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how to build a new Pakistan


Apr 24, 2007
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How to Build a New Pakistan
on May 17, 2011
By Saeed Qureshi
Exclusive Article

There is a fast gathering impression that Pakistan is sliding down to the status of a failed state. Bad governance, corruption and dereliction of the leadership are some of the principle reasons outlined for the colossal decline and drift caving into the unity, strength and advancement of Pakistan.

The anti Soviet Union war in Afghanistan created such fanatic religious entities as Taliban and al-Qaida. Pakistan joined the decade long anti-soviet crusade. The Afghan war between the West led by the United States and former Soviet Union had its most ruinous fallout on Pakistan.

Later, United States started another war against her former fighting Islamic cadres namely Al-Qaida and Taliban. Pakistan also became a participant in that war. As such Taliban and al-Qaida let loose a punitive specter of terror and sabotage within Pakistan that continues unabated in the form of incessant suicide bombing and brazen killing sprees.

However there was also a redeeming dimension of anti- Soviet Union war for Pakistan. it provided a God given rare opportunity to Pakistan to put a stop to the centuries old ambition of the Russia empire under the dynastic rulers and then under the Bolshevik regime to bring under their domination the region that linked Russia to with the warm waters.

But Pakistan’s involvement did not stop after the defeat of the Soviet Union. The 9/11 incident once against catapulted Pakistan to the status of a most needed and trusted ally of the United states to fight the fanatic bands in Afghanistan and in the tribal regions and to eliminate and flush them out. Pakistan army is fighting that war for several years now killing the fanatic militants and in return being killed by them.

It was a kind of vicious trap in which Pakistan is still caught up and cannot break it or get out of that because America’s war on terror seems to be interminable. It is a kind of morass and abyss in which it is sinking with no hope for retrieving itself.

Pakistan army’s involvement against its own people in the tribal regions had its pernicious repercussions on Pakistan’s society in the form of suicide bombing, frequent bomb blast, arson and other unending sabotage incidents that have blown up the societal peace and stability that are so essential for the sustained onward march towards prosperity and progress.

The religious parties and radical Islamic groups that were dormant or weak in the past have been swelling and gaining strength and becoming more organized as to challenge the state and defy its writ in myriad ways. The religious outfits in conjunction with the outside cohorts are wreaking havoc within Pakistan crippling the economy, destroying the peace and instilling terror among the citizens.

These are both invisible and visible elements that retaliate to Pakistan’s alliance with the western countries and the army’s combat operations in the tribal regions against the Taliban. The drone attacks have filled the tribal population with deep hatred and fury not only against America and NATO but also against Pakistan for its complicity.

Since Taliban and other militants cannot harm the foreign occupation forces to a desirable extent, the scapegoat or the immediate victim is Pakistan that has to bear the major brunt of the punitive actions by the radical religious militants. Hence an unremitting mayhem and unabated loss of human lives and property, economic decline and stagnation goes on. Now these are the harsh facts and unpalatable ground realties that are commonly known.

Let us, therefore, earnestly ponder as to how this ballooning rot can be stemmed and Pakistan can be put back on a track of peace and stability. In a nutshell how a failing and degenerating Pakistan can be redeemed.

In the aftermath of the Abbottabad event, the reaction of the Pakistan’s parliament and the unanimous resolution to uphold the national dignity and sovereignty is a redeeming development. Also the armed forces’ resolve to retaliate in such situations is the first expression of Pakistan as a self respecting and honorable nation. If such a course is persistently pursued, it can be hoped that the foreign inexorable pressure would relent and that might prove to be the first step towards national salvation from the foreign bondage and the end of fear psyche.

To embark upon a well charted and ensured course of redemption and halting the ongoing trends of disintegration and downturn, Pakistan needs to take a stock of the causes responsible for generating the feelings of despondency and burgeoning perception of its becoming a failed state. Pakistan will have to realign its priorities and strategies and forge conciliatory alliances with the hostile groups like Taliban.

It is necessary to back track from the military operations in the tribal regions all the more after the death of the Osama Ben Laden for which the NATO and the United States’ forces were deployed on a massive scale in Afghanistan. Pakistan on its own can keep hunting the terrorists and rogue elements that are against Pakistan but must end its mercenary role in its own lands and against its own people.

Pakistan should dispense its image of a mercenary or vassal state of the United States that dumps Pakistan when it is not needed any more. Pakistan has a very time tested sincere friend and supporter in China whose relationship with Pakistan is not based upon ulterior motives or self-aggrandizing interests or arm-twisting tactics.

