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How to counter these Attacks


Aug 20, 2012
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I am creating this thread for the thoughts on how to stop terrorist attacks, especially on our bases. The whole idea is that somebody in the control room might listen to some good suggestions.
Please first put down your ideas on the paper, evaluate yourself and then post. Please avoid useless generalizations like kill every terrorist etc.
Brainstorming from Anotherangle
1. Announcing prize money for informants: There must be an easy system known to everyone like calling 15, IDC number and information; if the information is correct, the money is dispatched next day.
2. Dig trenches around the bases with at least one platoon at guard, (reserves?)
3. Erect secondary high walls around the assets parking area to obstruct an incoming rocket.

4. Control the weapons movement: attacks are impossible without the weapons!!
a. Controlling weapons is possible: the terrorists are not airborne until now. They are living in our localities with weapons and they should be controlled by the police. So the next question is..
b. How to get Police stop weapons movement?
There can be many answers but I have one….. “HANG THE DPO”
The police stations in a district are responsible to keep a watch on criminals in their areas: who is living in their area and what are they up to? And they are also responsible for transport on the roads/ highways in their areas.
Remember the DPOs are in charge of all police stations and the Stationed Officers. They are the one who appoints, transfer, promotes, sometimes even demotes SHOs; they are in contact with all the SHOs of his district 24/7 on wireless and must be answerable for their performance.
Taking severe action against the concerned DPO and the SHO after each attack may help a lot in reducing these attacks.
The problem might be that the DPO is a PSP and thus nothing can be done against him unless the top authority decides something. This brings us to the next point…
c. Declare state of war and make emergency laws to end VIP protection: Pakistan is already in the state of war, so declaring a state of war and making emergency laws like no VIP exemption and illegal weapons transportation, an act of treason may help.
So far Pakistan has managed well.

Here are the few things I can think of

1. Create a better liaison between military and local enforcement intelligence agencies to nab terrorists before the attacks even materialize. This will have demoralizing effect on the terrorists.

2. Local law enforcement, which is police at provincial level and FIA at federal level must be reformed and armed with training and skills to deal with this menace at the local level. For this politicians need to make changes to the laws which is a big ask. These politicians can find ways to do corruption but not law making.
3. Create anti-terrorists laws to give exemplary punishment to these terrorists. Only swift justice and exemplary punishment could lower the threat of terrorism. But that also need to be done by politicians.
4. mobilize public opinion against terrorism. They are no one's friends. They are enemy of the people and the state. This is where a strong political leadership can make a huge difference. But since politcal leadership wants power for the sake of power, we cant have that public mobilization. The result of that indifference is that public is confused and when public is confused its polarizes society.

I dont agree with people who want a government of technocrats or military. With a strong military, we need a strong political leadership. Its only through the two dimensions of state - military and political leadership, we can achieve the goals of state and counter threats from outside and inside.
Brainstorming from Anotherangle
1. Announcing prize money for informants: There must be an easy system known to everyone like calling 15, IDC number and information; if the information is correct, the money is dispatched next day.
2. Dig trenches around the bases with at least one platoon at guard, (reserves?)
3. Erect secondary high walls around the assets parking area to obstruct an incoming rocket.

4. Control the weapons movement: attacks are impossible without the weapons!!
a. Controlling weapons is possible: the terrorists are not airborne until now. They are living in our localities with weapons and they should be controlled by the police. So the next question is..
b. How to get Police stop weapons movement?
There can be many answers but I have one….. “HANG THE DPO”
The police stations in a district are responsible to keep a watch on criminals in their areas: who is living in their area and what are they up to? And they are also responsible for transport on the roads/ highways in their areas.
Remember the DPOs are in charge of all police stations and the Stationed Officers. They are the one who appoints, transfer, promotes, sometimes even demotes SHOs; they are in contact with all the SHOs of his district 24/7 on wireless and must be answerable for their performance.
Taking severe action against the concerned DPO and the SHO after each attack may help a lot in reducing these attacks.
The problem might be that the DPO is a PSP and thus nothing can be done against him unless the top authority decides something. This brings us to the next point…
c. Declare state of war and make emergency laws to end VIP protection: Pakistan is already in the state of war, so declaring a state of war and making emergency laws like no VIP exemption and illegal weapons transportation, an act of treason may help.

good attempt bro. :agree: very constructive and supporting ideas , definitely workable ... :pakistan:
enough has already been said but I would like to add that we should work on being proactive rather reactive, go after the source, like funding, its the ransom and extortion money but a major portion is donated by KSA and Iran( yes you heard me right) a lot of madrasas are getting funds from them, this should be stopped which again brings us to fia which is our main agency because if isi or ib interferes with it than people like hamid mir and najam ssethi might have a problem with that
Going after the funding? lots of people say that, but how to go after that, in a country with a lot of black money going around. Moreover, madarassas' accounts are audited regularly, so hardly any chance that charity money trickles down to terrorists. Besides, the amount you need to buy a RPG 7 with rockets is much more than the total income/funds of a middle sized madarassa for a given year. I think the black money or foreign governments are involved in funding TTP; can you think of any way to stop the dubious funding, I cannot.
Attacks on border posts? Is there any solution? Why our so many soldiers die in such attacks while only few die in similar attack in Afghanistan? Are our border posts well protected? Does our soldiers have necessary weapons? Are they prepared? :mod:
the best way is to build a wall with tower each 5 km and the tower equipped with turret gun ( M2HB ) and the wall must be 10m high 3m wide and secondarily line is Underground Bunkers with turret gun ( M249 LMG ) and Fox hols with 80mm mortar
announce price money to the people who give up their weapon.
strengthen weapon controll. no more hand made rifiles. every weapon with registration.
strict punishment to the people who carried guns without license.
give high reward to the people who give important info or killed terrorist.
training more spys and send them inside the terrorist..
brainwash the terrorist, tell them that the virgins in heaven are out of stock..
birth controll in terrorist area.
punishment to the people who being related to the terrorist. the terrorist also have parents and kids.
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