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India threatens to breach LoC to hunt terrorists

Dawood Ibrahim

May 25, 2016
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The Line of Control (LoC) will no longer be sacrosanct for India if Pakistan continues to export terrorists.

This was indicated by India to Pakistan after which has been claimed the September 29 surgical strikes which took Indian troops into Azad Kashmir to strike against terrorist launch pads, top-level sources in the government were quoted by Times of India on Monday.

Read more: Indian army building bunkers along LoC amid Indo-Pak tensions

India’s current stand is different from that of 1999. The Kargil conflict compelled Pakistan to respect the LoC as inviolable. After Pakistan tried to redraw the line with its Kargil intrusion and was forced back, thenUS president Bill Clinton said that borders should not be redrawn in blood.

The longer term aim of the alleged surgical strike was to signal to Pakistan that it would have to adjust to a ‘new normal’ — the ‘new’ was established last week, the ‘normal’ will have to be built up over time.

Pakistan will now have to factor in a possible Indian response, where surprise and speed will be the key, and unpredictability the usual, where the LoC will matter less and less.

For instance, Pakistan did expect an Indian response after the Uri attack and had beefed up certain key posts.

Read more: Indian troops open fire once again across LoC at Bhimber sector

Sources said as India improves its defensive capabilities, it plans to increasingly take pre-emptive action against terror. For Pakistan, this means it will now have to factor in an Indian reaction. This will raise costs and vulnerability.

“We have made our threshold a variable. We have inserted a new element of uncertainty,” a source said.

In their conversation last week Pakistani NSA Nasir Janjua talked “de-escalation” with Ajit Doval , but at the top levels of the Indian government, there is a growing belief that Pakistan could retaliate with a terror attack in the coming weeks, the newspaper said.

This time MASHALLAH our Brave Pakistan Army killed and roasted 14 Indian cowards soldiers that died in Tatta Pani Sector during LOC cease fire violation by indian coward army and 1 mouse captured, next time they would count more deaths ,than they would never expected in their whole life.

Simply, just day dreaming like their coward army and full of lies based media to just fool their own people.

Indian Occupied Kashmir is part of Pakistan, and soon would become Part of Pakistan INSHALLAH Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan::smitten:
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This time MASHALLAH our Brave Pakistan Army killed and roasted 14 Indian cowards soldiers that died in Tatta Pani Sector during LOC cease fire violation by indian coward army and 1 mouse captured, next time they would count more deaths ,than they would never expected in their whole life.

Simply, just day dreaming like their coward army and full of lies based media to just fool their own people.

Indian Occupied Kashmir is part of Pakistan, and soon would become Part of Pakistan INSHALLAH Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan::smitten:

Dude I guess the correct word would be Indian Coward Hindu Army instead of Indian Coward Army :D and yes keep chanting Indian Occupied Kashmir 100 times a day will provide freedom to Kashmir :pakistan: :smitten:
the real beneficiaries of this stupid childish fights r the civilian people living on either side of kashmir.
Good move if true. We should keep thrusting keep punishment in perfect order. LoC already violated if terrorists infiltrators breaches it. If it's war so be it
if we have noticed no one has made any stupid claims of NW from the past 2 weeks...someone got the message it seems.
Moodi and BJP represent "Marhatta" mindset while congress represents "Banya". So you have to deal with mathattas following the footsteps of Aurengzeb Alamgir. Sending sarrees and mangoes like our government did previously won't solve the problem.
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