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India to buy Tomahawk Cruise Missiles?


Sep 20, 2014
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After India decided to procure $1-billion National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System-II (NASAMS-II) safeguard crucial facilities in Capital New Delhi on recommendation of Washington, comes another shocker of the deal which is likely to be discussed in India-US 2+2 Dialogue in Delhi on September 6 that of India purchasing Tomahawk subsonic cruise missile for Indian Navy as reported in Economic Times.

Tomahawk will be procured for deployment on frontline warships and submarines against surface targets according to the report. If a deal on Tomahawk does take place then Indian Navy will be the third operator after United States Navy and Royal Navy to induct them in its service.

Tomahawk missiles which made its debut in first Gulf War in 1991 have been part of every military operation US Military has been involved in, since then. Legendary Cruise missile system has gone through several rounds of major upgrades and major improvement over the years and Tomahawk Block IV is presently in production and will continue to remain the mainstay of the offensive capacities of the United States Navy for decades to come.

Tomahawk sale to India will come as a shocker to many close Nato allies of the United States of America who in past have been denied the sale of the missile system by Washington. Yes, Tomahawk has been part of Nato offenses, but operated from US platforms.

Government ditching Nirbhay?

If India does procure Tomahawk subsonic cruise missiles from the United States of America does that mean that indigenous development of Nirbhay subsonic cruise missile by DRDO has been dropped? While there is no clarity on the program yet but repeated delays and increasing Chinese naval activities could be the reason why the government has decided to procure them from abroad while development of Nirbhay continues in India.

Out of Five Trials of Nirbhay cruise missile by DRDO in last 6 years, only Two trials have been successful and development of only Army variant had taken place while development of Naval variant was yet to start. Tomahawk could be interim purchase until Naval variant of Nirbhay cruise missile is developed by DRDO in near future.


You are forced to buy cruise missiles because your own programmes are a failure

Just like you are forced to buy single engine jet fighters from abroad because tejas is such a mess
The tenders for SE fighters have all been cancelled as of now. After the Rafale deal, they were initiated only so that IAF and MoD's top brass could fetch some kickbacks which is why those tenders have been cancelled and re-issued multiple times. It is the same with Assault Rifles tender as well.

Regarding the purchase of Tomahawk, it would be nothing more than a rumor just like how countries propagate false rumors to promote their products or worst case scenario, it would be for strategic purpose and there is no way we would ditch Nirbhay. We have been indigenously designing and building a range of naval platforms and weapons systems in our shipyards but why do you think India is procuring 3 more frigates from Russia - It is for strategic purposes and not because we don't have the capability
This is speculation by a defence forum. Checked economic times and could not the find the "story" there. Even IDRW says "maybe" discuss Tomahawk sales which only 2 countries posses.
Tomahawk is a weak speculation.
IMI rampage may be a stronger one since they confirmed the sale to an unnamed export customer.
If true, it means Nirbhay has reached operational configuration.

All India has to do is not bite.

This is speculation by a defence forum. Checked economic times and could not the find the "story" there. Even IDRW says "maybe" discuss Tomahawk sales which only 2 countries posses.
ET did report it, but in a sentence in a report on 2+2. MH60 and NASAMS are the almost confirmed bribes.
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How can they sell their such vital piece if defence equipment and also its above 300km range allowed by mctr


After India decided to procure $1-billion National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System-II (NASAMS-II) safeguard crucial facilities in Capital New Delhi on recommendation of Washington, comes another shocker of the deal which is likely to be discussed in India-US 2+2 Dialogue in Delhi on September 6 that of India purchasing Tomahawk subsonic cruise missile for Indian Navy as reported in Economic Times.

Tomahawk will be procured for deployment on frontline warships and submarines against surface targets according to the report. If a deal on Tomahawk does take place then Indian Navy will be the third operator after United States Navy and Royal Navy to induct them in its service.

Tomahawk missiles which made its debut in first Gulf War in 1991 have been part of every military operation US Military has been involved in, since then. Legendary Cruise missile system has gone through several rounds of major upgrades and major improvement over the years and Tomahawk Block IV is presently in production and will continue to remain the mainstay of the offensive capacities of the United States Navy for decades to come.

Tomahawk sale to India will come as a shocker to many close Nato allies of the United States of America who in past have been denied the sale of the missile system by Washington. Yes, Tomahawk has been part of Nato offenses, but operated from US platforms.

Government ditching Nirbhay?

If India does procure Tomahawk subsonic cruise missiles from the United States of America does that mean that indigenous development of Nirbhay subsonic cruise missile by DRDO has been dropped? While there is no clarity on the program yet but repeated delays and increasing Chinese naval activities could be the reason why the government has decided to procure them from abroad while development of Nirbhay continues in India.

Out of Five Trials of Nirbhay cruise missile by DRDO in last 6 years, only Two trials have been successful and development of only Army variant had taken place while development of Naval variant was yet to start. Tomahawk could be interim purchase until Naval variant of Nirbhay cruise missile is developed by DRDO in near future.

How can they sell their such vital piece if defence equipment and also its above 300km range allowed by mctr
This news is just a rumor and even if it's true, India recently got admitted to MTCT and we're allowed to procure such weaponary
News of 3M-14 Kalibr or the extended range Popeye would have been more credible.

Tomahawk, let's see.
This is mature platform, If India get this, then this will add teeth for better striking capability. Even NATO countries want block IV tomahawk version. But only two countries posses this system. This should be diplomatic & military breakthrough for India if He is able to finalise the deal. Tomahawk holds its own kind of importance,a system which you can rely for striking targets with confidence.
We have Brahmos and don't need tomahawk .

Nirbhay will come eventually
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