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India most preferred destination for global brands for textile


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
India has emerged as the most preferred destination for global brands and stores like Zara, H&M, Tommy Hilfiger and Walmart, apex industry body for apparel sector AEPC today said.

Apparel Export Promotion Council Chairman A Sakthivel said that India's garment industry has its inherent strengths in terms of design and raw material.

"All big brands and chain stores are sourcing from India. It is the most preferred destination for brands like Zara, Gap, H&M, Mango, Tommy Hilfiger. Prominent stores like Walmart, Marks & Spencers and TESCO are sourcing garments from India," he said in a statement.

He also said that huge opportunities are there for Indian textile players in Australia.

"We are the third largest exporter of garment to Australia and has all the potential to boost the business further. Garment exports must take advantage to tap this huge

USD 5.61 billion Australian apparel market," he said.

India's apparel exports to Australia in 2012 were around USD 111 million.

Sakthivel is leading a delegation of 30 garment exporters to the Australia International Sourcing Fair (AISF) at Melbourne. The three-day fair started on November 13.

"Australia is the focus country for us, considering that India and Australia are at an advanced stage of negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement and also the Australian buyers wanting to reduce their over dependence on China," he said.

He said that the Fair provides the opportunity for the Indian exporters to tap the Australian clothing market.

India most preferred destination for global brands for textile - Financial Express
I thought Indians don't want sweatshop jobs but rather jump from the rice paddy into IT service industry. The garment industry is pretty much the symbol of sweatshop exploitation. :what:
I thought Indians don't want sweatshop jobs but rather jump from the rice paddy into IT service industry. The garment industry is pretty much the symbol of sweatshop exploitation. :what:
we want to reduce our overreliance on service industry which is nearly half of our economy. Specific to garment, we produce the raw material, why not do the value addition in create garments in India rather than exporting raw material to other countries.
There are certain manufacturing industries like garments in which we can compete with chinese and other manufacturing countries. Thats because these industries are already supplying to our big indian market and we should be able to scale up.
we want to reduce our overreliance on service industry which is nearly half of our economy. Specific to garment, we produce the raw material, why not do the value addition in create garments in India rather than exporting raw material to other countries.
There are certain manufacturing industries like garments in which we can compete with chinese and other manufacturing countries. Thats because these industries are already supplying to our big indian market and we should be able to scale up.

It's all logical, but I was just wondering since times and again quite many Indian forumers in this forum were laughing at manufacturing countries, particularly China, for being the workshop of the world and that India will become post-industrial without going through manufacturing.

Their argument is just not consistent.
It's all logical, but I was just wondering since times and again quite many Indian forumers in this forum were laughing at manufacturing countries, particularly China, for being the workshop of the world and that India will become post-industrial without going through manufacturing.

Their argument is just not consistent.

when it comes to India you assume a lot of things. All are wrong. We dont laugh at china becuase it is a manufacturing country. In fact we admire it for that. We laugh at china for its some copy paste jobs and cheap products.
when it comes to India you assume a lot of things. All are wrong. We dont laugh at china becuase it is a manufacturing country. In fact we admire it for that. We laugh at china for its some copy paste jobs and cheap products.

We'll see how you will act once you "really" starts manufacturing, for I know that even we in Germany maufactured copies and cheap products when we started.
We'll see how you will act once you "really" starts manufacturing, for I know that even we in Germany maufactured copies and cheap products when we started.

Your knowledge of your own country leaves a lot to be desired. Germany never copied anyone. They were the world leader in industrialisation. Even Britain and US caught up later.
Your knowledge of your own country leaves a lot to be desired. Germany never copied anyone. They were the world leader in industrialisation. Even Britain and US caught up later.

LOL at an Indian telling me about my history.

FYI, read this book: Kicking away the ladder

Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective - Ha-Joon Chang - Google Books

Ha-Joon Chang, "Kicking Away the Ladder"

BTW, the British Merchandise Mark Act was specifically targeted at Germany as our products were deemed as cheap copies of superior British products. The label "Made in Germany" was in fact a warning sign and not a recommendation.

We don't feel ashamed of this historical fact. Here are some articles in German about our economic history.

23. August 1887 - Britisches Markenschutzgesetz gegen deutsche Waren - Zeitgeschichtliches Archiv - WDR.de

Made in Germany - Vom Makel zum Werbeknüller | GZ Online - Goldschmiede Zeitung

Planet Wissen - Qualitätssiegel "Made in Germany"
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my information is based on the programme I recently saw on BBC. Until 1850 Germany was trailing Britain and other Europpean countries. Beginning 1900s Germany overtook them to become the leader of industrialisation. And that continues to even this day. You are showing Germany in a poor light to make china look good.

