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If U.S attacks Iran


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Well this is an interesting topic that we must discuss. If U.S attacks Iran who should we support? Support Iran who has relation with India, and is harbouring people like Bagti and other anti-Pakistani elements which it may release if we go against Iran.

On the other side we have U.S, unreliable, short-term beneficial ally, always looks for more good (India than us) Stupid attacks just for its own security and interests and gains support through giving people some because it has some.

Whats your opinion?
I belive that pakistan would be either helping iran or won't be helping any body at all. We have learnt that if we stick with USA, they'll sacntion us evently. So we would rather have long term friendship with iran then a short term friendship with USA.

Also iran is right beside us, we don't want another enemy. Espically a enemy that has alot of oil. A unfriendly iran caould mean. More indian air bases in iran ready to strike pakistan from the west. This would mean that we'd have to increse our defence budget and we will once again be underdevloped.

A unfriednly iran would also mean less/ expeniseve devlopment. Iran has alot of oil, right now/ in the future, most of our oil might some from iran. (The pipeline thing) If iran does'nt give us oil then oil will be expensive in pakistan since we'd be getting oil all the way from saudia or UAE.

Besides, our population would support iran all the way. Just because them and us are muslims. Which is a okay kinda thing expect that iran also has extermist people. And one of thoseextermists is running that country.
Thunder, on the contrary, Pakistan would most probably side with the US. Relations between Pakistan and Iran have never been great at all. Iran has always been seen as more closer to India. It has frictions with Pakistan because it has Shia majority while Pakistan has a Sunni one.

As far as I know there are no Indian airbases in Iran and in the future, hardly could be granted.

Yes Iran has vital energy supplies and Pakistan has been trying to improve relations with it as seen by positive developments in recent years but a nuclear armed Iran is NOT in Pakistan's interests at all. Besides, Pakistan just might take revenge on Iran (by siding with the US) for what Iran did when IAEA enquired about suspected N-proliferation couple of years ago. It was quick to blame Pakistan even though it knew that Pakistani establishment wasn't to blame as it was the dirty work of one man and his illegal underground network. North Korea being NON-Muslim always denied any Pakistani involvement while our so-called Muslim brothers stabbed us in the back.

Sure, Pakistani population will support Iran like they did in Iraq's case but that doesn't stop the US from going to war or alter the official tone of the government.

Given the current crisis, IMHO, Iran has the right to nuclear technology but sorry to say it should NOT be allowed to get its hands on the bomb as we already have three countries which share borders with each other with 'the bomb' (Pakistan-China-India). A fourth one would just make life more miserable for people living in these four countries.
Whomever we decide to support, national interest should come first and we should not compromise our sovereignity and get involved in somone elses war AGAIN.

Personally I don't trust Iranian government or regime but the same goes for the US, the former is a neighbor and the latter merely a very good weather friend.

Another war in our neiboorhood will severly affect our economy, we should seek compensation with the US like Turkey did in the second Gulf War.
US paid approx $100 million p/m for the AFB in Jacobabad which is peanuts compared to what Turkey is receiving for its Nato base in Incerlik.

Pakistani support for US would not only anger our population considering the fact that 30% of our population is Shiah and propably most sunni will oppose the was aswell, but it will also destabalise Musharrafs government for yet fighting another war for US with very less return.

Instead of supporting either party in this conflict we should try to build bridge between Iran and the west using diplomacy.

Iran has the right to produce energy thru nuclear technology like any other country, but they should be persuaded to halt uranium enrichment activities and rather develop a long standing agreement with Russia to fulfill their need in nuclear fuel under Iaea safeguard.
Even China could play a great role by putting more pressure on Teheran.
Pakistan helping USA might even start a sunni-shia war in pakistan. I know it's far fecthed but it could happen. If war starts and we support america, then some shia might get ticked off and bomb someplace, then they might get a response from the sunnis, and so on. Again this is far off but you never know.

Besides as i said above, iran will always be beside us, USA won't. As soon as tey find bin laden they'll get out of south asia and probabley sanction us again. Iran won't do any of this. And yes we have good relations with iran. Consdering that we are probaley the only nation in the world who is allied with iran. Een the arabs don't like iran.

Supporting usa might also cause big trouble in blochistan. They share their border with iran, some people alreasy suspect that it's either taliben or some extermist from iran, india who keeps stopping devlopment in blochistan. Iran very well might just send a few suciude bombers in blochistan creating all this trouble we don't need.

And then there is always the chance that if they do devlop nukes then we might be on their hit list. Sure usa will help us if we support them but then they have bigger plans. No matter how much we like them we are still allies with china. And as long as we are with china( which will be for a highly long time). We won't become true friends with america.

