ahead gazwa-e-Hind...
what is our fissaddi zahids on upto?? why India need weapons??
Large amounts of weapons imports are fine as a stop-gap measure.

As long as it is just a stop-gap measure, not a long-term replacement for indigenous industries.

First thing to note "India replaced China as the world´s biggest arms buyer in 2010.". So china was importing more than india, just four years back. If China has crossed that phase, India has just entered that phase.

Secondly, the US won't sell to China. Hence, the only available seller is Russia, which wont sell advanced weapons to china fearing that China will once again break contracts and infringe on ToT agreements like they copied the SU27. So, china does not have the same number of sellers as India. You are limited in what you can buy. I believe that is the real reason India imports more.

Thirdly, the assumption that because India has surpassed China does not mean that China can produce everything in house. China still is reliant for technology in key areas and significantly behind the West. India pays $$ and china steals via espionage/honey traps. That's how these countries try and compensate. China proudly paints copied weapons or should I refer to it as 'inspired by'. Surely China has made some advances, no doubt about that. But also, a lot of it has been due to stealing, on a military and corporate level. The government of china encourages this. Yet, some posters were thumping their chests about being high IQ, which would be true if it stood for IDIOT QUOTIENT. A copy and produce culture cannot be associated with intelligence.
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