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India in talks to join US global development partnership countering China’s belt and road plan


Dec 23, 2016
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Agreements with Japan and Australia have already been put in place by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation

PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 25 September, 2018, 2:52am
UPDATED : Tuesday, 25 September, 2018, 7:17am



25 Sep 2018
The US government’s international finance development agency is in talks with India to include the South Asian country in a partnership that Washington has formed with its allies in the region to counter China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”.

After signing agreements with the overseas finance development arms of Japan and Australia, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is “in discussions with India right now” to reach a memorandum of understanding with India, OPIC President and CEO Ray Washburne told the South China Morning Post on Monday.

If concluded, the agreement “will reflect very much like the ones we have with Japan and Australia”, Washburne said.

Those partnerships allow the three countries to streamline the process of joint investments in energy, transport, tourism and technology infrastructure. The investments are also meant to attract private capital to the projects – investments that are, in some cases, many times larger than those of the three governments.

OPIC’s influence in the Indo-Pacific region is set to grow after the passage of a bill that would give the agency authority to invest equity in development projects instead of just providing loans.

The “Better Utilisation of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018” (Build Act), which was passed by the US House of Representatives in July, has been included in “must-pass” Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) legislation expected to be voted on by the Senate this week.

China’s belt and road programme slammed by US official
If the bill is passed and signed into law by US President Donald Trump, OPIC would be renamed the US International Development Finance Corporation (USIDFC) and amount of money the agency could put toward infrastructure projects would more than double, with a cap of US$60 billion.

The trilateral partnership OPIC has with Japan and Australia is part of what US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently called an “Indo-Pacific Economic Vision”, an open challenge to China’s growing influence in Asia.

The Build Act’s sponsor in the House of Representatives, Florida’s Ted Yoho, said legislation was needed to counter a “predatory” China. The FAA legislation must be passed by Sunday to ensure the continued operation of the US air travel system, making it unlikely that lawmakers will vote it down.


“We’re making sure shipping lanes stay open and making sure economies keep growing, and that there’s no hegemony by any certain country, ie. China, that ends up taking over and coordinating all of that,” said Yoho, a Republican who is chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.

Bringing India into the partnership is “a way to work together with like-minded people versus being offered what Xi Jinping wants to offer”, Yoho said, referring to the Chinese president.

Italy aims to be China’s first G7 partner on belt and road
China has “the predatory lending practices of the robber barons of the 1800s”, he added.

“If you go back to Xi Jinping and [the Chinese government’s 19th Party Congress in October 2017], when he said it was time for China to take the centre stage – they were very provocative and threatening remarks,” Yoho said. “He doesn’t want to share the stage; he wants to take it over.”

Five years ago, Xi unveiled the Belt and Road Initiative to build economic, political and cultural ties around Asia, and connect the region to Europe and Africa with infrastructure projects that include ports, roads, railways and pipelines. The initiative began with the Chinese central government’s US$40 billion Silk Road Fund.

Myanmar is one of the countries targeted by the competing economic development interests of the US and China.

China’s state-run Citic Group is spending about US$1.3 billion on the first phase of the Kyauk Pyu deep water port on the western tip of Myanmar’s Rakhine state, to accommodate bigger oil tankers.

Meanwhile, OPIC plans to provide US$250 million in financing to Apollo Towers Myanmar Limited for the development of telecommunications towers throughout the country, according to the agency’s website. Apollo has built 1,800 towers since the start of its operations in 2014 and plans to construct more than 2,000 others in the next phase of development.

Our stand is clear

CPEC: India hits out at China, Pak

Geneva [Switzerland], Sept 24 (ANI): In a veiled reference to Beijing and Islamabad over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiative, New Delhi on Monday expressed concerns, saying that no country can accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity.
First Secretary Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, Mini Kumam, said that the international community is well aware of India's position.
Speaking at the 39th UN Human Rights Council, Kumam said, "India shares international community's desire for enhancing physical connectivity and believes that it should bring greater economic benefits to all in an equitable and balanced manner. Regarding the so-called 'China-Pakistan Economic Corridor', which is being projected as the flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the international community is well aware of India's position. No country can accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity."
The USD 63 billion project has been time and again criticised by India since it passes through disputed Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (P0K) region.
In response, China had said that it had respected all territorial laws and that the issue was an "internal matter" between New Delhi and Islamabad. (ANI)
Our stand is clear

CPEC: India hits out at China, Pak

Geneva [Switzerland], Sept 24 (ANI): In a veiled reference to Beijing and Islamabad over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiative, New Delhi on Monday expressed concerns, saying that no country can accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity.
First Secretary Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, Mini Kumam, said that the international community is well aware of India's position.
Speaking at the 39th UN Human Rights Council, Kumam said, "India shares international community's desire for enhancing physical connectivity and believes that it should bring greater economic benefits to all in an equitable and balanced manner. Regarding the so-called 'China-Pakistan Economic Corridor', which is being projected as the flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the international community is well aware of India's position. No country can accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity."
The USD 63 billion project has been time and again criticised by India since it passes through disputed Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (P0K) region.
In response, China had said that it had respected all territorial laws and that the issue was an "internal matter" between New Delhi and Islamabad. (ANI)

Nobody cares about your stance.

Only if India's policies were not to counter others and make policies that suited indian masses dying of hunger and poverty. Stupid economically nonviable projects like Chahbhar port and transportation of fruits and vegetables to Afghanistan via air cargo are nothing more than a joke. India all together is a joke.
Our stand is clear

CPEC: India hits out at China, Pak

Geneva [Switzerland], Sept 24 (ANI): In a veiled reference to Beijing and Islamabad over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiative, New Delhi on Monday expressed concerns, saying that no country can accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity.
First Secretary Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, Mini Kumam, said that the international community is well aware of India's position.
Speaking at the 39th UN Human Rights Council, Kumam said, "India shares international community's desire for enhancing physical connectivity and believes that it should bring greater economic benefits to all in an equitable and balanced manner. (ANI)

indians dont know what they are speaking and what they want.

i will suggest Pakistan to invite occupied Kashmir in CPEC projects. it will be a slap for india who is objecting on the development of kashmir and economic activity.

it will be crystal clear infront of the world about indian intention if india rejects Pakistan's proposal
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They have strategy to destroy, we all know but what is development startegy? otherwise they could have offered us any alternative against CPEC which they oppose bcoz they fear for "Pakistan's future" just like sanghi subhumans :lol:
india should built a road on sea from mumbay to new york
using same super materials used during sirgkal strike.

World Bank refuses to fund Diamer-Bhasha dam

ADB refuses to fund mega dam project

Both banks have asked Pakistan to get permission from India. :lol:

permission from india ohh bc next lvl hogaya!!

mujhe zoor ka ayya hai indian ijazat hai kar loon?
Lol and guess what??? Pakistan didnt ask for permission and is building both dams. Joke is on India now , as I said India is a Joke itself.
please dont call future supa powa a joke you dont want to mess with modi he is the future ruler of the world!
US would have succeeded before it even started but they chose the wrong partner :3
probleum is that where will this road will lead US indo partnership may be jungles of panama major role of cpec to connect with european routes with little time little resources used neither india is in strategic position to have any intiative to be part of major road and shipping routes

india and usa can have that wet dream but logically one belt one route wont be possible involving india when china is already there to counter it and china offer more cheaper option in first place which neither usa can counter
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