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India and Sri Lanka: Playing the Long Game?


Apr 8, 2007
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Indian policy towards Sri Lanka is caught between the national interest and serving domestic interest groups.

By Ankit Panda
March 31, 2014

In a controversial move, India abstained from a U.S.-sponsored resolution on human rights in Sri Lanka at the United Nations last week. India had supported similar resolutions in 2012 and 2013, but abstained after the new resolution appeared much tougher on Sri Lanka than prior versions, calling for an independent international investigation of alleged war crimes committed by Sri Lankan forces in their war against the Liberation Tamil Tigers of Eelam (LTTE). In explaining its reasoning for the abstention, the Ministry of External Affairs said, ”It has been India’s firm belief that adopting an intrusive approach that undermines national sovereignty and institutions is counterproductive … any external investigative mechanism with an open-ended mandate to monitor national processes for protection of human rights in a country, is not reflective of the constructive approach of dialogue and cooperation envisaged by UN General Assembly resolution 60/251 that created the HRC in 2006 as well as the UNGA resolution 65/281 that reviewed the HRC in 2011.” Despite India’s abstention, the resolution passed with 23 in favor, 12 against and 12 abstaining.

India’s relationship with Sri Lanka has been troubled in recent years, mostly due to internal frictions between Tamil interests and the interests of the central government in New Delhi. The decision to abstain on the vote is an assertive move by New Delhi and has drawn criticism from Tamil leaders who continue to push for a strong Indian stance on Sri Lanka’s human rights abuses. That New Delhi abstained despite unanimous support of the resolution by the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly further highlights New Delhi’s independence in foreign policy-making.

In 2013, after much lobbying by Tamil politicians, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh chose not to travel to the 2013 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting which was being held in Colombo. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa requested that there be no “titular, ministerial or official” Indian participation in CHOGM. While External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid did end up attending the meeting in Singh’s stead, the incident highlighted the salience of narrow domestic political interests in India’s relations with important neighboring states.

In response to the abstention, the opposition BJP’s Subramanian Swamy praised Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for “ordering the Indian delegation in UNHCR not to support the dangerous U.S. resolution seeking [an] international probe into the so-called human rights violations during 2009 anti-LTTE war by Sri Lanka.” Given the proximity of India’s general elections, a decision to vote for the resolution would have won the Congress a portion of the Tamil vote. However, as G Pramod Kumar notes for Firstpost, “now that the Congress has nothing to gain in Tamil Nadu for the Lok Sabha polls with the DMK deserting it, the party couldn’t care less. The party is not even a contender in the polls in the state with most of its frontline leaders refusing to contest the elections. With this vote it also doesn’t lose anything.”

The abstention also drew criticism from the United States. State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf said, “It is disappointing to us that India abstained from voting on this resolution when they voted yes for the last two years. We have made our disappointment known to Indian officials.”

The resolution called for an independent international investigation into alleged war crimes and human rights violations in Sri Lanka. India’s opposition to the resolution sends a strong message to Colombo at a time when it was sorely needed. Relations across the Palk Strait have been strained during Mahinde Rajapaksa’s tenure so far but bilateral talks are producing results. Provincial elections in Sri Lanka, particularly in the Tamil-dense northern areas of the island, were largely pushed for by Indian diplomats and are seen a positive development in the island nation’s post-conflict transition. The CHOGM 2013 fiasco was an undesirable setback for New Delhi amidst this progress.

New Delhi needs to play the long game with Sri Lanka and doing so will involve carefully moderating between meeting the needs of domestic interest groups but also steadily winning geopolitical overtures with Rajapaksa’s government in Sri Lanka. Between Singh’s absence from CHOGM 2013 and this year’s abstention on the human rights resolution, New Delhi has oscillated between those two objectives. Against the backdrop of expandingChinese influence in Sri Lanka, New Delhi’s interest will be best served by slowly but surely pursuing diplomacy on its own terms with Rajapaksa’s government (which is likely here to stay for a good while).

India and Sri Lanka: Playing the Long Game? | The Diplomat

Mr. Ankit Panda has missed the obvious reason for India’s abstention on the UNHRC vote on Sri Lanka. It was leaked several days before the vote that the United States had requested the Sri Lankan government to allow the US a military base on the Island. It appeared to Indian politicians and diplomats that the United States was using the UNHRC vote to blackmail Sri Lanka to accept a US base on their territory or was a sly maneuver to achieve regime change. In either case the idea of US military base on Sri Lanka was totally unacceptable to New Delhi and hence its abstention. Similarly the reason that Hamid Karzai has objected to a military cooperation agreement with the US is due to Indian influence on the Afghanistan government and the same thing happened in the case of the Maldives with strong objections from New Delhi. It has also been opined by Indian commentators that the US is seeking regime change in Bangladesh to establish a base in that country. What we are seeing in these objections is the Indian government efforts to implement a Monroe Doctrine in South Asia and the Indian Ocean against the United States and China. For more on these issues please read my book The India Doctrine –

The India Doctrine (1947-2007) | Mohammad Munshi - Academia.edu
Mr. Ankit Panda has missed the obvious reason for India’s abstention on the UNHRC vote on Sri Lanka. It was leaked several days before the vote that the United States had requested the Sri Lankan government to allow the US a military base on the Island. It appeared to Indian politicians and diplomats that the United States was using the UNHRC vote to blackmail Sri Lanka to accept a US base on their territory or was a sly maneuver to achieve regime change. In either case the idea of US military base on Sri Lanka was totally unacceptable to New Delhi and hence its abstention.
This is a hilarious assumption. If there is any US intention to establish a military base in the Island, it is not necessarily an India oriented maneuver. Quite contrarily, it should irk the Chinese more than the Indians. Strategically, the Chinese won't like any kind of US naval presence in this region.It was a sane move from India to abstain from voting keeping the growing Chinese influence in SriLanka. The Tamil issue is a lost cause and it is their internal matter. Why should we spoil our relation with Rajapaksha first of all?

