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india hides maternal mortality


Jan 1, 2010
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MUMBAI, Sept 21: A leading rights group has accused India of hoodwinking the public over its claims of improving maternal health, as renewed efforts began at the United Nations to cut global poverty.

Human Rights Watch said the government in New Delhi was wrong to focus on the number of women who give birth in health facilities as a measure of progress rather than how many survive the delivery and post-delivery period.

The group’s Asia women’s rights researcher, Aruna Kashyap, said in a statement Monday that the authorities were “playing number games with women’s lives” and “dangerously misleading the public”.

Reducing maternal mortality is the fifth of the eight Millennium Development Goals adopted by world leaders in 2000 and set to be achieved by 2015.

World leaders are in New York to look for fresh ways to meet the targets, which are badly behind schedule.

More women — about 100,000 — die during pregnancy and childbirth in India than anywhere else in the world every year, according to the World Health Organisation.

India says it is “on the right track” to cutting the rate because 10 million women gave birth in health facilities in 2009-10.

The UN’s special rapporteur on health has welcomed progress but said India is unlikely to meet its Millennium Development Goal target and called the rate of maternal deaths “shocking” for a country of its stature and development.

Human Rights Watch said the government should focus on quality of care and safe deliveries as a measure of improvement instead of counting only the number of so-called “institutional deliveries”.—AFP
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There is no doubt our last decade has been one of the most burning eras of our history. We are getting out but still its going to take time. We accept we haven't been doing what we could have done. So in many things including financial growth and human resource Index, India has taken a step ahead while we are there were we were. BUT worst era is coming to and end.. things are getting better for us already and I see them improving in the days to come Bafazal-e-Khuda. Our Dark tunnel is about to end ... Inshallah.

So for you comparison with Pakistan is important then the real issue.

Good for you.

Anyway here is the reason

The group’s Asia women’s rights researcher, Aruna Kashyap, said in a statement Monday that the authorities were “playing number games with women’s lives” and “dangerously misleading the public

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