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How a small Russian Company will destroy Americas LNG Pipe Dreams, 54 cents vs 5 Dollars do the Math


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Novatek Chief Sees Russia Matching Qatar in LNG
  • Reuters
  • Jan. 28 2014 17:19
  • Last edited 17:19

A Novatek facility. The independent gas producer is expanding at breakneck speed, and is investing in LNG.

DAVOS, Switzerland — Russia could match the world's top liquefied natural gas producer Qatar within 10 years as state and private projects accelerate, which could also help divert some gas away from Europe, the head of a leading Russian gas company said.
Leonid Mikhelson, chief executive and co-owner of Novatek , said the company's gas output was set to grow by 7 to 8 percent this year and output of liquids would rise by 40 to 50 percent as it launches new fields.
"In Russia, we have LNG projects being developed by us, Gazprom and Rosneft. It would be a mistake to think that all these projects will be competing with each other," Mikhelson said in an interview in Davos, Switzerland, in quotes cleared for publication this week.
"Given the expansion of LNG markets, Russia could have twice as many projects as it has today and those volumes would still find their customers. On a 10-year horizon, Russia simply must build up to 80 million tons of LNG capacity," he said.
Novatek has seen spectacular growth over the past decade — turning from a mid-sized producer into Russia's second-largest gas firm behind Gazprom.
Its market capitalization has reached $40 billion and its gas output of more than 60 billion cubic meters is enough to meet annual demand in a country the size of Italy.
Novatek has Russian pipeline gas monopoly Gazprom, France's Total and co-owner of trading company Gunvor, Gennady Timchenko, among its shareholders.
//Arctic Yamal LNG
Novatek is developing a major Arctic LNG project, Yamal LNG, together with partners Total and China's CNPC.
It could sell 10 percent out of its 60 percent stake in the project to a new partner from countries such as Japan, South Korea, China or France before the new year, Mikhelson said.
Despite being the world's largest gas reserves holder and pipeline gas producer and exporter, Russia has only one functioning LNG project, belonging to a consortium of Gazprom and Royal Dutch Shell off the Pacific island of Sakhalin.
Apart from Yamal LNG, other potential projects include LNG plants both on the Pacific and the Arctic.
Mikhelson's predictions of a steep rise in Russian LNG exports come as Australia, the U.S. and East Africa are all expected to flood the market with super-cooled gas in the next decade, possibly leading to a LNG price collapse.
Mikhelson said he was not concerned about an LNG glut as demand was set to outpace supplies.
"There is big competition between various types of fuel. In recent years, gas was losing this competition, but I think the share of gas will be rising in the future in global energy balances," he said.
//No Fear of Competition
He also said he had no fears about competing with U.S. gas as Novatek's operational costs at 54 to 57 cents per barrel of oil equivalent were "possibly the best in the world."
"Analysts forecast that shale gas will cost $5 to $6 per BTU [at U.S. Henry Hub)]. You top it up with liquefaction and transportation costs and U.S. LNG stops being terribly attractive. We are ready to compete with those prices."

Russia has liberalized LNG trading to support projects by Novatek and state oil major Rosneft while Gazprom still retains the monopoly on pipeline exports.
Mikhelson said he welcomed Gazprom's move to diversify its exports away from Europe. Gazprom wants to sign a major China gas export deal in May and may offer a lower price in return for billions of dollars in upfront payments.
"There is a certain discomfort [in Russia] arising from European Union energy policies," Mikhelson said.
"A steep rise in coal power generation in Europe in recent times shows that the EU lacks a strategy to develop its energy markets."
"The fact that Gazprom will divert volumes and investments [to Asia] will mean that Europe will probably lose a lot. De facto it has already happened with oil," said Mikhelson referring to Russia partially diverting oil flows from Europe to Asia in recent years.

