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India and China agree to move back troops from Gogra Heights


Feb 8, 2021
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In a significant step towards resolving the Ladakh standoff, India and China have agreed to disengage their troops from the Gogra Heights area of eastern Ladakh. The two sides had deployed their troops against each other in this region since May last year.

Government sources said India and China agreed to disengage troops in the Gogra Heights area during the 12th Corps Commander-level talks on Saturday. This meeting was held at Moldo on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC). It lasted nearly nine hours.

The last disengagement agreement between the two sides took place nearly six months ago when India and China agreed to disengage troops in the Pangong Lake area. The disengagement in the Gogra Heights had been pending since then.

Sources said the follow-up actions on Saturday's agreement are expected to take place "in the near future".

The 12th round of Corps Commander-level meeting was held following the meeting of foreign ministers of India and China on July 14 and the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC) meeting held on June 25.

Sources said the two sides had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on resolution of remaining areas related to disengagement along the Line of Actual Control in the Western Sector of India-China border areas.

I give it max 2 weeks, we will hear something else again started.
As always Indians start celebrating prematurely while later end up with humiliation.

China still occupies over 1000sqkm of reclaimed Indian land. Will occupy more in the future, entire Arunachal Pradesh belongs to China and China shall take it by force. We ll see what India can do. India can launch a media war, make a movie , block Chinese app that's the max they can do.
Indians have claimed this about 10 times since the beating they got last year

China isn't going anywhere

Their might be some agreements made to ensure the forces don't come into direct conflict but China is hear to stay on LAC and building up it's forces
As always Indians start celebrating prematurely while later end up with humiliation.

China still occupies over 1000sqkm of reclaimed Indian land. Will occupy more in the future, entire Arunachal Pradesh belongs to China and China shall take it by force. We ll see what India can do. India can launch a media war, make a movie , block Chinese app that's the max they can do.
Can you show me the satellite pics of that particular land to validate your claim?
Indians have claimed this about 10 times since the beating they got last year

China isn't going anywhere

Their might be some agreements made to ensure the forces don't come into direct conflict but China is hear to stay on LAC and building up it's forces
Disengagement was stalled in that particular area but now it has been completed
Great Chinese which was threatening thrice a day is pulling back without gaining any advantage. China had come to project itself as Asian tiger but pulling back now proving Asian cat.

India tried to take Aksai Chin in 2020 and failed. Now stalling and then agreed to go back. China goes back after India goes back. This is the same as Pangong Tso.
The whole dispute area will become buffer as per China's demands. I thought India would stay longer. Hopefully this outcome is done with Indians thinking they won. Unbelievable how stupid some of them can be. Set up buffer in last part of land they want to take from China, nowhere even near Aksai Chin and still they think they win because some Indian papers and politician will use the words "retreat" or "pull back" and "disengage". Not thinking where this is happening and that India agreeing to do the same thing.

Previously the situation seemed like India is firmly wishing to stay inside Gogra and Depsang. Now it seems it will be a slow buffer set up between China's claim line and LAC. Exactly China's demands during the negotiation rounds. But because Indians hear the words "pull back" they will celebrate, forget India is agreeing to leave this land one stretch at a time. First Pangong and now Gogra, hopefully in future also the rest of Galwan.
The whole dispute area will become buffer as per China's demands. I thought India would stay longer. Hopefully this outcome is done with Indians thinking they won. Unbelievable how stupid some of them can be. Set up buffer in last part of land they want to take from China, nowhere even near Aksai Chin and still they think they win because some Indian papers and politician will use the words "retreat" or "pull back" and "disengage". Not thinking where this is happening and that India agreeing to do the same thing.

Previously the situation seemed like India is firmly wishing to stay inside Gogra and Depsang. Now it seems it will be a slow buffer set up between China's claim line and LAC. Exactly China's demands during the negotiation rounds. But because Indians hear the words "pull back" they will celebrate, forget India is agreeing to leave this land one stretch at a time. First Pangong and now Gogra, hopefully in future also the rest of Galwan.

Indians are a utterly deluded people
The whole dispute area will become buffer as per China's demands. I thought India would stay longer. Hopefully this outcome is done with Indians thinking they won. Unbelievable how stupid some of them can be. Set up buffer in last part of land they want to take from China, nowhere even near Aksai Chin and still they think they win because some Indian papers and politician will use the words "retreat" or "pull back" and "disengage". Not thinking where this is happening and that India agreeing to do the same thing.

Previously the situation seemed like India is firmly wishing to stay inside Gogra and Depsang. Now it seems it will be a slow buffer set up between China's claim line and LAC. Exactly China's demands during the negotiation rounds. But because Indians hear the words "pull back" they will celebrate, forget India is agreeing to leave this land one stretch at a time. First Pangong and now Gogra, hopefully in future also the rest of Galwan.
Both the militaries were standing barely 100 meters apart and even tanks were deployed just a few hundred meters apart. This was a serious situation. You can't keep two of the world's best Armies eyeball to eyeball for months. A simple mistake or miscalculation may start a devastating war. Both India and China realized that peace is the way forward. Chinese side tried to occupy the land between both Armies and India resisted with its mirror deployment. China came up to Finger 4 in the northern bank and India occupied the Kailash range in the south bank of the lake. But now both countries have decided to make a demilitarized zone (no patrolling) between Finger 3 and Finger 8 and they will go back to April 2020 position.

But the real question is that whether China will honor this agreement for a long. I don't think that China would remain silent for long. But then India has sent a signal that India is no pushover. India showed this by capturing the Kailash range right under the nose of China on the night of 29-30th August. India is withdrawing from the Kailash range but it doesn't mean that India will sit silently. Next time if China goes on offensive India would come up with its answer. China knows that the Indian Army has the political clearance for launching such an adventure along LAC.

Neither China nor India has won this round of confrontation but India has a slight advantage as China failed to achieve its objective of confrontation. Modi opponents are telling that India can't patrol beyond Fieger 4 but then China can't petrol beyond Finger 8. India claims that LAC runs near Finger 8 and China claims that LAC runs near Finger 2 and both sides had to settle for less than they claim. But then India can't force its entire will of China (which is a bigger military and economic power). India-China relationship is going to the game of cat and mouse. Sometimes China will have an advantage and sometimes India will have an advantage. There is a big difference between your patrolling points and actual control.
Actual control means your infrastructure and bases.

Don't worry that will happen in a day or two. Genocidal Maniacs/RSS lackeys can not be tolerated in any place dominated by civilized human beings.
Fixed it
Lol go to Chinese forum they'll kick you out the very instant with some of the things y'all say

But I guess they're "commies", that's why the hatred of Hindus
This is becoming the joke of the month, every month
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