If the United States follows her threats of cutting off Pakistan’s financial and military aid, then it should be deemed as a blessing in disguise. With the support and backing of China the possibility of United States attacking Pakistan’s nuclear assets does not look plausible. India cannot also harm Pakistan.

So Pakistan can choose the path of disengaging itself from the dictates of an overbearing power whose relations are purely motivated by their own designs and vested interests in complete disregard of the partners’ limitations. As long Pakistan serves with complete docility and as an apron string, they are happy. Their attitude towards Pakistan is, “Since we pay you for your services, you must deliver.”

The moment there is a minor lapse; they would forget the past achievements and turn apprehensive and an adversary. United States is a fastidious country that can turn back and starts talking revenge against sincere friends when the job is over or falls short of their expectations. Pakistan should not accept aid if it is tagged with dishonorable conditions and list of dictated jobs, given to a hireling.

Pakistan should enter into a new alliance with all brands of Taliban for a grand reconciliation and for stopping mutual revenge killing. In a quid pro arrangement, Pakistan should terminate its military onslaughts. In return Taliban should call off their suicide bombing and deadly terrorist attacks within Pakistan.

That arrangement can be made as most Taliban do not nurse any ill will against Pakistan. Taliban are the creation of Pakistan and with the time passage their worldview and orthodox beliefs can undergo change. With solicitation and as a consequence of the reconciliation dialogue they can move towards moderation.

Secondly, a national religious harmony conference should be convened. This conference should bring together all the groups and parties with diverse and divergent religious beliefs and shades of opinions. They should pledge that they would follow their religious traditions and obligation without aggression, violence, bickering or diatribe against the other sects within the ambit of Islam.

That should herald the religious harmony and freedom of worship in Pakistan without any ideological friction or attacks on each others’ religious places and vitriolic outbursts against their respective religious icons.

These religious entities should also commit that they would respect the law of the land and perform their religious or social obligations according to the constitution of Pakistan and within the framework of democracy and public interest.

The Pakistan government with the support of provincial leaders, the parliamentarians, the intelligentsia, intellectuals, politicians, the educationists, social reformers, and other cross section leaders and prominent figures such as labor leaders, NGOs, should hammer out a national unity and reconciliation strategy for addressing the regional and provincial tensions and complaints.

There can be a reconciliation commission that should initiate a fresh dialogue with all the provinces to bring the dissident groups with fissiparous inclinations into the national gridline. This national reconciliation should start from Baluchistan where a simmering insurgency is going on for decades by such anti-federation groups such as BLA BLF, BRA and BLUF.

These groups should be motivated to join the process of Grand National integration by redressing their grievances within the federation so that these breakaway movements aided by foreign inimical forces can be quashed. The majority of the people of Baluchistan want to live within Pakistan and therefore those who want to break away are fringe groups. But in order to bury the conflicts and perpetual tug of war, it is imperative that such groups should join the mission of unity, integration and take part in the political process.

The third alliance or reconciliation milestone should be worked out between the ethnic groups both social and political such as the MQM and the Pathans on one hand and Jamat-i-Islami and MQM on the other. The racial and ethnic harmony is sin quo none for the solidarity, integrity and stability of Pakistan, particularly in Karachi which is a port and linchpin of economy.

In order to bring the much needed harmony, one giant step is inevitable. It is to remove the provincial grudge and rift between the provinces of Pakistan. For smaller provinces Punjab is a much reviled province. This impression must be erased as soon as possible. As part of the watershed endeavor to alleviate sufferings of the smaller provinces and for their active participation in national affairs, it is vital to break the current four giant provinces into minimum 16 provinces.

The division of the current four elephantine provinces into smaller provinces would definitely dilute their mutual rivalry caused by the variance in their size and the grievance of getting more or less resources and funds. That would also be a giant stride towards devolution of powers and decentralization of the big geographical areas. Thus a fairer, equitable and exclusive system for the utilization of their locally generated revenues from their natural resources and taxations could be brought into being.

People reel under extremely, degrading, abysmal, woeful and inhuman living conditions. The daily strings of power outrages and blackouts, the water shortage, the chaotic traffic, bad and narrow roads, the suffocating, noisy and smoke emitting public and private transport are making the people crazy and reckless. The environmental pollution, the dark and dingy streets, meager land-scaping, deficient and dirty public parks, no zoning regulations, giraffes and wall chalking all over give Pakistan an image of a highly backward, disorderly and country.

