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Imam-e-Kaaba urges govt, TTP to keep peace talks on track


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: The Imam-e-Kaaba, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Ibne Abdul Aziz al Sudais, has urged the government and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan to pursue peace talks, which he deems as the only way to shun violence in an Islamic state.

In a crucial meeting with one of the key Taliban intermediaries – Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (S) chief Maulana Samiul Haq – Imam-e-Kaaba urged the government and Taliban committees to keep the proposed dialogue intact as “this is what Islam teaches Muslims”.

Key leaders of the Saudi Shura had invited the JUI-S chief, who briefed the former about the latest development in the peace process.

“Maulana Sami will convey a special message of peace [to the Taliban Shura]. Imam-e-Kaaba was very happy over the latest development [TTP’s announcement for ceasefire],” Taliban Committee Coordinator Maulana Yousaf told The Express Tribune.

The development came after the Government of Pakistan formally invited Imam-e-Kaaba to visit the country, requesting him to issue a religious decree (fatwa) against suicide bombings and urge militants to shun violence. An aide of the JUI-S Chief said the Grand Mufti will soon visit Pakistan as Maulana Sami also requested him to advise the government on how to deal with the growing threat of extremism in the country.

Earlier on Monday, when the JUI-S chief returned to Islamabad, he spoke to the media at the airport where he asked the government to establish “peace zones” in some volatile areas. Terming this a necessary exercise for conducting meetings between the two peace committees, he explained, “Peace zones will ensure our [committee members’] security – this is what we need to pursue peace talks.”

He condemned the suicide attack on the capital’s district courts premises but added that he was glad that TTP had kept itself away from the incident.

He warned against the derailment of the peace process, saying that the government and the TTP should not blame each other for any attack and should look out for the “the third enemy”. The enemies of peace should be exposed and kept away from the peace talks. “The entire nation wants negotiation process to move forward” and the two committees were working for peace in the country, he said, adding that negotiations will have a logical end.

Good vs bad Taliban

Separately, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan said the ceasefire announced by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan will bring fruitful results, maintaining that “the country was saved from destruction after the TTP and the government decided to halt armed attacks.”

Talking to the media at the Islamabad airport on Monday, he said the latest ceasefire would help the government identify those involved in terror activities who do not want peace in the country.

With the latest positive move toward the peace process, he said, “God has given us another chance to solve the issue peacefully and move in the right direction.”

He reiterated that his party was not in favour of a full-scale military operation in North Waziristan.

The United States does not want peace in Pakistan and wants to retain its forces in the region, the PTI chief claimed.

Imam-e-Kaaba urges govt, TTP to keep peace talks on track – The Express Tribune
those barbarians Taliban don't even listen to Allah (God) , do you think they will listen to imam kabaa ? I don't think so ...
Quran is very simple and clear with any kind of violence and killings of innocent peoples either they are muslims or non muslims ... animals don't understand human language , talk to them in their own language.
He doesn't know the ground reality and facts, only Pak army knows it.
Just to double check... any other news reporting it? or its only Exp.tribune as usual!
So Imam e Kabbah is also under magical influence of Imran Khan. Imran Khan does NOT hold any govt. office but Army, Nawaz govt, Imam-Kabbah & many more seems to be following Imran Khan's rhetoric.

Barakh-Brigade,بڑهك برگيڈ, start accusing IK for Imam-e-Kabba's statement too.

By-the-way where IS the operation, everyone in "بڑهك برگيڈ" was boasting about???

Terrorists are in Islamabad now, so do we air-bomb their hide-outs in Islamabad or what?
Time for military operation in Islamabad. Blast the terrorists where ever you find them.

OK i searched, its only exp. tribune reporting.... In any case army shall not stop now, may its Imam Kaaba, or pdf think tank advising otherwise!
WHAT are you saying??? When did Army start??? I don't see any "operation".!! Ever going occasional precision strikes is NOT the operation ""بڑهك برگيڈ"" was bragging about.

Army seems to be under command of Imran Khan too. Blame IK for Army's unwillingness to start an operation.


Blame IK for whatever Army, NS, & Imam-e-Kabba are doing: They are ALL under the spell of IK...

PM directs peace committee to continue dialogues process


...Blame Me...
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So Imam e Kabbah is also under magical influence of Imran Khan. Imran Khan does NOT hold any govt. office but Army, Nawaz govt, Imam-Kabbah & many more seems to be following Imran Khan's orders.

Barakh-Braigade, start accusing IK for Imam Kabba statement to.​

OK i searched, its only exp. tribune reporting.... In any case army shall not stop now, may its Imam Kaaba, or pdf think tank advising otherwise!
Instead of appealing TTP, he should appeal Arab sheikh to stop funding religious seminaries in Pakistan.
wikileaks and notorious " Quetta Shura" and lot of threads can be found in PDF.

Well, Imam kaaba has no international status, except he working for Suadi govt appointed post.

I hope you know what wikileaks is and its source!
Still, which sheikh is being mentioned in wikileaks?
What do you know about Quetta Shura and what were your reasons to believe in it?

BTW, no one here is talking of Imam Kaaba's international status, we have many times taken fatwas against TTP from same person!

Now again, like the way you trusted wikileaks, you are trusting this news but i'm not going to ask you to stop because, you can't, this all what is holding you from falling of sky.
imam e kaaba is not a qualified person to talk about international national and military strategies
Too funny. The Saudi shura invited Maulana Sami ul Haq for discussion on promoting peace?? It's ironic that TTP's Saudi masters are pretending to mediate when they could really bring peace by shutting off TTP's funding tap! The Saudi cleric is simply on their payroll and will parrot whatever he is told.
The hilarious thing is that the Saudi authorities pratically annihilate terrorists like this and he wants us to continue "peace talks". Do we need to educate the Imam on who the Kwarij were?
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