US and NATO can never write off Russia as a Super Power because Russia has the potential of being an Economic Super Power status owing to its vast Energy and Mineral Reserves. Russia has not even scratched the surface of its withholdings.
US and NATO can never write off Russia as a Super Power because Russia has the potential of being an Economic Super Power status owing to its vast Energy and Mineral Reserves. Russia has not even scratched the surface of its withholdings.

Yes, Russia has tremendous amounts of natural resources, including the largest natural gas reserves on the planet (by a huge margin).
US and NATO can never write off Russia as a Super Power because Russia has the potential of being an Economic Super Power status owing to its vast Energy and Mineral Reserves. Russia has not even scratched the surface of its withholdings.

I beg to differ.

If the key to become superpower is rest on Energy and Mineral reserve, then the middle east would have become superpower a long time ago.

I am not saying Russia is not something people should ignore, but truth be told, Russia is not in any way, shape or form to US, EU and China, which is where the future lies. US + China + EU have over 53% of world GDP. It's a long way even if Russia ever get there to be the same league of US/China/EU
I beg to differ.

If the key to become superpower is rest on Energy and Mineral reserve, then the middle east would have become superpower a long time ago.

I am not saying Russia is not something people should ignore, but truth be told, Russia is not in any way, shape or form to US, EU and China, which is where the future lies. US + China + EU have over 53% of world GDP. It's a long way even if Russia ever get there to be the same league of US/China/EU

Sir, with due respect, You gotta be kidding me, LoL....

You are comparing a highly Scientific and Technologically advanced country with Brain-dead Middle East.
Key is one of the biggest nuclear arsenals in the world, the will to use them, and self sufficiency in food and energy resources. Russia fulfills all the requirement to be THE super power.

I beg to differ.

If the key to become superpower is rest on Energy and Mineral reserve, then the middle east would have become superpower a long time ago.

I am not saying Russia is not something people should ignore, but truth be told, Russia is not in any way, shape or form to US, EU and China, which is where the future lies. US + China + EU have over 53% of world GDP. It's a long way even if Russia ever get there to be the same league of US/China/EU
Key is one of the biggest nuclear arsenals in the world, the will to use them, and self sufficiency in food and energy resources. Russia fulfills all the requirement to be THE super power.

the only problem Russia has is thats its man power is rapidly decreasing. its estimated that their population will fall most rapidly in next 20 years.
i still wounder that despite all those natural resources why did soviet union fell?
I'm willing to help them out to increase the population. No issue there. :D

the only problem Russia has is thats its man power is rapidly decreasing. its estimated that their population will fall most rapidly in next 20 years.
i still wounder that despite all those natural resources why did soviet union fell?
Sir, with due respect, You gotta be kidding me, LoL....

You are comparing a highly Scientific and Technologically advanced country with Brain-dead Middle East.

Technological dominance is not something that can always put you on top.

The resource scare is nothing new to any country, if you think they hold large amount of LNG reserve and that would have a bigger say in international market, then think again.

The west learn a hard lesson in the 1970s-1980s when the Middle East stop pumping oil and the west enter into a world of scare, you know what the west do?

Then talk about marketing point of view. Russia sitting on a large reserve, that only means they can have more to sell and last longer, but they cannot jack or cut the price to manipulate the market, simply there are many alternative on the market and a simple suggestion of if they want to, they will. The question is not how much Russia operate, but rather how much they are willing to sell.

Art present, LNG cost in US anywhere between $2.6-$4.5 dollar per MMBtu. see USEIA report below

Price of U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas Imports From Qatar (Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet)

While the Qatari operation cost is anywhere between 70c to 90c per MMBtu The Market is not anywhere near dominant and then you need to put into the quality factor as well.

And yes, if you are talking about LNG Production, then you are directly compare Russia to Middle Eastern country like Qatar and SA, I don't really know why the OPs article uses US as a comparison. US is a LNG IMPORT country, not export, the normal LNG production is not even top 10 country in the world and the OP's article is comparing Russian Convention LNG extraction to US Shale NG extraction... So....I don't really know what is the point of comparing those two in Natural Gas Production....

