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How wars will be fought in the future

H. Dawary

Sep 4, 2019
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From the past to the present and ahead into the future, wars have been waged and fought for, wars are being waged and fought for, and wars will be waged and fought for. The question now is... for whom and for what?

With the advent of Nuclear weapons, the irrational part of humanity has been put in check... for now. This is not to say that a Nuclear war is not within the scope of possibility, in fact Herman Kahn in his book "On Thermonuclear War" illustrated that Nuclear wars are in fact win-able; This is not to say that this is the desired scenario, but the possibility remained open.

Heraclitus had famously declared that "all is motion". Meaning that we are moving into varying directions no -matter- what, we do not remain stationary, and with constant motion comes constant change.

Power struggles are an inevitability, as Hans Morgenthau states "Nations pursue their interest in the form of power" (Poltics among nations the struggle for power and peace. pg 12-14), in the international arena, all nation states are pursuing this goal one way or another, as more power means fulfilling one's interest, which is the goal of nation states, and thus it is in the interest of nation states to acquire more power in order to fulfill their desired outcome.

Ideologue as a weapon... Niccolo Machiavelli in The Prince stated... “when they depend upon their own resources and can employ force, they seldom fail. Hence it comes that all armed Prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed Prophets have been destroyed.” This quote of his has a twofold meaning, the first being that a prophet such as Moses had an army and succeced whereas a prophet such as Jesus had no army and failed. Another meaning behind this is having an ---Ideologue--- to rally the masses to ones cause, and as he says "all armed Prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed Prophets have been destroyed.” As without a cause, there is no reason to fight a war.

If war is apart of human nature, and if humanity is constantly moving into motion, and power is what we seek to attain our interest. Then my question to all of you is... Will ideology be used as a weapon in upcoming future wars?

Currently if we examine our current times and the past, are there not some nations that are employing this (Iran-Hezbollah, Houthi, Liway Fatimiyoun, Liwa Zanibiyoun)... (Afghanistan/Pakistan-Taliban)... (ISIS) or were there not nations that employed it (North Korea, Vietnam/Vietcong... Communism).

Critcisms... Remarks... Comments... All will be appreciated to hear different opinons.
From the past to the present and ahead into the future, wars have been waged and fought for, wars are being waged and fought for, and wars will be waged and fought for. The question now is... for whom and for what?

With the advent of Nuclear weapons, the irrational part of humanity has been put in check... for now. This is not to say that a Nuclear war is not within the scope of possibility, in fact Herman Kahn in his book "On Thermonuclear War" illustrated that Nuclear wars are in fact win-able; This is not to say that this is the desired scenario, but the possibility remained open.

Heraclitus had famously declared that "all is motion". Meaning that we are moving into varying directions no -matter- what, we do not remain stationary, and with constant motion comes constant change.

Power struggles are an inevitability, as Hans Morgenthau states "Nations pursue their interest in the form of power" (Poltics among nations the struggle for power and peace. pg 12-14), in the international arena, all nation states are pursuing this goal one way or another, as more power means fulfilling one's interest, which is the goal of nation states, and thus it is in the interest of nation states to acquire more power in order to fulfill their desired outcome.

Ideologue as a weapon... Niccolo Machiavelli in The Prince stated... “when they depend upon their own resources and can employ force, they seldom fail. Hence it comes that all armed Prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed Prophets have been destroyed.” This quote of his has a twofold meaning, the first being that a prophet such as Moses had an army and succeced whereas a prophet such as Jesus had no army and failed. Another meaning behind this is having an ---Ideologue--- to rally the masses to ones cause, and as he says "all armed Prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed Prophets have been destroyed.” As without a cause, there is no reason to fight a war.

If war is apart of human nature, and if humanity is constantly moving into motion, and power is what we seek to attain our interest. Then my question to all of you is... Will ideology be used as a weapon in upcoming future wars?

Currently if we examine our current times and the past, are there not some nations that are employing this (Iran-Hezbollah, Houthi, Liway Fatimiyoun, Liwa Zanibiyoun)... (Afghanistan/Pakistan-Taliban)... (ISIS) or were there not nations that employed it (North Korea, Vietnam/Vietcong... Communism).

