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India could grow by more than China in the second half of this decade: Jim O'Neill


Aug 15, 2011
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Earlier this year, it was very fashionable for financial market commentators to believe that both the economic influence of so-called “emerging markets” and the case for investing in them were past their peaks.

As the creator of the BRIC acronym to describe the importance of Brazil, Russia, India and China, and promoter of another acronym, MINT, to highlight the next group of influential emerging nations, Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey, I have a big interest in this issue. Perhaps not surprisingly, I didn’t support that recent fashion.

A few months on, the evidence has swung my way a little, helped by the relative performance of financial markets and, most recently, the exciting Indian election.

First the markets. Many commentators were worried about the consequences of both Fed “tapering”, the term for the US central bank withdrawing some of its generous liquidity, and by the impact of the slowdown in China, the largest emerging market itself. In January, many markets performed poorly and, in the case of most emerging markets, this continued a trend that started in late spring of last year with the Fed’s increasing focus on tapering.

Indeed, the US equity market itself declined in the first five days of January, which historically has meant a 50-50 chance of a decline for the year as a whole. This made me believe 2014 might generally be a more challenging year. It was my contention that, for the global equity market rally to continue, it would have to involve leadership from elsewhere in the world, probably Europe and/or China and/or one of the most important emerging nations.

As we move towards the five-month market, the worries about a Chinese slowdown and its global consequences persist, as do concerns over probable Fed tapering, but the consequences are not panning out the way many pessimists feared.

Within the BRIC equity markets, India is up more than 15pc year to date, easily leading the others, with the main index in Brazil up a modest 2pc to 3pc, Russia down about 3pc and China’s main indices slightly in the red.

As far as the MINT markets are concerned, Indonesia is vying with India for the mantle as one of the best market performances in the world; Turkey is close behind, while Mexico and Nigeria have recorded small declines.

Four of the MINT and BRIC markets – Brazil, India, Indonesia and Turkey – are part of that group dubbed the “Fragile Five”, the other being South Africa, but perhaps they should have been called the “Fabulous Five” judging by their absolute and relative performances. The bond markets and currencies of most of this group have performed similarly well too.

So what is behind this: is it simply that the markets misread the consequences from Fed tapering and the China slowdown, or have they been wrong about the emerging markets?

I think it is probably a combination, plus a more fundamental misreading. The idea that the developed world could start a strong, sustained economic recovery and be insulated from the emerging world seemed most unlikely to me. The recovery in the developed markets has so far been a bit stop-start, with the important exception of the UK. Japan is finding Year Two of Abenomics a lot more difficult than Year One; peripheral Europe is showing some signs of stabilisation, but not much more; the US has disappointed very high expectations.

All of them need powerful export markets, beyond each other, to fuel a sustained recovery – as does the UK. Without this in the bigger emerging countries, it has always seemed to me that the recovery of developed countries will be vulnerable.

As for Fed tapering, it has progressed and it looks like it will continue, but under the guidance of its doveish head, Janet Yellen, the message remains that it will be some time before interest rates rise, and when they do, they might not need to go as high as first thought. Whether this is the main reason or not, US bond markets have actually rallied so far in 2014, with yields dropping that is an unexpected outcome and possibly a major reason for the better performance of emerging markets.”

As for the China slowdown, people seem, if anything, to be even more worried about this than they were at the start of the year. Yet it doesn’t seem to be having the negative consequences that many feared.

There are three good reasons for this. First, the softer trend in commodity prices associated with the slower Chinese economy is helpful to some economies, including some important emerging ones, such as India and Turkey. It reduces their import bills and makes the challenge of improving their external balance less onerous.

Secondly, as I have argued before, the China slowdown is partly, if not greatly, a consequence of Chinese policies; we should only worry if the slowdown gets out of hand or is mismanaged. While there are plenty of challenges, in my view there is no reason for excessive concerns.

