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I am the son of a murdered judge


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I am the son of a murdered judge

By Muhammad Saad KhanPublished: July 1, 2013

My father, Muhammad Jamshed Jadoon, was posted as a judge of the newly-established Anti-terrorism Court (ATC) in Gilgit, in 2005, by the orders of the prime minister secretariat. In fact, based on national interest, he had volunteered for the position when nobody was willing to do the same due to insecurity and the uphill task of establishing an ATC in Gilgit, which would have been the first of its kind. Sadly, after serving for more than 11 months in June 2006, he was murdered in a public park in broad daylight.

The accused was convicted by my father for the burning of a police station, following which he was jailed. However, he was facilitated from the jail by the police, which is when he committed the crime of murdering Jamshed Jadoon and was subsequently handed down a death sentence by the ATC. In the meanwhile, many high-profile politicians and religo-sectarian parties approached our family with their various offers of pardon on behalf of the convict, but we refused to accept all the offers and stood firm on our stance for due process of law and justice to be served.

Now, we have come to know that the accused has, once again, been let out of prison and this time, to find his way out of the country and out of the reach of the law. We can’t help but feel stupid for relying and trusting the judicial system for justice.

The question that arises is, if a judge of the ATC cannot receive justice in this country, how can ordinary citizens? If the state cannot protect its own custodians, how will it protect its citizens? People from Gilgit state that when we refused the offer of religo-sectarian parties, a deal was struck with the help of our own “security agencies”.

The family was kept in the dark for six months about this whole event until news reached us through intermediate channels. Now, we are told that it is an open and shut case since the accomplices — who could have assisted and usually belong to the police department — who help such criminals escape have been handed down sentences of 12 years to life imprisonment. Besides, who can guarantee that they will not be freed or their sentences commuted at a later stage.

Finally, I have come to the conclusion that there is, in fact, no system of justice in Pakistan. If there is, it is for the facilitation of the ruling class or the US. It reminds me of how a mockery was made of the whole judicial system when Raymond Davis was escorted free from the courts within hours and through legal process. While the same process, for an ordinary citizen, requires a long span of time stretching to months and years. This is the reality of our judicial system.

My family and I have few options. We can either get into negotiations to no avail, accept blood money and forget the whole fiasco ever happened or we can simply pick up a gun and get justice for ourselves — the latter we won’t do. In the absence of the state, there are very few legal options for a family seeking justice in this land. It makes one wonder why the criminal is so strong in this country and the toiling, honest ordinary man so weak?
Published in The Express Tribune, July 2nd, 2013.

I am the son of a murdered judge – The Express Tribune
No body died for Pakistan, many ppl died because of Pakistan : Hassan Nissar on Zia-ul-Haq Syndrom...
Lot of people have been stating for a long time that entire cross section of Pakistan society that means, mullahs, lawyers, judges, policemen, security agencies, media anchors and politicians secretly support terrorism.

Problem is the confusion between love of the country versus Islam. If a man claims that he is fighting for religion, he can do anything and get away with it and not even judges, governors or prime ministers are safe.

My family and I have few options. We can either get into negotiations to no avail, accept blood money and forget the whole fiasco ever happened or we can simply pick up a gun and get justice for ourselves — the latter we won’t do. In the absence of the state, there are very few legal options for a family seeking justice in this land. It makes one wonder why the criminal is so strong in this country and the toiling, honest ordinary man so weak?
Published in The Express Tribune, July 2nd, 2013.

I am the son of a murdered judge – The Express Tribune

Those are the pragmatic words, "accept blood money and forget the whole fiasco ever happened". The chances of any justice being done are zero.
This is a heart-wrenching article. It is so sad how people have to suffer in this country because of an inept government that is complicit in supporting terrorism. The author did not mention if his father was Shia or Sunni. It would have told us if this was another sectarian attack.

Gilgit Baltistan is on fire, Quetta is burning, Peshawar suffers regular bomb attacks. When will God start punishing us in this way. I hope I don't lose all faith in religion or God because of this stupidity. I am better as an atheist. I am dead serious. I love Pakistan beyond anything else and it is suffering such a cruel fate.
we have corrupt & feudals running our governments there are corruption charges on them and they are our pms and cms
they cant even make a national anti terrorism law yet alone they will provide justice to the oppressed

seperatists are running governments in blochistan and lej kills our hazara brothers and sisters and everyone is dead silent we have traitors every where in media in political circles they are doing every thing to destroy this country:angry:
This is a heart-wrenching article. It is so sad how people have to suffer in this country because of an inept government that is complicit in supporting terrorism. The author did not mention if his father was Shia or Sunni. It would have told us if this was another sectarian attack.

Gilgit Baltistan is on fire, Quetta is burning, Peshawar suffers regular bomb attacks. When will God start punishing us in this way. I hope I don't lose all faith in religion or God because of this stupidity. I am better as an atheist. I am dead serious. I love Pakistan beyond anything else and it is suffering such a cruel fate.

atheisims is the most easy way out keep doing sins keep being in evils and when you end up in mess start denying GOD good job you are doing great
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