There is no centralized drainage system in any city, no centralized flush system, and no decently maintained public toilets. The encroachments cover roads and footpaths, the animals are kept with the citizens in the lanes and streets. There are such countless other civic and environmental deformities that make Pakistan look like a primitive and ugly country still to be polished and civically modernized.

The government seems to be visibly blurred as judged by their performance thus far, about the stupendous national maladies and their amelioration. Barring vague promises and meaningless rhetorical statements, they have not laid-out their policy and plans, as to how they would be cleaning these ‘Augean Stables’.

As such a civic revolution is indispensable to spruce up the towns, and cities and improving the living conditions of the citizens of Pakistan. One of the overriding reasons for the Pakistanis to come to the western societies is to benefit from the civic galore and public utilities that make lives so productive and free from hassle and irritants.

There is a contrast between the degrading and tormenting life of citizens in Pakistan and the rigors-free and comfortable living the citizens in west Europe and United States lead. If we can create a better civic and municipal system in our urban areas, our people may not opt to move out of Pakistan for green pastures or for neat and hazard-free environment.

Pakistan looks so shabby and decadent country to a person who comes out of the airport after visiting a foreign country. It is expressly urgent to upgrade the quality of live in Pakistan by unfurling a grand civic revolution to the extent that no one has the audacity to spit or urinate or throw garbage in open and even in their homes. Face lifting of Pakistan should be central to the civic revolution.

A revolutionary civic law and plan should be copied from the civilized and culturally advanced countries and implemented consistently and methodically without any laxity and with full force of law. The violators of civic laws, regulations and city codes must be fined and punished so as to forcibly attune them to respect law and comply with the civic regulations.

Likewise the traffic mess can also be addressed diligently by taking a cue from the systems of the civically advanced nations. Wider highways and abundant road network should be laid out all over Pakistan for easing the burgeoning traffic pressures and to cater for the fast, safe and smooth flow of the vehicles. The shape and models of the public transport vehicles such as freight trucks and buses must be remodeled with less colorful engraving and gaudy paintings on them yet with more space and necessary features such as cooling and heating systems.

Let us now talk about the social and structural reforms and institutional improvements. The harried and harassed citizens must be liberated, from the bribe and corrupt practices of the officials and bureaucracy; the complicated and plentiful regulations, tough conditions, and similar bottlenecks.

The public departments and courts are most notorious for their slow, outdated and cumbersome procedures for issuing a driving license to a health certificate or a verdict from a court for vacation of forcibly grabbed land. The civil and criminal cases remain under trial for decades.

Look at the railways in Pakistan. It is a nightmare and trauma to travel by train in Pakistan. The trains are slow, invariably late, the compartments dirty and overloaded, the latrines dirty and stinking. The cooling or heating facilities are confined to first class bogies. The railway stations are populated by collies and venders who pay hefty bribes to work at the platform.

The railway tracks mostly single tracks, are the same that were created by the British before 1947. The railway land is grabbed by powerful gangs and individuals. The engines and bogies have always been in short supply. The concept of fast trains in Pakistan seems to be a fairy tale and an unattainable fantasy.

Same is the picture of PIA, health and education sectors, Police, the taxation and revenue departments, the WAPDA, the banking system, the municipal organizations, hospitals, the courts. All these institutions suffer from bad governance and are infested with malfunctioning and flaws.

The underlying and perhaps the outstanding reason for malfunctioning and deficiencies with the entire governance system in Pakistan is that the institutions and deaprtments are not modernized. These are being run on the same obsolete and moribund patterns that were manual and prevalent during the British rule in India. Even the indispensible computerization or automation of these departments is yet to be done.

The staffs in most of the departments make entries and maintain records by writing with hand or by typing on the old typewriters. The ticket booking systems or payment of utility bills via internet or online is a rare facility in Pakistan.

In offices, such practices such as late coming, eating and smoking on the work desk is in vogue. Invariably, the public needs are met with delays and upon payments of grafts. The government officials mostly are incorrigibly corrupt with tendencies of nepotism and favoritism. The poor workmanship entailing a building collapse or a road falling back in poor state is common in Pakistan.

In countless instances either the road, or school or certain project was never built but were shown in records. Corruption, lawlessness and theft of the public assets are a way of life in Pakistan. People steal power, and water in collusion with the custodians of these assets.

