I am asking on an individual basis comprising of all the non-Pakistani members of this forum.
hmm...that definitely wont be a accurate representation on the general population.
my view on the people
i view Pakistan as a Islamic country where the predominant Muslims put their Islamic values first and feel the need to upheld their culture even within their sects , they will naturally share a common bond with people of their own province , naturally majority put impotence province first before the country. i presume most people look down on non Abraham religions in a general sense.
the culture
Pakistan and India shares a deep bond, thousands of years of history, to me Pakistan is as alien as a Gujarat or a Assam , i personally feel the British shouldn't have split British-India. even if they did they shouldn't have let it at such broken bilateral state. just take a look at e.pak-india enclave map , it was a horrible idea.
my view on the crimes
poor governance, black economy and flimsy law enforcement has lead to rampant increase in crimes and corruption, drugs ,kidnapping,assassinations etc.. as a employable market, in rural areas do not give such opportunists so they pick up arms and join extremist and other factions
my views on government
its pretty straightforward view all the governments of Pakistan as a hostile,ineffective ,paranoid and lapdogs of their military, the military holds key power in critical bilaterally issue. a government within a government...
.....lets just say i've nothing decent to say about the pak military and its past government.