BBC Two - Das Auto: The Germans, Their Cars and Us
India has emerged as the most preferred destination for global brands and stores like Zara, H&M, Tommy Hilfiger and Walmart, apex industry body for apparel sector AEPC today said.

Apparel Export Promotion Council Chairman A Sakthivel said that India's garment industry has its inherent strengths in terms of design and raw material.

"All big brands and chain stores are sourcing from India. It is the most preferred destination for brands like Zara, Gap, H&M, Mango, Tommy Hilfiger. Prominent stores like Walmart, Marks & Spencers and TESCO are sourcing garments from India," he said in a statement.

He also said that huge opportunities are there for Indian textile players in Australia.

"We are the third largest exporter of garment to Australia and has all the potential to boost the business further. Garment exports must take advantage to tap this huge

USD 5.61 billion Australian apparel market," he said.

India's apparel exports to Australia in 2012 were around USD 111 million.

Sakthivel is leading a delegation of 30 garment exporters to the Australia International Sourcing Fair (AISF) at Melbourne. The three-day fair started on November 13.

"Australia is the focus country for us, considering that India and Australia are at an advanced stage of negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement and also the Australian buyers wanting to reduce their over dependence on China," he said.

He said that the Fair provides the opportunity for the Indian exporters to tap the Australian clothing market.

India most preferred destination for global brands for textile - Financial Express

another Hallmark of Shame for the ever bragging indians!

All of the above listed so called global brands can trace their manufacturing base in China!
All of the above brands have their in-house designers. Who the hell needs indian designs for N. America, EU or Australia's apparel markets.
And China's supply chain for garment industry is the world's best!
Even the op has said the cheerleaders are only no 3 in Australia

P. 58 revealed who was the leader in 2011. I wonder how can the cheerleaders take the lead in 2013?

they are only good at blowing these trumpets

my information is based on the programme I recently saw on BBC. Until 1850 Germany was trailing Britain and other Europpean countries. Beginning 1900s Germany overtook them to become the leader of industrialisation. And that continues to even this day. You are showing Germany in a poor light to make china look good.

BBC Two - Das Auto: The Germans, Their Cars and Us

You are so stupid in your argument. You even said that Germany was trailing Britain and starting in the the 1990s we overtook them. Guess how we overtook them economically and scientifically?

How am I showing my country in poor light? By hiding the truth of our development? We are not hypocritical India as shown by the many news articles by reputed German newspapers as posted by me above telling how it was when we were a developing country.
As usual a high IQ imbecile chinese frog in the well ! We are talking about shifting those manufacturing base from china to India you moron ! Can you even read this ? " Apparel Export Promotion Council Chairman A Sakthivel said that India's garment industry has its inherent strengths in terms of design and raw material.

"All big brands and chain stores are sourcing from India. It is the most preferred destination for brands like Zara, Gap, H&M, Mango, Tommy Hilfiger. Prominent stores like Walmart, Marks & Spencers and TESCO are sourcing garments from India," he said in a statement".

Now did you understand what it meant ?? try harder.

You are still living in your infancy who needs adults to take care of your childish behaviour and melees every now and then

As I said who will use indian designs for north america and EU markets. That's suck *** comments. All the global brands have their own in-house designers!

There is a very wide gap between our exports to the above destination from self-trumpeting, as usual, how would the "most preferred" description come about when we are taking a huge lead in all garment and textile exports and when all the brands mentioned have their productions in China!

You dont need to try again since you fail as usual and cant reason without obsfucating and twisting facts 

I have replied to that thread on PDF! Dont repeat again as if you have discovered a gold mine in the temple!
You are still living in your infancy who needs adults to take care of your childish behaviour and melees every now and then

As I said who will use indian designs for north america and EU markets. That's suck *** comments. All the global brands have their own in-house designers!

There is a very wide gap between our exports to the above destination from self-trumpeting, as usual, how would the "most preferred" description come about when we are taking a huge lead in all garment and textile exports and when all the brands mentioned have their productions in China!

You dont need to try again since you fail as usual and cant reason without obsfucating and twisting facts 

I have replied to that thread on PDF! Dont repeat again as if you have discovered a gold mine in the temple!

YEAH RIGHT !! Only in china these companies dont have in house designers. They are designed in china , right ??
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