The police in Pakistan is the ugliest institution for its corruption, cruelty and dereliction in doing their jobs faithfully and honestly. Their uniforms, their trainings, their backgrounds, their way of dealing with crime is a saga of shocks and is utterly reprehensible. It has become a symbol of inefficiency and fear.

Instead of protecting the law and the citizens, the police personnel break the law and selectively apply it. They are a band of dirty villains striking fear in the minds of those who are innocent and cannot pay the bribes. However, for strong and wealthy they behave like the house kept pets with wagging tails.

The fault does not lie with the police cadres but with the society. The government and the environ in which they live and serve, put a nerve shattering burden on them by way of personal obligations, pressure from high ups, poor training and poor equipment.

The Pakistan’ society spurs an atmosphere than fosters nepotism and subservience. Even if a constable or officer wants to be dutiful, he cannot operate independently as there would be multiple pressures on him to finally join the other sleazy lot.

The government has to refurbish, modernize, and overhaul all the government departments and the bureaucratic regime so that these can serve the people with honesty, fairness and in accordance with the laid down rules as we can see in the advanced countries.

The institutions and departments both public and privates have to be rebuilt from a scratch, remodeled and recast to make them efficient, functional and responding to the people’s aspirations and the imperatives of a modern society. A commission can also be set up to modernize and transform the entire administrative set up in Pakistan for good governance.

Another crucial reform is to recover the illegal firearms and lethal weapons with zero tolerance. Heavy sentences should be awarded to those who possess the arms without any license. The country should be cleared of all the deadly weapons that have no registration and fact constitute main cause of violence and criminal activities.

For a socially liberated Pakistan where equality between citizens prevails, Pakistan has to abolish the culture of elitism, aristocracy, privilege classes including the abominable feudalism and local lords, Sardari (nobility) and similar exploitative and oppressive institutions that have enslaved their local people for centuries. Pakistan should be a state where no class or individual should be treated as divine and superior than others.

Finally, the executive and the legislature branches of state apparatus need to be tuned up for coming up to the expectations of the people of Pakistan. Mercifully, the role of both judiciary and media is above board and that offers a ray of hope and great consolation that all was not lost with the state of Pakistan.

We must keep in mind that democracy and economy flourish and prosper in an environment of peace, order, respect for and strict application of law, with unity, togetherness, patriotism and with a sense of belonging to one’s land.

The writer is a senior journalist and a former diplomat
1.Eradicating Taliban & Al Qaida
2.Eradicating organizations which use our land to harm others.
3.Increasing Tax base for collecting more
4.Spending more on health,education,police
5.restructuring our judicial system
6.taking advantages of natural resources.
1.Eradicating Taliban & Al Qaida
2.Eradicating organizations which use our land to harm others.
3.Increasing Tax base for collecting more
4.Spending more on health,education,police
5.restructuring our judicial system
6.taking advantages of natural resources.

I'll drink to that :cheers:

Pakistan has long suffered, it's due time for the taliban and other terrorist organizations to be wiped out with America's full support.
Land reforms
Economic reforms
Dismantle ISI/Army
Stop Saudi funded madarsas
Promote modern education
Better healthcare
Promote small scale industries
Upliftment of women
1.Eradicating Taliban & Al Qaida
2.Eradicating organizations which use our land to harm others.
3.Increasing Tax base for collecting more
4.Spending more on health,education,police
5.restructuring our judicial system
6.taking advantages of natural resources.

exactly if pakistan stick's to the above list it can definitely grow.
exactly if pakistan stick's to the above list it can definitely grow.

Yeah but its easier said than done. If pakistan manages to get rid of terrorism above all, I'm sure she'll excel in economic as well as literacy growth.
replace the leaders

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

replace the leaders with some loyal persons
I'll drink to that :cheers:

Pakistan has long suffered, it's due time for the taliban and other terrorist organizations to be wiped out with America's full support.

keep in mind that it is the US government (not the people) who are the no. 1 cause of the state in which Pakistan is. They have employed the following tactics:
1.Appointing leaders ie the president PM etc who swear to comply with US orders
2.Feeding the corrupt leaders $$$ to ensure their loyalty
3.Indiscriminately bombing FATA which serves as a the chief location for anti Pakistan and anti US individuals
4.Mocking Pakistan and its admns leading to anti US emotions in Pakistani masses
5.Continually messing around with the internal affairs of Pakistan again leading to hatred for the US as well as Pakistan admns.....