Similarly the reason that Hamid Karzai has objected to a military cooperation agreement with the US is due to Indian influence on the Afghanistan government and the same thing happened in the case of the Maldives with strong objections from New Delhi.

Again wrong analysis. Karzai is hesitating to sign BSA not due to Indian pressure.In fact signing security agreement with US is extremely beneficiary to the Indians. The US army presence will safeguard Indian interests intact.Indians are forcing Americans out is a comical assumption.India's stand on BSA has been cautious and slow.Thinking it otherwise is not the correct way to apprehend the Indian strategy.
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This is a hilarious assumption. If there is any US intention to establish a military base in the Island, it is not necessarily an India oriented maneuver.

My remark comes from reading several articles by Indian analysts.
My remark comes from reading several articles by Indian analysts.

and where are those articles which mentioned that USA was seeking a base in SL??aint they're going to get one in BD??
and where are those articles which mentioned that USA was seeking a base in SL??aint they're going to get one in BD??

The articles appeared in SAAG and IDSA. The Americans have been looking for a base in BD for quite sometime.
and where are those articles which mentioned that USA was seeking a base in SL??aint they're going to get one in BD??

Well one of the reasons for Indira Ghandi and the RAW to train and arm Tamil separatists to destabilize SL in the late 70's and early 80's was to send a strong signal to the UNP govt under president J R Jayawardena who was very close to giving the Reagan administration that was eyeing Trincomalee as a base.. Not a very smart move by the then president but then again you cannot dismiss US aims that simply
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Well one of the reasons for Indira Ghandi and the RAW to train and arm Tamil separatists to destabilize SL in the late 70's and early 80's was to send a strong signal to the UNP govt under president J R Jayawardena who was very close to giving the Reagan administration that was eyeing Trincomalee as a base.. Not a very smart move by the then president but then again you cannot dismiss US aims that simply

yup..thats I heard too.but time changed,so changed priority.now USA's priority lies in the East Asia,not in SL.thats why they're going to base large amount of CBGs in Pacific,and curtailing their IOR fleet.
yup..thats I heard too.but time changed,so changed priority.now USA's priority lies in the East Asia,not in SL.thats why they're going to base large amount of CBGs in Pacific,and curtailing their IOR fleet.

Hmmm.. there is news on the grape wine about they might loose Diergo Garcia, Because the Garcians are suing the British government of at the ICC on genocide and forceful removal.. If thats true they maybe looking out for more strategic locations around the Indian ocean.. Trying for Maldives to relent under Nasheed recently may be a giveaway .. India/China had better ideas and changed the govt there through a sponsored coup.. As far as strategic locations go Trincomalee cannot be surpassed

As far as Priorities go.. Well thats changed with a new resourceful Russia in the pic.. Remember unlike the Pacific and Atlantic, The Indian Ocean does not have many US allies between the Sea and Russia
Oh No another MBI Munshi thread about Indian Hegemony:suicide2::moil:With the link to his book in bottom:p:,dude don't you feel ashamed you tried selling your book no one buyed it, nowadays you are giving it out free still no one downloads it. Damn are you that desperate to get into limelight. If your book was good people automatically buy, but if you try to sell Horse crap, no one takes it:rofl:
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yup..thats I heard too.but time changed,so changed priority.now USA's priority lies in the East Asia,not in SL.thats why they're going to base large amount of CBGs in Pacific,and curtailing their IOR fleet.

While the Diago Garcia is on the closure phase it won't be such a bad idea to have naval base in Sri Lanka.

We shouldn't forget that there is US listen station already stationed in Sri Lanka.
Oh No another MBI Munshi thread about Indian Hegemony:suicide2::moil:With the link to his book in bottom:p:,dude don't you feel ashamed you tried selling your book no one buyed it, nowadays you are giving it out free still no one downloads it. Damn are you that desperate to get into limelight. If your book was good people automatically buy, but iftry toy sell Horse crap, no one takes it:rofl:
watching his threads and comments for a long time now i thought he is a teenager or early twenties.But after seeing his picture in that link, i was like WTFo_O
Hmmm.. there is news on the grape wine about they might loose Diergo Garcia, Because the Garcians are suing the British government of at the ICC on genocide and forceful removal.. If thats true they maybe looking out for more strategic locations around the Indian ocean.. Trying for Maldives to relent under Nasheed recently may be a giveaway .. India/China had better ideas and changed the govt there through a sponsored coup.. As far as strategic locations go Trincomalee cannot be surpassed

As far as Priorities go.. Well thats changed with a new resourceful Russia in the pic.. Remember unlike the Pacific and Atlantic, The Indian Ocean does not have many US allies between the Sea and Russia

Sino-Indian relations are not like that oh PDF
believe me if US tries to even think of establishing a naval base in SL India & China will use their full influence over the SL to stop them & I don't mean to brag but Combined Indo-China influence is far greater than that if US
Sino-Indian relations are not like that oh PDF
believe me if US tries to even think of establishing a naval base in SL India & China will use their full influence over the SL to stop them & I don't mean to brag but Combined Indo-China influence is far greater than that if US

The only way the US can establish that is through regime change, That they're trying hard against the this govt through the recent actions at the UN.. But that wont be easy like in Egypt,Libya or Ukraine simply because despite all the short comings of nepotism, corruption and denigration of law, The Rajapaksa regime is still vastly popular among the general public, Partly due to a very weak pro west opposition, Partly due to peace and rapid development.. Similar to the situation in Syria
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