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Imran Khan's interview with Turkish TV.

I dont know what you guys think of him, i am sure you all know him better than me, but as an outsider i noticed something..The guy has charisma that a leader must have and he is very confident :tup:

yes my brother you are absolutely right. If Pakistan understands that we need to change the corrupt system we have today, Imran is the leader we want to have.

As Pakistanis are spiritually close to Turks, we have also witnessed phenomenal economic prosperity your country has achieved through sincere and honest leadership. This is what we cherish for Pakistan too - a sincere, honest and committed leadership for our country.

Imran and his interviewer are litterally dancing to the slow Islamic music virtually, holding virtual hands, giving virtual hugs and kisses. InshaAllah, inshaAllah, very very InshaAllah.

In all this, Imran as usual is "sincere for sure",

BUT, and it is a HUGE but, that

He is as usual "$tupid to the core".

Before Imran-ites (the blind poodles of Imran) jump up and down, let me explain why he is totally off track on pretty much everything.

1. Islamic unity - Granted Imran was less enthusiastic and his interviewer more.

Heck if Turks and Kurds do not unite, and they have been fing neighbors for eons, then how on this damned earth, Iran and Turkey or Syria and Turkey will "unite".

Tujhay pra-ee kiya paree hai (Imran Sahib)
Oh bhai
Apni nabairr tu

It is like these Islamo-fascists can't fix their own house, and yet they want to join boundary walls with houses that are kilometers away. Their own homes are burning uncontrollably Imran sahib, and yet you do not oppose this false unity business.

2. Islamo-Socialism

It was strange to see how two Marxists were having intellecual orgasms about so called "welfare" state.

Oh baba,

How on earth you will pay for the welfare state. Let me give you some idea. To have a welfare state like Denmark, Pakistan would need 6000 billion dollars a year. With our current budget of 30 billion dollars, and perhaps a corruption of another 30, we have at most 60 billion a year available. Will Imran get this difference of 5940 billions from his @rse?

OK Den-Ma-Ruk may be at the top of welfare states, even for a measly (in comparison) welfare state of UK, Pakistan will need to spend almost 3000 billion dollars a year.

So Mr. Irman, don't lie to me, do not kid me, instead tell me from where you will get the 1000s of billions of dollars every year for at least 6 years of your rule, to fulfill your false promises? From where?

Now let me share the super secret of Islamic welfare state of Khalifa -Rashid. Back then, Muslims collected little in self-imposed taxes. So how on earth Hazrat Umar rah run his welfare state?

Like any welfare state of his time! off course by raiding the neighboring states and looting their state treasuries.

Muslims should read their history to see how the war booty "maal-e-ghaneemat" was the key to funding the so-called Islamic welfare state.

What is ghaneemat anyways? it comes from the origin, called "ghanem" means sheep or goat.

Thus maal-e-ghaneemat was meant to explain that you loot the other tribe's goats and sheep, bring them home, and have a big meat party in the tent full of your tribe that has big banner "welcome brothers, welcome to the welfare state".

If Imran or his poodles are serious, they must show how they will collect 1000s of billions of dollars every year from Pakistani citizens, so as to fund this utopia called "Islamo-socialist welfare state".

Otherwise this the biggest cr@p-wash since the time of Zulfi Bhutto, who like Imran took Pakistanis to a foolish land called Islamo-socialism welfare state, and in process destroyed every bank, school, college, and factory of Pakistan. Every fing factory was looted in the name of welfare state.

Oh and this "spirituality" business of Imran. Well less said the better.


ps. No personal insults are done nor invited, Defend your ideas oh Islamo-socialists, show us the numbers please
LOL, do you know who that idiot interviewer is? He is one of Harun Yahya's man who believes Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) is the "mahdi" :lol: It's a sick cult...
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