These must be overcome for Pakistan to become prosperous
keep in mind that it is the US government (not the people) who are the no. 1 cause of the state in which Pakistan is. They have employed the following tactics:
1.Appointing leaders ie the president PM etc who swear to comply with US orders
2.Feeding the corrupt leaders $$$ to ensure their loyalty
3.Indiscriminately bombing FATA which serves as a the chief location for anti Pakistan and anti US individuals
4.Mocking Pakistan and its admns leading to anti US emotions in Pakistani masses
5.Continually messing around with the internal affairs of Pakistan again leading to hatred for the US as well as Pakistan admns.....

These must be overcome for Pakistan to become prosperous

You guys are a democratic country am I right? Maybe you people should start voting for leaders that do have a backbone.
You guys are a democratic country am I right? Maybe you people should start voting for leaders that do have a backbone.

but do your govt would like to see a country lead by a leader with backbone ?
First thing first Security is essential so we need to hunt down and kill all extremist scums.
Pakistan in Search of New Beginning
June 2, 2011 by
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D.
Exclusive Article

The military Generals, Bhuttos, Zardari and Sharifs could never have come into politics unless the whole nation had lost the sense of PURPOSE and MEANING of its existence. Are there any concerned and proactive young people to safeguard the national interests of the present and future generations of Muslim Pakistan?

Could the THINKING PEOPLE (if any) of Pakistan reverse the course of junk history and make a new beginning based on the Islamic ideology and values of the concept of Pakistan? Could the new generations of educated, honest and intelligent Pakistanis initiate new political institutions and produce proactive visionary leadership and help to protect the integrity and security of the besieged nation?

In wars, when an aggressor sees the defeat coming, it resorts to mass killings of the civilian population to avenge the fear of the unknown. To pursue its policy of global domination, now American strategists run death squads in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The aim is to terrorize the masses by drone attacks and death squads and destroy their habitats thus creating more reactionary terrorism through its paid political agents – the ruling elite. The cruelty of the American led bogus war on terrorism has transformed Pakistan into a non-productive beggar nation, solely looking to military and economic aid for all of its operations. The army Generals and their by-products – the ruling Bhutto family-PPP Zardari, and in-waiting Nawaz Sharif (Muslim League-N), have infected the body politics of Pakistan with corruption and political tyranny, draining out all of the positive thinking and creative energies of the nation for change, development and a promising future.

Bhuttos and the Zardari gang must be tried for crimes against the people of Pakistan. If the law and justice system is still in tact, these political thugs and indicted criminals should not be allowed to hold offices of public responsibility but be held accountable in a court of law. The besieged nation MUST see itself in the mirror and learn from the dead past, to change the future course of history and to articulate a new beginning – a new political system under the new educated generation of honest, intelligent and visionary leadership to strive for a promising future.

When pretension and stingy greed give life to politically manipulated leadership, treachery and oppression become the rule of political governance in which people are seen as the eggs and chickens, conveniently broken and slaughtered and politicians are akin to assume the above normal role play lacking legitimacy and accountability. Pakistani politics regrettably as is, a venture of intrigues, self-engineered conspiracies and dead roll calls to explain the history of this beleaguered nation. Feudal lords are the political masters, and Bhutto family with complacent army Generals, has been one of them to unfold a naïve and destructive chapter of the Pakistan’s political misfortunes. Mr. ZA Bhutto, the leader of the PPP, his daughter Benazir Bhutto, two of her brothers, all are dead but they still ruling the country by imposter Zardari as the latest example. Alive or dead, Bhutto family has been the centre of political intrigues and destructive problems in Pakistan. How irrational and untrue it seems that dead people are leading the living masses of Pakistan? The business of the dead as usual. A situation comparable to the present day Iraq under the American-British occupation.

Layla Anawar (“The Arab Women’s Blue”), is a famous Iraqi female blogger who shares her opinions and first-hand observations across varied and conflicting time zones, cultures, human conscience marked with absence of time and place; she introduces her major interests:

“Counting the dead in the Middle East, dead bodies, dead minds, dead souls …And maybe like Isthar – trying to resuscitate — the kiss of Life.”

Pakistan, a Muslim nation of living people is governed by physically, morally and politically dead people who cannot change the course of history nor make any difference to the present volatile politics carving a hopeless future. Islamically, dead are those who are forgetful of the memory of Allah, ignorant and arrogant people devoid of public accountability. The PPP regime under Zardari meets the set criterion requirements.

