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India harbouring cross-border terrorism


Apr 8, 2007
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While Bangladeshi government showed over enthusiasm in arresting a number of leading figures of United Liberation Front of Assam [ULFA] as well as continuing to allow secret operations of Central Bureau of Intelligence inside Bangladesh territory, Indian authorities are not only declining Dhaka's request in handing over the absconding Bangladeshi terrorists, who are continuing various forms of criminal activities from inside India. In recent months, cases of regular extortion by several notorious terrorists, who are living in India for years, have reached to an alarming level, thus putting the India-friendly Awami League government into worst ever difficulty.

Current government in Bangladesh, which has always been showing absolute loyalty towards India and have done everything as per wishes and even whims of Indian authorities are now visibly being pushed into a very uncomfortable situation by the New Delhi administration, especially on the issue of water sharing agreements and trade benefits etc.

Indian authorities have already obtained transit facilities from the current government, during the recent visit of Dr. Manmohan Singh to Bangladesh. Most interestingly, this is the first-ever transit agreement in the history of the world, where the transit facility providing country loses money instead of gaining anything. It is whispered that, New Delhi categorically told Bangladesh side that, if Awami League is willing to continue in power for indefinite period, it must abide by each and every requests and even instructions of the Indian side, without raising any question. Bangladeshi side is also suggested to refrain from raising any point related to interest of Bangladesh. "You either get benefit for Bangladesh Awami League and continue in power for decades and simply abandon the practice of arguing or battle with India under the pretext of national interest", said New Delhi to Dhaka.

Bangladeshi policymakers are continuously feeling shy as well as afraid in raising any issue of national interest with their Indian counterpart. Taking fullest advantage of such bankrupt diplomacy and un-patriotic leadership of the Bangladeshi sides, New Delhi has already become very aggressive in dealing with Dhaka, as most of the top figures in Indian administration consider Bangladesh side as mere "agents".

Weekly Blitz for the first time busted the untold story of the absconding Bangladeshi terrorists in India, who have invested huge amount of money in Indian stock markets. The news was later re-published by Assam Tribune, where the newspaper did not give any credit to Weekly Blitz for this exclusive news item.

It may be mentioned here that, according to intelligence sources, more than 74 notorious terrorist kingpins from Bangladesh are 'hiding' in various cities in India. Bangladesh Police sources confirms that notorious criminals and godfather of terror outfits named Ferdous aka Kala Jahangir, Jabbar Munna aka Manik, Prokash Kumar Bishwas, Mollah Masud, Shamim Ahmed aka Aga Shamim, Trimoti Subroto Bain aka Fateh Ali, Omar Faruk aka Kochi, Khandaker Tanvirul Islam Joy, Rafiqul Islam Kajol, Haris Ahmed Haris, Khorshed Alam and Kamrul Hassan aka Hannan are allegedly operating their illegal activities from India. Interpol had already issued RED Warrant against most of these absconding terror kingpins.

In recent times, these absconding Bangladeshi terrorists are engaged in extortion by sitting in Indian soil. Though the matter has been reported to Indian authorities on a number of occasions, it is evidently proved that, New Delhi is reluctant, if not unwilling in taking any steps in arresting and repatriating the Bangladeshi terrorists living in India. Some sources told Weekly Blitz that, these Bangladeshi terrorists are continuing numerous forms of criminal activities such as murder, extortion, abduction etc from Indian soil, which is very much within the knowledge of Indian intelligence and various law enforcing agencies. But, such agencies in India are provided monthly compensation by the absconding Bangladeshi criminals and terrorists for uninterrupted continuation of cross-border criminal activities.

Some of the absconding Bangladeshi terrorists living in India are operating bank accounts as well as have even managed Indian passports using real or false name. Few of these absconding terrorists are maintaining regular liaison with Indian intelligence agencies.

Meanwhile some of the sheltered Bangladeshi terrorist kingpins in India have already turned into Frankenstein for New Delhi. Indian intelligence agencies are already expressing concerns after they receive a scoop that, absconding Bangladeshi terrorist kingpins in India, such as Trimoti Subrata Bain aka Fateh Ali and Kamrul Hassan aka Hannan have established links with separatist and jihadist groups in Jammu-Kashmir.

India harbouring cross-border terrorism :: Weekly Blitz
most of muggers , thiefs , slum dwellers , beggars in Delhi and Mumbai are BD nationals. I hope Mushi, you are not one of them.
You see being in BD wont get you anywhere ! How ever you swear, we know that you secretly wished that you were in India !
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