Critcisms... Remarks... Comments... All will be appreciated to hear different opinons.

Maybe you can expand on this more brother.
Maybe you can expand on this more brother.

The whole point I was trying to make is that wars in the future will be ideologically driven. It will not be wars between Armies, especially if both posses Nuclear weapons, as armies are way too expensive in contrast to arming locals who are driven to fight for a cause, as we’ve seen with Afghanistan and Yemen.

In the future, wars will be fought for minds and hearts, and differing factions will be armed by opposing nations. It will be a peoples war, and whichever faction comes into power will become the ally of the aiding nation.

As Clausewitz stated “war is a continuation of politics by other means”, these wars will for the most part be limited wars to bring the other side to the talking table.

However these limited wars could lead to total wars, which is why a nuclear war in the long run could be a possibility if one nuclear armed nation becomes too desperate or runs out of patience if it is not armed with an ideology. At that point there needs to be a balance so that tensions settle, in other words finding —--equilibrium—— but that is going way too far into it

Presently Iran is the pioneer of this, as they are openly supporting their proxies and even aiding them on all levels from ground forces to air strikes to resources. The question is whether or not others will follow through with this as well?
India has been engaging in propaganda warfare for a long time against Pakistan, we call it fifth generation warfare. Only recently have we begun to fight back openly under Imran Khan and DG ISPR Asif Ghafoor.

US has been engaging in regime change in Latin/South America since indigenious Leftist, Bolivarian movements began to emerge. Recently the coup in Guatemala and the regime change in Bolivia are notable examples. As is the propaganda warfare against Venezuela and Brazil, the latter now has a fascist right wing puppet.
While your post is about wars in general but I can never forget Einstein's thoughts on WWIII:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Einstein

The word 'nuke' is thrown so easily these days and without truly understanding the connotations that come with it. What does a nuke really do? 99.9999999% are innocents who are simply vaporized from the earth and for what? I think it is humanity's 'destiny' (for lack of a better word) to seek bloodshed but after the bloodshed there is a lull where humans realize what they've done. That pause has been around since the end of WWII in Europe and the Europeans have forgotten the horrors of war which are now far from home, it is a case of 'out of sight, out of mind'. But when nukes start flying the whole world will know the horrors of war.
India has been engaging in propaganda warfare for a long time against Pakistan, we call it fifth generation warfare. Only recently have we begun to fight back openly under Imran Khan and DG ISPR Asif Ghafoor.

US has been engaging in regime change in Latin/South America since indigenious Leftist, Bolivarian movements began to emerge. Recently the coup in Guatemala and the regime change in Bolivia are notable examples. As is the propaganda warfare against Venezuela and Brazil, the latter now has a fascist right wing puppet.

India will never be successful in its propaganda against Pakistanis or faithful Muslims, they can only be successful with non-Muslims and non-Muslim nations. This where Pakistan has to focus in propagating it’s message, and I think Imran Khan did a very good job at the last UN summit.

Now regarding America... although they were successful in SA, the truth of the matter is that they never really came up against fierce opposition in SA who were ideologically driven. Compare their adventures in SA to their misadventures in Cuba (backed by Soviet Union and ideologically motivated revolutionaries) or Vietnam (a big blunder) and recently Afghanistan and perhaps in the future Iran.

In the future there is going to be many players, whereas before it was just the USSR. Pakistan could also be one of those players, especially if merges with Afghanistan.

China will probably utilize its colonies, Russia- Slavic nationalism, India will most likely not have this luxury, Iran (Shia bloc), the question I ask is, will there be a Sunni bloc (not like ISIS) and who will lead it?
India will never be successful in its propaganda against Pakistanis or faithful Muslims, they can only be successful with non-Muslims and non-Muslim nations. This where Pakistan has to focus in propagating it’s message, and I think Imran Khan did a very good job at the last UN summit.

Now regarding America... although they were successful in SA, the truth of the matter is that they never really came up against fierce opposition in SA who were ideologically driven. Compare their adventures in SA to their misadventures in Cuba (backed by Soviet Union and ideologically motivated revolutionaries) or Vietnam (a big blunder) and recently Afghanistan and perhaps in the future Iran.