The political elite sees its best interests in engaging with dead ideas and foreign strategies and buying time for good times at the expense of the nation toll of miseries and havoc social and political conditions. The overwhelming occupation of the dead minds and souls is to see how best they could exploit the common citizens or to get foreign monetary assistance to finance the self and bogus projects for change and economic development. The Dawn (May 6, 2010), cites Chaudry Nisar Ahmad, MP and Chief of the Public Accounting Office in the National Assembly) “there is a sea of corruption”, money stolen from the national treasury and mismanaged by the political elite. Would this reporting hold anyone responsible for these crimes? Not so. The Assemblies operate on bogus agendas irrelevant to the public interests and all of the corrupt people are part of the political gambling.

Of all the political and intellectual bankruptcy, the ruling elite is preoccupied to investigate who killed Miss Benazir Bhutto, the ex PM and twice dismissed on corruption charges and under investigation for 12-15 money laundering schemes along with her husband Asif Ali Zardari, the current self-made President and inheritor of her “suspected bogus will.” The Zardari regime invested $40 million to the dysfunctional UN to come up with a fact finding report on the killing of Miss Bhutto. One wonders, while country is experiencing a life and death situation with daily terrorist suicide bombings and civilian bloodsheds and non-productive economy and catastrophic social and political saga, could this be the top priority of the Muslim nation to conduct political surgery on the dead body of Miss Bhutto? What importance does Miss Bhutto has in relation to the security, integrity and the future of Pakistan? What would come out of the dead bodies and graveyard? There are plenty of Pakistanis with living conscience to question the absurdity of these politically manufactured delusions as dead politicians have nothing else to do to remedy the sufferings of the 170 million living human beings.

Once again, history of the British Raj over India is reactivated through the “divide and rule” policy. The American led war is financing the terrorism to destroy Pakistan within and take control of its nuclear warheads. They have helped to make the Pakistanis helpless and desperate to kill each other for no obvious and rational purpose except money and political power. The Generals, Bhuttos, Zardari and Sharifs are the instruments being used to pursue this strategic goal.

In 1857, Muslims in India were defeated when the British mercenaries were successful in crippling them within by their own bribed agents of influence – Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadaq and so many others. ZA Bhutto was one of the key conspirators to surrender East Pakistan to India enabling him to become president of west Pakistan. Miss Benazir Bhutto, her mother Nusrat Bhutto and Zardari are alleged to have masterminded the 1988 plane crash of General Ziaul Haq killing hundreds of innocent people to get elected. The accusations originate from the family of General Zia ul Haq and are not denied by anybody. August 14, 1947, is the only time when the power was peacefully transferred by the British colonial authority to Quaid e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, otherwise, it is a bloody history full of treacherous conspiracies to change the neo-colonial erected powerhouses.

Mr. ZA Bhutto was ordered to be hanged by the Supreme Court on charges of killing a political opponent. By Pakistani standards, the trial was open and non-partisan. He was never elected to be a leader in one Pakistan (comprising both of the East and West Pakistan) as it was Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman, leader of the National Awami Party with majority to assume the leadership but military intervention deprived him the role of a united Prime Minister as it was conspired by Bhutto and General Yayha Khan. Both were active complacent in the surrender of almost 100,000 Pakistani troops and killings of countless innocent civilians in the former East Pakistan enabling them to remain in power. ZA Bhutto did not die for Pakistan except for the self.

Did Miss Bhutto die for Islam? No
Did Miss Bhutto die for Pakistan? No
Did Miss Bhutto die for democracy and freedom of the captive nation? No

ZA Bhutto met his ambitions by conspiring to disintegrate Pakistan and surrender to India and got hanged for the political murder. Benazir Bhutto met her ambition by allegedly killing General Zia ul Haq with 12 other army Generals and 100 or so civilians in the 1988 plane crash and finally was gunned down at an election rally. Zardari has just scarified a black goat to warn off the evils but his future increasingly becoming short-lived and uncertain. It is rational to assume that dead people make no difference to the living creation of God.

The PPP ruling elite finds it convenient to draw the legitimacy for political governance from the dead ZA Bhutto and dead Benazir Bhutto; otherwise, there is no rational political basis which could stand as reference point to Zardari. Facts are denied but pretension lives on that the Bhuttos were “shaheed”- martyrs- a political cliché to distort the facts of human life and history. To any realist observer of Pakistani affairs, it is becoming crystal clear that they are the wrong people, at wrong places and doing the wrong things. The so called American financed democracy has no relationship to the living masses across Pakistan. With 40 years of lost time and opportunities under the dictatorship of various army Generals, dismantled public institutions, devastated social and economic affairs, disjointed trades and commerce, political surge of terrorism, 12,900 civilians killed in 2009, and thousands in detention camps under the military control, and dead leadership, how could a nation be able to conduct business as usual?

