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Apr 28, 2011
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Ordnance Factories Board 84mm Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher / Recoilless Gun
by Brigadier Arun Bajpai (Retd)

It was not very long back that Chairman Indian Ordinance Factories Mr Sudipta Ghosh was caught red handed accepting bribe. If Chairman himself is involved in corruption what would be state of affairs in almost a lakh employees under him in 42 Ordinance factories in India.

Problem is that instead of allowing these ordinance factories to work in an environment devoted to the country and the armed forces of India, political interference and Bhai Bhatija Wad has been predominant. Almost all ordinance factories are over staffed. Work culture is such that you will find more workers in the canteens and tea shops then working inside on job. The items produced are of indifferent quality. There is hardly any quality control. So many times soldiers suffer major injuries including martyrdom due to the malfunctioning of the ammunition produced by them. Best example is that in last 70 years they have not been able to produce a sturdy rifle for Indian Army. Now Army is forced to buy rifles for troops from abroad. Why somebody is not made accountable for this utter inefficiency?


OFB 7.62 Trichy Assault Rifle

Can you believe that ordinance factories are producing Shaving kits, mosquito nets, socks, shoes and so many other things which are easily available in open market? Surely Ordinance factories are not meant to produce these items. It was OK when these items were produced during World War days but not now it is 21st century. Today eleven such ordinance factories producing these items can be closed straight away. With Make in India in Defence taking shape in India in a big way effort should be to off load all items which can be easily produced in Make in India in Defence from Ordinance factories. Close those factories that are producing non lethal items. Ordinance Factory Board should be regrouped with representative each from the three services. All projects taken up by Ordinance factories must have armed forces people for quality control checks and synergy.

The employees of Ordinance factories are paid from Defence funds. It is really strange that 60000 Armed forces persons retire every year. To keep Armed forces young they are retired at young age. These people are then forced to search for alternative jobs. Most of them land up as security guards and drivers. Why should these people not be given refresher skill training so that they can enter Ordinance Factory work force? This way the ordinance factory work force will have a highly disciplined and dedicated work force as against the current one which does not hesitate on going on strikes at the drop of a hat .All said and done reform of Ordinance factories is a must and most urgent. Enough time has been already lost and public money wasted. This must stop.

Brig Arun Bajpai (Retd) is a distinguished Defence and Strategic Analyst. Views expressed are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of IDN. IDN does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same

I'll be worried if no one cheats in india.

Thats also why india's top career path is a snake charmer.
In Pakistan there are many Civil Entities of the Military which help freshly Retired Armed Forces Personnel adjust to Civilian Life like Fauji Foundation. Are there any such organizations in India?
Thank you Zarvan, the only problem is that a large number of people have said the same or similar over 40 years. NOTHING CHANGES.
I made these points in the early eighties when I was with Thales and had a sub-contract with HAL.
I raged at the practices that had origins in the 1800's, merely changing attitudes and structure which would REDUCE costs and massively improve productivity and direction would be stonewalled. Every politician and bureaucrat had their fingers in the pie which offered lifelong employment and power for themselves and their families.
A decade of rage, argument, debate, produced nothing.
The Indian defence production system is totally beyond reform. It cannot be reformed. And it cannot be killed. It will kill India and Indians.
Those who talk about how things are changing have not viewed this phenomena that promises change decade after decade after decade and there in every generation finds those who are convinced and enthuse of change that is coming, its just round the corner. IT IS NOT. It cannot be redeemed because good men and women will always be thwarted by India's version of the military industrial political bureaucratic complex, which has dug in deep into the heart of India.

there is someone u all can hire to reform india's ordnance factories...

his name is Enthiran

there is someone u all can hire to reform india's ordnance factories...

his name is Enthiran

I don't engage with cretins. I am too old. Please do not reply to me.

Thank you Zarvan, the only problem is that a large number of people have said the same or similar over 40 years. NOTHING CHANGES.
I made these points in the early eighties when I was with Thales and had a sub-contract with HAL.
I raged at the practices that had origins in the 1800's, merely changing attitudes and structure which would REDUCE costs and massively improve productivity and direction would be stonewalled. Every politician and bureaucrat had their fingers in the pie which offered lifelong employment and power for themselves and their families.
A decade of rage, argument, debate, produced nothing.
The Indian defence production system is totally beyond reform. It cannot be reformed. And it cannot be killed. It will kill India and Indians.
Those who talk about how things are changing have not viewed this phenomena that promises change decade after decade after decade and there in every generation finds those who are convinced and enthuse of change that is coming, its just round the corner. IT IS NOT. It cannot be redeemed because good men and women will always be thwarted by India's version of the military industrial political bureaucratic complex, which has dug in deep into the heart of India.

Thank you Zarvan, the only problem is that a large number of people have said the same or similar over 40 years. NOTHING CHANGES.
I made these points in the early eighties when I was with Thales and had a sub-contract with HAL.
I raged at the practices that had origins in the 1800's, merely changing attitudes and structure which would REDUCE costs and massively improve productivity and direction would be stonewalled. Every politician and bureaucrat had their fingers in the pie which offered lifelong employment and power for themselves and their families.
A decade of rage, argument, debate, produced nothing.
The Indian defence production system is totally beyond reform. It cannot be reformed. And it cannot be killed. It will kill India and Indians.
Those who talk about how things are changing have not viewed this phenomena that promises change decade after decade after decade and there in every generation finds those who are convinced and enthuse of change that is coming, its just round the corner. IT IS NOT. It cannot be redeemed because good men and women will always be thwarted by India's version of the military industrial political bureaucratic complex, which has dug in deep into the heart of India.
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