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India saw 212 bomb blasts in 2013


Oct 30, 2007
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NEW DELHI: You are more likely to die in a bomb blast in India than in Afghanistan. Strange as it may sound, government data show that India is among the most dangerous places in the world as far as bomb blasts per year are concerned - next only to Iraq and Pakistan, with even war-torn Afghanistan and Syria doing better.

Latest data from National Bomb Data Centre (NBDC) show that India suffered 212 bomb blasts in 2013 — more than double of what Afghanistan (with 108 blasts) suffered. Facing internal strife, Bangladesh with 75 blasts and Syria with 36 blasts have done better.

While the number of blasts in India decreased from 241 in 2012 to 212 in 2013, casualties went up with 130 deaths and 466 injuries last year as compared to 113 deaths and 419 injuries in 2012.

Analyzing the frequency of IED blasts in the country over the past decade, the document says between 2004 and 2013 "there have been an average of 298 blasts and 1,337 casualties in India". This is again higher than Afghanistan which in the past five years witnessed a maximum of 209 such attacks in 2010, according to the data.

In fact, along with Pakistan and Iraq, India accounts for almost 75% of bomb blasts in the world. However, India has done slightly better than the rest of the world in terms of the share of attacks targeted at common public. While in the rest of the world, 69% of attacks are directed towards public, India registered 58% in this category with the rest being targeted at the security forces and government property.

But even these figures could change. While security forces managed to decrease attacks on them by almost 40% last years as compared to 2012, attacks on public remained almost the same. "This is due to improved drills and alertness of security forces. A similar alertness and training is not there with the people," said an officer of the security establishment.

An analysis of the attacks in India shows that its North East region (Assam and Manipur worst affected) and Maoist areas (Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand registering most blasts) have contributed to over 80% of IED attacks even though Jammu and Kashmir witnessed a 50% rise in bomb blasts last year as compared to 2012.

Among states Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, West Bengal, Nagaland and Karnataka have all witnessed a spurt in terror attacks through blasts while 15 other states including Manipur, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Tamil Nadu and Odisha witnessed a declining trend.

India among most dangerous places in world - The Times of India
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So more bomb blasts are occuring in Maoist areas compared to Kashmir contrary popular belief.

NEW DELHI: You are more likely to die in a bomb blast in India than in Afghanistan. Strange as it may sound, government data show that India is among the most dangerous places in the world as far as bomb blasts per year are concerned - next only to Iraq and Pakistan, with even war-torn Afghanistan and Syria doing better.

Latest data from National Bomb Data Centre (NBDC) show that India suffered 212 bomb blasts in 2013 — more than double of what Afghanistan (with 108 blasts) suffered. Facing internal strife, Bangladesh with 75 blasts and Syria with 36 blasts have done better.

While the number of blasts in India decreased from 241 in 2012 to 212 in 2013, casualties went up with 130 deaths and 466 injuries last year as compared to 113 deaths and 419 injuries in 2012.

Analyzing the frequency of IED blasts in the country over the past decade, the document says between 2004 and 2013 "there have been an average of 298 blasts and 1,337 casualties in India". This is again higher than Afghanistan which in the past five years witnessed a maximum of 209 such attacks in 2010, according to the data.

In fact, along with Pakistan and Iraq, India accounts for almost 75% of bomb blasts in the world. However, India has done slightly better than the rest of the world in terms of the share of attacks targeted at common public. While in the rest of the world, 69% of attacks are directed towards public, India registered 58% in this category with the rest being targeted at the security forces and government property.

But even these figures could change. While security forces managed to decrease attacks on them by almost 40% last years as compared to 2012, attacks on public remained almost the same. "This is due to improved drills and alertness of security forces. A similar alertness and training is not there with the people," said an officer of the security establishment.

An analysis of the attacks in India shows that its North East region (Assam and Manipur worst affected) and Maoist areas (Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand registering most blasts) have contributed to over 80% of IED attacks even though Jammu and Kashmir witnessed a 50% rise in bomb blasts last year as compared to 2012.

Among states Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, West Bengal, Nagaland and Karnataka have all witnessed a spurt in terror attacks through blasts while 15 other states including Manipur, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Tamil Nadu and Odisha witnessed a declining trend.

India among most dangerous places in world - The Times of India

But all this are low profile.Not directed against the public or high profile terrorists attack.This can expected because presently there is a Operation Greenhunt.When that finishes it will go down once and for all.And it is good.
So more bomb blasts are occuring in Maoist areas compared to Kashmir contrary popular belief.
I'd have thought this was well known? JK is relatively peaceful these days, the Moaists are still pretty active and are quite fond of setting of these tiny incendiary devices.
I'd have thought this was well known? JK is relatively peaceful these days, the Moaists are still pretty active and are quite fond of setting of these tiny incendiary devices.
Actually i was taking about the belief of our Pakistani brothers.
Actually i was taking about the belief of our Pakistani brothers.
Haha, don't even bother. Across the board (in the NE, JK and "red-belt") casualties are falling year on year and the scum are being eliminated, this is just a fact.
So more bomb blasts are occuring in Maoist areas compared to Kashmir contrary popular belief.
Yeah. Maoists and their darling traitors stationed in media, newspapers etc are the problem.

These people are using the loopholes in our system against us and we are talking about negotiating with such vermin. What message will it send to all terrorists?

That Indian government is weak. Till there are traitors in the ranks of power Maoist blasts will unfortunately continue. The key to removing them is development coupled with brutal military action.

Haha, don't even bother. Across the board (in the NE, JK and "red-belt") casualties are falling year on year and the scum are being eliminated, this is just a fact.

The Red Belt still continues to be a problem because of government spinelessness.
Yeah. Maoists and their darling traitors stationed in media, newspapers etc are the problem.

These people are using the loopholes in our system against us and we are talking about negotiating with such vermin. What message will it send to all terrorists?

That Indian government is weak. Till there are traitors in the ranks of power Maoist blasts will unfortunately continue. The key to removing them is development coupled with brutal military action..
I think all the states should follow Andra pradesh model.They have been largely successful in dealing with them.
When M.P. and Chattisgarh were united,Some parts of M.P. were highly affected with Maoists but after the seperation they vanished which proves that they have sympthisers in gov.
But lately now Gov. has woken up and has approved the corridor which atleast touches if not passes through Red belt.
Lets wait and see what happens.
As this is quite obvious from the data that India's problem is more economic than sectarian or religious ones. And also the Maoists do try their best to keep the casualties concentrated primarily on politicians and government administration.
Its casualties which matters more. Though 130 casualties in a year due to bomb blasts are still very sad. Most of this happened in maosist areas.
212 is a lot. But I think they count the minor blasts too. I think more than 90% is in maoist areas.

Weapons trials for LCH should be done there.
Numbers may be high but They're all low intensity blasts. Nothing like Afghanistan or Iraq or Pakistan where they blow 155mm cannons in a car or truck.
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