However, with superpower status, It's not to compare an advance state to a backward Middle Eastern State, but the end result is the same, no country can rise to power by simply account for one advantage. And that does not matter if you are running on a 22nd century technology or 19th century technology. it will give you edge, but it will make that a super power.

In fact, what Russia currently doing is going the other way of getting to super-power, the annexation of Crimea is a bad move in fact, yeah, it does flex muscle but the moment they took Crimea which is 1/16 of the whole Ukraine, they lost the other 15/16 forever. Nobody in Ukraine would deal with Russia anymore, same case happening with Georgia.

If this kind of mentality is allow to continue in Russia, Russia would lose more allies than gaining ground and that alone will not allow Russia be anywhere near any power broker status.

And by the way, I am not a "Sir"

Key is one of the biggest nuclear arsenals in the world, the will to use them, and self sufficiency in food and energy resources. Russia fulfills all the requirement to be THE super power.

I still don't know why people have such high regard to nuclear weapon. Seeing they are some kind of magic weapon or some sort. In fact, Nuclear Weapon is a zero sum game now if there are more than 1 country capable to destroy the world The realization of MAD totally negate the power by Nuclear Power. It's a Pandora box type of weapon, but no real power in it. Because as we all know, if one country uses the Nuclear Weapon, then the whole world would be gone. Anyone country that launch Nuclear weapon, regardless the number and yield, will result to a global nuclear exchange. That is the reason behind "The sum of all fear"

Fear is weapon, however, in this case, either if you use fear and don't launch nuclear weapon, then nothing will ever happen, and if you do launch them, then the word "Power" would become meaningless, as we will all be dead. Hence the power brokerage of nuclear Weapon have been completely negate by the fear factor of the Nuclear weapon, simply because not only Russia have it, US, China, Israel, India, French, UK, Pakistan, North Korea all have them. All those nuclear weapon are enough to destroy the world multiple times over, but the earth only need to completely destroy once. So, the number factor would have cancel out.

Knowing that, nobody would "Fear" any country that have nuclear weapon and their threat, and if they do use it, the world will end anyway so again there are nothing to be "Fear" for.
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US and NATO can never write off Russia as a Super Power because Russia has the potential of being an Economic Super Power status owing to its vast Energy and Mineral Reserves. Russia has not even scratched the surface of its withholdings.

Incorrect. They have estimated reserves, however, the United States has a plethora of natural resources at our disposal. In addition, there is significant amount of natural gas underneath the oceanic territory of the Philippines, a strategic ally of the United States. Harvesting these said resources will be inevetible. In addition, one has to take into consideration the natural gas reserves under the Philippine Trench (to the east of the Philippines).
JEW USA want to steal everything and resell their shit 10 tines more expensive
JEW USA want to steal everything and resell their shit 10 tines more expensive

I missed you, you little genius. Here's a simple little test... how many people are risking their lives to get INTO russia ? Anyone ? And soon czar Putin will start re-building the wall to keep people IN. But of course it will be to 'protect' the russian people.:usflag:
Incorrect. They have estimated reserves, however, the United States has a plethora of natural resources at our disposal. In addition, there is significant amount of natural gas underneath the oceanic territory of the Philippines, a strategic ally of the United States. Harvesting these said resources will be inevetible. In addition, one has to take into consideration the natural gas reserves under the Philippine Trench (to the east of the Philippines).

You think US can explore the oil reserve in the dispute territory located in South China Sea? US and Phillipine should ask China, Viet Nam, Taiwan for permission to explore any resource from the region.
I missed you too, why you always log into fake accounts?

In topic: A lot go to Russia
BTW thanks to say JEW USA want to steal the brightest brains
I missed you, you little genius. Here's a simple little test... how many people are risking their lives to get INTO russia ? Anyone ? And soon czar Putin will start re-building the wall to keep people IN. But of course it will be to 'protect' the russian people.:usflag:
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