Once again, Zardari has referred the case of dead ZA Bhutto to the court asking for new opinion and judgment. The facts of history are the same, how could Zardari change the fate of dead Bhutto? Bhutto met his ambitions and the case is closed. Is this is the only national priority that Zardari had left to tackle before he is moved to the much deserving prison cell? After all, what else do you expect from dead-conscience people to do except to deal with dead things?

Pakistan appears a replica of the occupied Iraq under the US forces. Layla Anwar (“Democracy- What Democracy”. ICH March 10, 2010), ushers words of wisdom on the Iraqi legacy of freedom and democracy.

“One Arabic TV, I am not sure if it was Al-Sharqiya or Arabiya ran a very short documentary on the state of palm trees in Iraq. All the palm trees are dying because of lack of water, thanks to fucked up Iran, diverting the water flow by building illegal dams.

Anyways, they interviewed this poor old farmer. He said I lost everything, except two palm trees, that’s all I’ve got left and am tending to them as my own children. And what does the government do? They come and plaster their shitty faces on my palm tree trunks. He used the word shitty. I suppose that kind of sums up Iraqi democracy under occupation that kind of sums up the democracy brought on by America.”

Layla Anwar illuminates the blog with prisoners of conscience across Iraq, a situation comparable to Pakistan for the missing people – the AMERICAN jails IN IRAQ:

”In other words the barbaric hoards of americans cross oceans to come and jail people in their own country – and the same animals call it Freedom and Democracy. It’s like me landing in that hole called the USA and I bring with me a hoard of men and jail all of you bastards in your own turf. And those I can’t jail myself, I will hand over to leaders of sectarian death squads so they can grill your , barbecue them or drill you to the bone…but hey am bringing you freedom, I am actually liberating you from a dictatorship…why can’t you sons of bitches be grateful now ?! Oh and am sorry if there are instances of a little” excessive use of force” if at all – I’ve got a few “bad apples” in my cart.”

Would the dead people re-emerge as visionary leaders for the future of the country? Not rationally, but Pakistani politics is not run by rational people with rational ideas and ideals for the interests of the common citizens. The junk history exhibits accumulative junk of several decades. Its inescapable consequences have brought Asif Zardari – a known thug and indicted criminal to the presidency. There could be hundreds and thousands of puppet Zardaris and Bhuttos affiliated with such an establishment. The nation has a serious problem of integrity and political credibility. Both major political parties- the ruling PPP and the Muslim League of Nawaz Sharif are the by-products of military dictatorship, not the outcome of the grassroots movements of the society. They are easy to sell, easy to buy- a horse trading show of the Pakistani nation.

The military dictators, Bhuttos, Zardari and Sharifs could never have come into politics unless the whole nation had lost the sense of PURPOSE and MEANING of its existence. Are there any concerned and proactive young people to safeguard the national interests of the present and future generations of Muslim Pakistan?

With the continuing politics of the inherent criminals, the nation appears at odds with the Zardari regime and the military establishments, it is not just the 12-16 hours of daily electric load shedding but the onslaught of failed economy, dismantled trade and commerce, impact of the unpayable $70 billion IMF debt, institutionalized political corruption and daily reactionary terrorist bloodsheds caused by domestic insurgents and foreign death squads and terrorists, the nation lives on denials of even the basic amenities of life found commonly available across the developing world. Pakistanis find themselves in a living hell that Saeed Qureshi, a reputable international journalist describes it “Kiamat- Doomsday of Pakistan”