In the future there is going to be many players, whereas before it was just the USSR. Pakistan could also be one of those players, especially if merges with Afghanistan.

China will probably utilize its colonies, Russia- Slavic nationalism, India will most likely not have this luxury, Iran (Shia bloc), the question I ask is, will there be a Sunni bloc (not like ISIS) and who will lead it?

I can think only of Turkey, but the future of it looks very grim.

I say this because of several factors. Neither of the great world powers (US, Russia, and China) are supportive of Turkey. Orthodox Russian clergy and population have designs for the future reconquest of Constantinople. It is further surrounded on all sides by hostile neighbors, including Iran.

Two nooses are around Turkey's neck as we speak. US, UK, Germany, France, and other European countries are keeping the Armenian conflict (not actually genocide) alive and not letting it die. Secondly, these same nations (along with Israel) are supporting and training the PKK to one day take on Turkey for their own motives.

Lastly the hadith about the reconquest of Istanbul during the time of the Mahdi.

We know the Arabs will suffer near extinction before Qiyamat, due to Ahadith. Likely Persians too. Maybe Turks, Allahu Alim.

Israel would have free reign to do as it likes in this scenario.

Only hope for the Muslim world would be Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In future wars (2070+) all will fly. Tanks, war plattforms, transporters for the robot soldier/mechwarrior ect.
I can think only of Turkey, but the future of it looks very grim.

I say this because of several factors. Neither of the great world powers (US, Russia, and China) are supportive of Turkey. Orthodox Russian clergy and population have designs for the future reconquest of Constantinople. It is further surrounded on all sides by hostile neighbors, including Iran.

Two nooses are around Turkey's neck as we speak. US, UK, Germany, France, and other European countries are keeping the Armenian conflict (not actually genocide) alive and not letting it die. Secondly, these same nations (along with Israel) are supporting and training the PKK to one day take on Turkey for their own motives.

Lastly the hadith about the reconquest of Istanbul during the time of the Mahdi.

We know the Arabs will suffer near extinction before Qiyamat, due to Ahadith. Likely Persians too. Maybe Turks, Allahu Alim.

Israel would have free reign to do as it likes in this scenario.

Only hope for the Muslim world would be Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Agreed, Turkey must have full support no matter what, they are our REAL allies. I know you ventured into many pre-suppositions, and I understand where you are coming from as there is a hadith that backs your points "Al-Malhama Al-Kubra". And this will happen one day, only problem is that we don't know when.

My focus is completely on the present moment as we are here right now dealing with these problems in the present and we have the choice now to decide what our next step will be, and we must under whatever make the best choice possible.

Like you say, Israel is waiting for a free reign, Turkey has semi-hostile neighbors on all sides and trying its best, Pakistan is bogged down by a shameless puppet government as well as Iran to the west and India to its east. Our greatest obstacle at the moment is America, but at the same time they view Iran as an obstacle towards themselves and vice versa, and Iran would rather want America out and deal with us while at the same time America may leave as they know in the future the Taliban will be hostile towards Iran, this will be a golden opportunity for us once America leaves.

My biggest concern at that moment will be Pakistan completely focusing its efforts upon India to free Kashmir. I would rather have Pakistan concentrate its forces, organize itself as best as possible, give due attention to India so that it doesn't get out of line, support a merge with Afghanistan, strengthen its economy, get out of the debt its currently in, and become a Sunni bloc in the region. Pakistans influence can even reach Central Asia which is what I hope for, but for the moment being some type of resolution must be reached in Kashmir so that Pakistan doesn't lose face.

I have very high hopes for Pakistan, but America must leave first for all these goals to be achieved.
Wars are being fought today mostly economically via sanctions etc. We all know the major nuclear powers will not get into a conflict with each other unless as absolute last resort. The likes of US will continue to fight weaker nations kinetically. I see conflicts getting more "smart" via using unmanned and cyber systems etc. Total conventional wars are starting to become a thing of a past, although still possible.
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