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India afraid to export Basmati rice to Iran due to US sanctions

Dariush the Great

Jan 28, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

For the first time in decades, basmati rice exports from India to Iran have fallen drastically in the first half of 2020-21 fiscal owing to disruption in payments, a result of the US-led sanctions. New Delhi and Tehran are now exploring a conventional barter trading system to address the rising concerns.
India slowly but surely moving away from iran every passing day towards Saudi Arabia. The excuses they give.
India slowly but surely moving away from iran every passing day towards Saudi Arabia. The excuses they give.
Not right for you to say that since Pakistan's exports to Iran are a mere <$33 million:

The bilateral trade between Pakistan and Iran stood at US $293.18 million; with the volume of Pakistan's export to Iran US$ 32.29
Not right for you to say that since Pakistan's exports to Iran are a mere <$33 million:

It is the right thing to say because Pakistan kept its distance to Iran due to mainly it's closeness with the Arab World and it lost much in the long run. But Pakistan being an under-developed country had no choice.

But India was close to both Iran and the Arab World but it has decided to ditch Iran for Saudi Arabia. I am unsure why as there isn't really any pressure being applied on India to pick sides.
India is commiting a grave strategic error.

it has seemingly commited itself to becoming americas regional representative (puppet). this is a grave strategic error that will have consequences upto and including existential.

there are just way too many powerful players in the area the US is trying to screw (china, Russia, Iran, Pakistan) and many smaller regional puppet states involved. India is really asking for insurgencies, armed freedom groups, and armed separtist uprisings with the road they are on.

the US could care less about india or indians. they would gladly sacrifice a billion indians to advance small american intrests.. India really need to tread carefuly going forward. they are making alot of powerful enemies by becoming an american puppet.
India is smart in this situation, they know who to side with. Do you want to get on the wrong side of America or the wrong side of Iran, it is a no brainer really.

Iran will continue to get isolated as Arab nations normalize relations with Israel.


For the first time in decades, basmati rice exports from India to Iran have fallen drastically in the first half of 2020-21 fiscal owing to disruption in payments, a result of the US-led sanctions. New Delhi and Tehran are now exploring a conventional barter trading system to address the rising concerns.

Why is Iran importing rice from India? They have poor quality rice compared to Pakistan.

It would be easy for Iran to smuggle rice across Balochistan border, like what is currently going on with gas.
Why is Iran importing rice from India? They have poor quality rice compared to Pakistan.

It would be easy for Iran to smuggle rice across Balochistan border, like what is currently going on with gas.
a good question , my guess is we imported it from India as a way for trading for part of the oil we exported there. but as India no longer import oil from us I guess its because merchants who import the rice are not that flexible
and also it had something to do with situation in Baluchistan itself. he situation there is good for smugglers but for a legitimate merchant there are a lot to be desired if I was a merchant and wanted to import anything legitimate from Pakistan I rather used a sea route than Baluchistan border. just think how large the dhow fleet of Iran and Pakistan combined together would be

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