General Musharaf, Bhuttos, Zardaris and Sharifs are not the hope for the future but dead entries of the darkest part of the Pakistani history. They collaboratively articulated a culture of political exploitation and institutionalized corruption to transform Pakistan into a so called “failed state” and according to the US Foreign Policy magazine, “most dangerous place on earth.” They helped to bring religious terrorism into the Pakistani mainstream and victimized the nation. In the course of history, the consequences of this man made culture gave fertile impetus to reactionary public outbursts and emerging terrorism against the ruling regimes. None of them could have done alone but hundreds and thousands of other likeminded people must have been actively involved in pursuing the similar evil goals making Pakistan- “the most dangerous place on earth.” A decade earlier, the Forum of Concerned Pakistanis in Canada wrote and reminded to General Musharaf (the self made president at the time), that “a wicked person (khabis) never harms another wicked person (khabis). To undo the wickedness (khabasat), find intelligent and righteous people into the governance”, but he seems to have defied the logic of this advice and now living in $1.4 million mansion in London protected by the British security services. The nation must see the mirror or it stands no chance for the recourse and coming out of the dead graveyards. None of these figures made any positive contributions towards democracy or to safeguard the integrity and security of Pakistan. History has a defined role and the present and future generations must give credence to these developments and learn to be aware of the future in waiting, and how best to make a navigational change to ensure independence and integrity of an Islamic Pakistan. If some were alive and you were to ask the Generals, Bhuttos, Zardaris and Sharifs, what went wrong with them? What made them to transgress against the poor masses of Pakistan? Why were they dismissed from the public offices? What made them to act like cruel traitors to the interest of the Pakistani people? Why could they not change their wrong THINKING? Surely, they will claim innocence and blame others. But history sees the leaders by their actions, not by their claims.

Leaders do lead or they are imposters and stage puppets. The criterion requirements determine the role of leaders as standing for righteousness (haq), not for falsehood (batil). They cherish the collective interests and good of the masses and defy the obsession of egoistic self-interests and they are always open to listening, learning and capable of making navigational change, if the facts of life warrant such a change. Western democratic nations eagerly search and patronize new and creative talents and people with visionary leadership outlook and merits. This appears to be a rare commodity in Pakistani politics. To change the adverse historical trend, Pakistan is desperate for new, educated and intelligent proactive leadership to facilitate a sustainable future for the nation. In a knowledge-driven global age of rising expectations and public accountability, most developed societal politics would set criterion requirements and define standards of quality and specifications for performance in jobs/role-plays and in positions of greater public responsibility. Why are not there any written standards and defined criterion requirements for the positions of the President, Prime Ministers and Ministers and MP’s in Pakistan? Should the Constitution not define such salient features and characteristics of the vital office bearers? Is there any law and justice system in the country to protect the interests of the beleaguered masses? Are the leaders not supposed to provide intellectual security and sense of direction in crises, and a visionary picture of the future to the nation they claim to represent? Under what operational system, do thugs and indicted criminals get legitimacy and approval to hold public offices for which they do not even qualify?

Once again, political garbage is piling up but who should clean it? The Generals and the PPP Zardari regime are pre-occupied with the dead business and are incapable to resolve any problems of the social, economic and political gangesterism that 180 million citizens experience in daily living hell, counting the dead bodies, dead souls and the reactionaries eager to die for a national cause, not shared by the ruling elite. The PPP-Generals collaborative network is operating to destabilize the Muslim Pakistan. Under the US sponsored bogus “war on terrorism”, they are actively engaged in dubious acts of fraudulent business – making money by killing their own people who oppose or dare to question their vicious role-play in national politics. The killing of Saleem Shazad, a journalist is the latest reported incident worldwide. The masses wish if Pakistan could be returned to its originality – foundation of Islamic ideology and practices for peace and unity of the divided nation. The corruption knows no bound. Under the military rule, Pakistan has lost precious time and opportunities to regain honor ( “Ezat”) while the Generals lead coercive politics devoid of reason and responsibility – the nation continues to live in tormenting uneasiness and being crippled by the cruel acts of death and destruction across Pakistan.

Could the THINKING PEOPLE (if any) of Pakistan reverse the course of junk history and make a new beginning based on the Islamic ideology and values of the concept of Pakistan? Could the new generations of educated, honest and intelligent Pakistanis initiate new political institutions and produce proactive visionary leadership and help to protect the integrity and security of the besieged nation?

(Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution, and comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of many publications including Muslims and the West; How America Lost the War on Islamic Fundamentalism; To America and Canada with Reason; “Pakistan: Enigma of Change”, “Pakistan: Leaders who could not lead”, “Pakistan: how to make sense out of nonsense”, “Pakistan at Crossroads”, “ How the US and Britain Lost the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?”, “To President Obama -War is War, Not Peace”, “ Can Obama Remake America?”, and “Arab Leaders are Winning.” Comments are welcome at: kmahboob@yahoo.com).
1.Eradicating Taliban & Al Qaida
2.Eradicating organizations which use our land to harm others.
3.Increasing Tax base for collecting more
4.Spending more on health,education,police
5.restructuring our judicial system
6.taking advantages of natural resources.

These Steps could have been taken before itself when Pakistan started to tumble , but they did not ...what does it show ???

well...it's never late for right things .....

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