They would go for india over pakistan anytime. So in end, musharraf might support america but our public won't.
Originally posted by Prashant@Mar 20 2006, 02:54 AM
There is no option but to support US.
[post=7386]Quoted post[/post]​

I will rather remain neutral, if we support US our whole population will erupt against current government and install some Islamic government that US hates already.

Also please dont use the counter Iraq argument here, Pakistanis have close ties with Islamic government of Iran unlike secular baath of Iraq.

All the shia's in Pakistan will support Iran, the country will be divided over this issue, and to make the matter worst if we support US in that time mushy's gov will be in danger and wouldnt last long, we may even see some Islamic-revolution taking place and maybe even new Islamic gov that will take over Pakistan wiith civilain's help.

(I know this all sounds far-fetched, but anything is possible. just look at Iran)
Exploit your "ideal" geo-strategic location to the maximum.

Now, does that mean you end up supporting the US? :cool:
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Mar 20 2006, 12:01 PM
I will rather remain neutral, if we support US our whole population will erupt against current government and install some Islamic government that US hates already.

Also please dont use the counter Iraq argument here, Pakistanis have close ties with Islamic government of Iran unlike secular baath of Iraq.

All the shia's in Pakistan will support Iran, the country will be divided over this issue, and to make the matter worst if we support US in that time mushy's gov will be in danger and wouldnt last long, we may even see some Islamic-revolution taking place and maybe even new Islamic gov that will take over Pakistan wiith civilain's help.

(I know this all sounds far-fetched, but anything is possible. just look at Iran)
[post=7392]Quoted post[/post]​

the sentiment for Iran wont be stronger than what was there for taleban.So there's nothing to worry.If mushraff could take the risk of joining US in launching an attack against Afghanistn and AQ which has/d roots in the ribal areas Iran poses no greater risk.
Webby i think u had hurrled a wrong question. All of asking that wht will be the stance of Pakistan :) well if US had so certain abt our support Bush might had not explored other options:) dear why on earth u think US had given our neighbour so much facilities:) man US has something more on his mind you knw what i mean
Mademoiselle, we have nothing that would make a US campaign against Iran easier. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Mar 20 2006, 01:31 PM
I will rather remain neutral, if we support US our whole population will erupt against current government and install some Islamic government that US hates already.

Also please dont use the counter Iraq argument here, Pakistanis have close ties with Islamic government of Iran unlike secular baath of Iraq.

All the shia's in Pakistan will support Iran, the country will be divided over this issue, and to make the matter worst if we support US in that time mushy's gov will be in danger and wouldnt last long, we may even see some Islamic-revolution taking place and maybe even new Islamic gov that will take over Pakistan wiith civilain's help.

(I know this all sounds far-fetched, but anything is possible. just look at Iran)
[post=7392]Quoted post[/post]​

Very good points. Pakistan can't antagonize a neigbhor who is oil rich and at the same time can't be hostile to the world's only super power. Remaining neutral will be the wisest thing to do.
Originally posted by Samudra@Mar 20 2006, 09:06 AM
Exploit your "ideal" geo-strategic location to the maximum.

Now, does that mean you end up supporting the US? :cool:
[post=7394]Quoted post[/post]​

We're already doing that bro!
Both China and US want what we have, the Gwadar seaport and that will be the center of our geo-strategic importance with both in future.

Therefor we should stay neutral in the Iran crisis and focus on rapid development of Gwadar and our economy.

Pakistan's importance in the region will depend more on how our economy flourishes, not the military.
I would personally support Iran. If US and other countries can have nuclear technology, why not Iran. Iran has said about wiping Israel of the map once, but they have probably said a 100 times by now that their nuclear technology will be for civilian use. If USA is going to believe what they Ahmedinejad said once, at least believe what they've been saying for hundreds of times now.
Originally posted by Ahsan_R@Mar 20 2006, 08:34 PM
I would personally support Iran. If US and other countries can have nuclear technology, why not Iran. Iran has said about wiping Israel of the map once, but they have probably said a 100 times by now that their nuclear technology will be for civilian use. If USA is going to believe what they Ahmedinejad said once, at least believe what they've been saying for hundreds of times now.
[post=7442]Quoted post[/post]​
You have a strong point there. But we are trapped in a way. If we stay netural our ties won't be so good with iran since we could've helped them out. I we help usa iran will still be mad. If we help iran then usa might not attack since we have nukes and enough missiles range to strike usa's bases in middle east. This would make usa really mad and they'l sanction us to hell.

China might be secertly helping us in all this, but then there's always a chance that india might strike us from the east. And this might even end up being WW3, or clash of civilaztions. Yes i my self know this is far fethced but it might happen as most people belive. The shaia's from iraq will surely help iran no matter what. So yea usa must be carefull if they wanna fiht or just shoot the damn extermist running iran.
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