Thirdly, unless you are a commodity company or a country whose exports are completely dominated by commodity exports, I don’t see the evidence of a need to worry about China. Those focused on the Chinese consumer, especially what I call the “luxury lite” consumer, are still doing well. Take BMW and Apple for example; both are beating analyst expectations, primarily because of China sales.

This brings me to the so-called emerging countries themselves and, in particular, India. The size of the victory for Narendra Modi and his BJP party gives his new government the platform to deliver what he claims to have delivered consistently in his own state of Gujarat, namely 10pc growth.

I met with Modi and his close advisers nearly a year ago, and, judging by the way they responded to my ideas about boosting Indian growth, it was quite clear the markets would be really excited if they were to win with a decent majority. And this is what we have.

It won’t be easy, given India’s complexities, but it is possible that from 2015 onwards, Indian growth can certainly recover to more than 7pc, and I wouldn’t rule out a chance of 10pc if Modi pushes through many of the reforms he would like. It is certainly possible that India could grow by more than China in the second half of this decade.

If Modi can encourage more investment and foreign direct investment, as well as supporting a stronger framework for macro-economic governance and sticking to his real passion, “maximum governance and minimum government”, then India looks like it has its best chance for more than 30 years to positively surprise – and significantly.

Indonesia could be heading towards a similar point if the current favoured presidential candidate, “Jokowi” as he is known, comes to the fore. He is not a member of the oligarchical families and seems keen to introduce better governance, which is as crucial to unlocking this country’s vast potential. This is partly why their markets have done so well recently.

So what about the problems faced by emerging nations? There remain plenty of those; Russia and Turkey have some big issues to confront, not to mention Nigeria. However, in each case, not all is as negative as much western commentary claims.

And then, of course, there is Brazil, the World Cup host – and, in coming weeks as the tournament gets under way, I will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing them.

Jim O’Neill is chairman of the City Growth Commission and visiting research fellow at the Brussels-based think-tank Bruegel

India shows how to take advantage of Fed tapering and China’s slowdown
Lets see who stops Modi from pushing reforms thru? Plz record, note and spread it.
i believe blindly on Jim O neil..........whatever he says ...sooner or later it Happens
I think both the economies are in different level...... china is going to have a consistent growth for a long time..... Where in India has huge potential to grow.... Both the countries have different strength and can grow with out disturbing other.......

India now has a new government and has a strong mandate and can take tough stands to improve the economy..... It will be a dream come true if we touch double digit in another 10 years time.....

When ever some one from west comes with analysis of India Vs Chinese, we should remind ourselves the story which we studied in our kinder garden..... "2 silly goats and a fox"
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It's very complex issue if any terrorist attack happens in India like that of 26/11 then situation will escalate resulting in turbulence in south asia stalling all economic growth ,china did well they maintained a hostile and stable environment but never crossed the line .
I hope modi strengthen internal security ,making NCTC could be a good start.
It's no choice we desperately needs 8%+ growth otherwise our young population will be our worst nightmare.
We should not aim to 'beat' any country as such.

Our goal should be that we consistently grow at above 8% each year for atleast a decade.
Scenario 1 - India grows at more than 15%
Scenario 2 - China's growth stabilises at 6% to 7%.
We should not aim to 'beat' any country as such.

Our goal should be that we consistently grow at above 8% each year for atleast a decade.

That's the point! But people focus on the wrong things too often. Indian kept growing in the recent years although most of the world wasn't. They are complaining about not having growth rates at 8-9% anymore, ignoring that we have a global financial crisis and which even forces China to slow down around 7% now. They want indigenous stealth fighters today and nuclear carriers, although a capable base aero sector (thanks to the LCA and Dhruv projects), as well as a useful number of Frigats and SSKs would be more important for Indian defence...

Constant improvements in every area is the aim we must have, not to beat China, to be world class, or a superpower!
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Modi is the key.

He could be India's own Deng Xiaoping.

Provided he can take on and defeat the vested interests that oppose reform in India.

With the rise of more powerful non-Western countries, the emergence of a new multipolar world becomes a more realistic prospect every day.

And the only one who will lose out is the global hegemon.
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